This one came to mind. I taught it a long time ago--when I was a middle school teacher. 🖤'ed it.
This one came to mind. I taught it a long time ago--when I was a middle school teacher. 🖤'ed it.
At the heart of it, it‘s a coming-of-age story about a misunderstood girl. As such, the ending was unsatisfying to me. It left me wanting closure. But what was so unique was that I didn‘t expect one. Full review: https://wp.me/p9KtkP-ku #amreading #bookworm #bibliophile #bookish #booknerdigans #bookblogger #tsundoku #greatreads #readmorebooks #coolgirlsread
1. Summer of My German Solider - I bought it at the book fair in 6th Grade and I‘ve loved WWII fiction ever since
2. Oklahoma City Bombing
3. Warm Pepsi and Campbell‘s Tomato Soup, daytime TV
4. 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽
Made into a Movie: The Summer of my German Soldier. #bookishBingo #august
What a great book! Thanks to @lahousewyfe for the recommendation. I hadn‘t heard of this book before.
#ReadingUSA2019 #arkansas
Only four more to go!
One of my cooler finds from the book sale (as it‘s signed by the author).
I remember seeing this in my school library as a kid but I somehow never read it. 🤔
I read this book for the first time in middle school and it definitely tore up my heart in the best ways. Have never been able to read it without crying.
#tearinupmyheart #90sinjuly
Wow, this book was so good ! It isn't at all what I expected it to be. It covered dark themes such as abuse, racism and neglect and the issues of such a complex friendship between a Jewish girl and a Nazi soldier during WWII. Really glad I discovered this book on good reads !
Book that made me love reading and WWII historical fiction and memoirs.
1/5 stars. WTF did I just read? Horrible story. Going on to the list of books for my kids to avoid.
Picked this up from the library today. A book to fill in a summer reading bingo card for YA/MG square.