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Lives of the Monster Dogs
Lives of the Monster Dogs | Kirsten Bakis
23 posts | 16 read | 46 to read
When a race of elegant, superintelligent dogs arrives in twenty-first century New York, they become instant celebrities, but, unable to adjust to the modern world and confronted with an incurable disease, they construct a fantastic castle and barricade th
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Loved this tale of humanized dogs in modern New York. It‘s like Frankenstein crossed with The Island of Dr. Moreau.

Because I‘m trapped under a cat and can‘t post a pic of the book, here‘s my monster dog looking like she‘s been caught doing something untoward to her sloth.

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 5y
Lauram I had a cat that used to howl and carry on with his favorite blanket in front of guests. Your dog looks like she‘s looking for privacy. 😁 (edited) 5y
CoverToCoverGirl HaHa! Oops, I think you mean shot not sh*t.... 😂🤣🐶 5y
LauraJ @CoverToCoverGirl Stupid autocorrect. 5y
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This is Oscar, my new foster kitten. He‘s a cuddly little guy and a good reading companion.

Scochrane26 😻😻😻😻look at that sweet face! (edited) 5y
JenReadsAlot Cuteness! 😻 5y
merelybookish Adorable! 5y
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ljuliel Pretty as a picture. 5y
effani What a sweetheart! Welcome to Litsy, Oscar! 😻 5y
rubyslippersreads So cute! 😻📚 5y
Tamra 😽 5y
Amiable Adorable! 5y
BookNAround What a sweet looking boy. We‘re terrible at fostering. So far we‘ve kept two and only allowed one to be adopted out. We‘re going to try again after the holidays. Fingers crossed we do better at it! 5y
LeahBergen Oh myyyyy! 💕💕💕 5y
CoverToCoverGirl Adorable! 5y
Meaw_catlady Hello Oscar!! 5y
TheBookKeepers Omg!! 😍 5y
Christine Sooo sweet! ❤️ 5y
BookwormM What a cutie pie 🥰 5y
LiteraryinLawrence Welcome, Oscar! 5y
Gissy Cute!😻❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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At 21 years, LotMD is the oldest on my #tbrlist. I lost the print version for whatever circumstance, but since found the 20th anniversary ebook. It‘s been uploaded and finally getting read along with the bios on Prince and Stevie Nicks.


ETA: Another reading challenge I‘m participating in 2018 is @Marchpane #192019challenge. This book is my #1997 read.

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So I like everything about this interesting book except the main female human. She is truly annoying and childish. She was bearable until the last third of the book. Despite that it is a well inventive story.

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The hardships of a reader #readingwithdogs #dogsoflitsy

britt_brooke 😂😍 7y
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#BookMail 📬🎉 I've been really excited about these two books and now I finally have them in my hands!

NovelGirl82 I loved Things We Lost in the Fire! 7y
Dorianna I also loved Things We Lost in the Fire. One of my favorites of this year. So dark and intense. 7y
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teebe Lives of the Monster Dogs! Finally someone else but me has heard of this book! Usually no one knows it if I mention it. (edited) 7y
teebe Also this cover is wayyyyy prettier than the one I have. I might have to hunt it down. 7y
BookishFeminist @BooksForYears @NovelGirl82 @Dorianna I can't wait to get to it. Dark and intense is my favorite kind of book. 😁 7y
BookishFeminist @teebe I love this cover! @Liberty introduced me to it and it sounds right up my alley, so I'm PUMPED it's finally back in print in the states!! 7y
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What a wild ride! Totally worth the second wave (the 20th anniversary edition came out a few weeks ago) buzz!
This book has everything. Dogs. Mad scientists. Revolutions. General unease...

Seriously worth a trip back to the 90s...or the 90s picture of 2011, really.

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#rockinmay day 30 - #wildworld

Finished this at the mall #Starbucks on my break.

An initially delightful and pulpy hook expands and contracts into a poetic and haunting work of existentialism. Highly recommend.

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#maybookflowers day 27 - #introverting

The character of Ludwig is a tragic recluse, whose research and personal struggle form the bulk of the novel's gripping backstory. I'll probably have this one finished tomorrow at my current rate.

Leniverse That's a great title and cover! 😍 7y
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#TBR #usedbooks

Engaged in some shopping today:

- the Bakis came recommended by @Liberty ; even had the original cover.
- at this rate, I'll probably own all the My Struggle books before I get around to reading any of them.
- Wasn't a big fan of Zero K, but general consensus seems to be that it's lesser DeLillo, so I figured I'd give his more hyped books a look.

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Melmar 😃 7y
bitterbear @Melmar Did you finish it? 7y
Melmar @bitterbear im almost done with it, got distracted. It was sadder than I expected it to be and that threw me off. What did you think about it? 7y
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Melmar @bitterbear this book reminded me of how the media treats celebrities that aren't really celebrities (like the kardashians), I think if anything close to the monster dogs were to happen it would definitely go down like in the book in terms of fascination for the weird beings. There would probably a lot more extremist people against them too, which the book doesn't address. Still a sad premise. What are your thoughts? 7y
bitterbear @Melmar I hate to say this but I found the book tedious... Interesting concept though. 7y
bitterbear @Melmar I didn't like the narrator.. 7y
Melmar @bitterbear I agree, it was a tedious book, which is why it took me so long to finish it and I was so easily distracted. I was a bit thrown off by the different formats of it, the letters, the diary entries, the play. Did you finish Borne? Do you recommend it? 7y
bitterbear @Melmar I really liked borne but BUT it's strange and you sorta have to go with the flow... If that makes any sense... Did you read any of his other novels? 7y
bitterbear @Melmar I totally agree. If done right it would have added to the novel but it was very distracting and annoying... I figured that's why you were taking awhile... I think I might have really liked this as a teenager... 7y
Melmar @bitterbear no, I haven't read any of his work. I have heard good things and was considering putting some of his work on my tbr. I don't know if I would have liked Lives of the Monster Dogs as a teen... 7y
bitterbear @Melmar Have you read 7y
Melmar @bitterbear no, but it sounds fascinating. 7y
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Got this late last week, have read a few pages and so far I'm intrigued.

bitterbear You can start it if you want.. I'll catch up. 😊😊 I got mine yesterday (Saturday).. I need to finish a book first. 7y
Melmar @bitterbear Interesting interview, now I'm also going to have to read Borne. Keep me posted. 7y
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bitterbear Have you gotten any further in monster dogs? 7y
Melmar @bitterbear I'm a few pages in, still have a ways to go. What about you? 7y
bitterbear @Melmar Almost done... Trying to finish so I can read some promo stuff... 7y
bitterbear How do you like it? 7y
Melmar @bitterbear I like it, but it's definitely sadder than I expected it to be. What about you? 7y
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While I enjoyed this book i felt like nothing happened for a long time....except everybody was suspicious, but no one could say why. I finished, but mainly just to mark it off my TBR.

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My family took me to the running store, the bookstore, and to a fancy restaurant for Mother's Day! I had to pick up Lives of the Monster Dogs after listening to Liberty talk about it on All the Books. Happy Mother's Day!

MrBook Very nice!!! 😻😻😻 7y
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@Liberty since you're always recommending this... 😊😊😊

jfalkens My Thriftbooks order just shipped yesterday 😁 7y
bitterbear @jfalkens I needed some book mail to look forward too... 😊 What was your order? 7y
Suzze One of the weirdest books I have ever read. 7y
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jfalkens @bitterbear part of the cat who series ☺I ordered the ones I didn't own yet, hopefully both our orders come soon 😁 7y
bitterbear @Suzze I'm into weird... 😂😂😂 7y
Melmar I need to read this 7y
bitterbear @Melmar Buddy read? 7y
bitterbear @Melmar Do you have a copy already? 7y
Melmar @bitterbear I'm waiting for it to arrive. I can message you when I get it and we can go from there. 7y
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Sensing a theme. 🐶

Liberty I just got the new McGreevy! (edited) 8y
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Day 20 of the #Riotgrams challenge: favorite cover! This has been my favorite cover for twenty years, partly because I love the book so much and partly because we had an Alaskan Malamute the first sixteen years of my life and he was amazing. (I am REALLY EXCITED that FSG is releasing a 20th anniversary edition in May, but I am sad that they changed the cover. But the new cover is cool.) ❤️📚🖤

tournevis It's quite stunning. 8y
LeahBergen I've loved this cover since it first came out, too. 👍🏼 8y
ReadingRover Love it! 8y
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I worked in a bookstore that had a reputation for well-read staff & great staff recommendations. But once, after recommending a book to a customer (a Gaiman title, iirc), he recommended a book to me! I bought Lives of the Monster Dogs that day, but, to be honest, it was a few years before I read it, having one or two misfires. But once I finally committed to this strange fantasy novel, I adored it. #recommendedby #readjanuary @RealLifeReading

RealLifeReading That cover alone makes me want to read it 8y
kalinichta @RealLifeReading Yes! It's one of the most "That! I need!" covers I've seen. I think it fits the book perfectly. 8y
Soubhiville Yes- that cover! 8y
kalinichta @Soubhiville It's being reissued with a new cover that I don't feel works nearly as well, despite being attractive. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M3R1Z6A/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=... 8y
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Love the prompt! #weirdestbookyouveeverread This wins. Hands down. I read it 15 years ago and wow. Crazy. Nuts. Weird. Dogs in top hats, parties, an illness that might destroy them. Man, it is crackass. #novemberland

LeahBergen I forgot about this one! SO BIZARRE. 😳 8y
Suzze @LeahBergen I wonder if @Liberty has read it? 😜😜 8y
LauraBrook @Suzze @LeahBergen If I'm remembering correctly, she's mentioned that this is one of her favorites! 8y
LeahBergen @LauraBrook Really?? Ha! 8y
Suzze @LauraBrook @LeahBergen That is why I mentioned Liberty. If anyone would love it, she would. 😜😜 8y
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I read many unusual / disturbing books so judging what counts as weird is kinda hard but the description for this one definitely threw me: "They come to New York from an isolated town in the Canadian wilderness. Captivating and elegant in their top hats, tails, and bustle skirts, the highly intelligent dogs with artificial voice boxes and prosthetic hands become instant celebrities." ??? #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge #weirdbook

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I read many unusual / disturbing books so judging what counts as weird is kinda hard but the description for this one definitely threw me: "They come to New York from an isolated town in the Canadian wilderness. Captivating and elegant in their top hats, tails, and bustle skirts, the highly intelligent dogs with artificial voice boxes and prosthetic hands become instant celebrities." ??? #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge #weirdbook