I‘m in the mood for fantasy with terrible cover art. Let‘s see how this goes.
I‘m in the mood for fantasy with terrible cover art. Let‘s see how this goes.
I read 34 books in March and some were quite chunky! My fave was definitely the Night Angel Trilogy - I highly suggest the full cast that Hoopla offers in two parts. Probably my next fave was Artemis such a cool sci fi book and then the Poppy War books and Last Night at the Telegraph Club.
I‘ve decided to officially give up on Maas after reading the disaster that is ACOSF.
"Words were another sword for a man who wielded them well." I can't remember if Durzo or Kylar said this but it really makes you think.
Started off great and then it slowly died... I tried and tried and tried once more. Hasta la Vista 👋
Assassins! Brilliant fantasy with some good humour thrown in. And there was only a month between each book's release - perfect!
BTW hasn't that cover guy really mastered the look back 🤣
1. ¿Porque no los dos? ?????♀️
2. Earth bound ?
3. Tea fuel ☕️
4. Magical powers ??♀️
5. Salty rivalry ??♀️
6. I‘ve actually never read either..? To watch, LOTR.
7. Dystopia
8. Animal sidekick ?
9. Reptiles ?
10. Series ?
11. YA all the way! ❤️
#thisorthat #scififantasy
#SFFS #scififantasyswap
Has anyone read this? Just started and can't put it down! 💯
Finally finished. This was a struggle. Started and stopped many times, but I plowed through. I found the writing choppy and the dialogue immature. It just didn‘t work for me.
My back yard for the past week. I haven't read very much while here in Vegas but I'm only 200 pages away from the end of Way of Shadows. Hoping to get though a good chunk while enjoy the view from the rooftop of my hotel. #fantasy #vacation #currentread
Lately I've had this obsession with stories dealing with assassin's. It started during the Steam sale at the beginning of the year where I bought 4 Assassin's Creed games for cheap. Playing AC 1 made me want to pick up Way of Shadows which has been sitting on my shelf unread for a couple years now. I'm devouring it. I just finished AC 1 today and now it's on to AC 2. I've fallen into an assassin obsession and I can't stop! 😅
#febinbooks18 asked for #supernaturalpowers today.... This is part of my fantasy and Sci-fi shelf. #urbanfantasy is one of my favorite genres. So I have quite a variety of supernatural powers to show off! @bookisglee
For some reason, this book was not what I expected. I expected straight up assassinry, maybe something closer a to Locke lamora feel. This was bigger, with much more magic and hinted backstory. I‘m definitely finishing this series
I loved this book from the very first chapter. Unforgettable characters, a plot that kept me guessing, Nonstop Action, and the kind of in-depth storytelling that makes me fall in love with a book every time!!! #perfectkiller #wetboy #amazing #nightangel
Next up. I‘ve been seeing these books and this author a lot recently so I‘m going to give this trilogy a go. Plus: assassins!
#audiobaking I‘m trying sour cream sugar cookies for the first time! Smell so good!!
#audiobaking I‘m trying sour cream sugar cookies for the first time. They smell so good!!!!!
I wish my jellyfish always had this filter! Enjoying the beginning of this audio book! #audiosnapping
So this book messed with my emotions and feels so much, the beginning was hard to get through but the plot and story was so good and the love story hit me in the feels. I absolutely loved it.
*Walks up to bookstore counter.*
Clerk: "Ohhh. Is this for your boyfriend?"
Me: *Blinks rapidly. Replies internally: ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!* How I actually reply: "No.
I just really like fantasy."
So I've already made a start on this one.. interesting so far 👍🏼 I love my little snuggler to bits 🖤 #bookcompanion #bookaddict
This trilogy will always be one of my favorites. It's so well written and complex; every read through is exciting.
I really enjoyed this book. So many twists and turns! Such a clever story teller
I really enjoyed this book, it started a little and the world building wasn't the best. But once you got into it it was really good- I had trouble putting it down. 😊
"Der Raum war vom Grundriss her knapp bemessen, aber die Decke war so hoch, dass sie in der Dunkelheit verschwand. Das vermittelte jenen, die befragt wurden, das Gefühl, in der Hölle Rede und Antwort stehen zu müssen. Dass in die Stühle, die Wände und selbst in den Boden kleine Dämonen, Drachen und schreiende Menschen eingraviert waren, trug nicht dazu bei, die Wirkung zu mäßigen. - Seite 29
#shadows for #feistyfeb
I just recently bought this box set for myself, I borrowed the books from my parents a couple of years back.
Still reading the 1st book in the trilogy. Settling in tonight with this book and some hot choco 🍵🍵🍵
It lacks some world building, feels a little standard—you can tell it was the author's debut. Some of the characters were interesting—although I didn't find myself caring about many of them.
The end was full of twists I didn't see coming which was entertaining. There was a love thing that mostly made me roll my eyes, I just didn't care enough for the characters for it to matter.
I'll read book 2 at some point because I know his writing improves.
Oof I did not like this one. I almost bailed at about 4 different points. The magic took way too long to be explained, the writing was subpar with little bursts of beautiful imagery, and (this could be a problem with the audiobook) I got confused with the random expansion of the cast of characters at times.
⭐️3/4of 5
new batch arrived in the mail today. rather eclectic bunch. looking forward to getting to read them all! #newbooks #newbooksmell #bookdepository
It took me almost a hundred pages to get into this book but now I'm hooked. Hopefully the dogs will keep themselves occupied so I can keep reading today