Here‘s my final wrap-up for February including my #BookSpinBingo. I finished 9 books and 2 more sections as designated on the board. I also got one bingo!
#ReadingStats #MonthlyStats
Here‘s my final wrap-up for February including my #BookSpinBingo. I finished 9 books and 2 more sections as designated on the board. I also got one bingo!
#ReadingStats #MonthlyStats
I joined the mg and ya buddy reads to help me with @LibrarianRyan ‘s challenge too. But these books have been great to read and I‘m so glad to be mixing up my books with all ages. I loved this book- but cried quite a bit. #blackhistorymonth #mgbuddyread this is a great springboard for discussion and history with characters I loved.
This is a sweet MG story set in the South just after WWII. The tone & subject are handled well—not downplaying the reality of prejudice in the Jim Crow South, but also not delving into aspects that could be too heavy/graphic for an MG reader. I enjoyed seeing Gabriel become more aware of prejudice & injustice, as he learns to stand against it in the ways he can. The ending was a little too convenient, but still—a great #MGBuddyRead pick!
What affects does growing up amidst racism have on children of color? What affects does it have on adults?
How did the threat of danger and keeping his service a secret affect Meriweather‘s wife Phoebe? His daughter Abigail?
Did you know about the treatment of African American WWII vets before reading this book?
How did keeping his service a secret impact Meriweather?
Join in the discussion when you can.
My next read aloud for my fifth graders. Thanks to #MGBuddyRead @megnews @sblbooks The lesson of looking at things through others' eyes to make a whole picture was a powerful lesson.
His eyes lost their light. "Abigail's a southern colored girl. . . Some things havta be known by colored children for their safety. Mosta our young ones lose their innocence long before mosta y'all do."
? #MGBuddyRead @megnews @sblbooks
This was a great #MiddleGrade historical fiction set shortly after the end of WWII in South Carolina. All ends well in this story, but it also makes clear the discrimination and danger faced by African American veterans returning home from war.
I only learned about the Green Book in the last few years (in another MG book) so I appreciated seeing it described here as well.
Looking forward to the #MGBuddyRead discussion tomorrow!
Saturday goals: finish Thunderhead for IRL book group, start and finish Birdsong for #MGBuddyRead, and possibly finish Caste for BLM book group. I‘ve kind of overcommitted myself this month, between book club reads and buddy reads and all the rest. But they‘re all good books and I‘m planning to read all the things!!
Silently, I wondered if she'd been thirsty and tempted, and if the feeling the sign gave her had a stink to it or if maybe she was used to the bad smell by now.
I like seeing this boy's process of thinking through the injustice he observes. My Nanny would say you can never get used to injustice.
#MGBuddyRead @sblbooks @megnews
There is so much I never learned about the real history of this country. Although this book is fiction it is still another insight into what our country's history is really all about. Handled in a way upper elementary kids can understand this title is a good addition to intermediate and middle school libraries. #mgbuddyread @megnews
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really enjoyed this one. I liked the writing style and the story of a unique friendship between a black man and a white child in the Jim Crow south. Lots of social justice issues to unpack and I thought they were handled well.
Discussion Sunday! Don‘t forget to post your blurbs, quotes, and review for a chance to win next month‘s #mgbuddyread and its sequel.
To me, right then, the Hunters stopped feeling like new clothes and instead they felt like clothes I'd had awhile - comfortable, like I'd known them a spell. ❤️❤️❤️
#MGBuddyRead @sblbooks @megnews
This was a very good book that was hard to read. I didn‘t know about the horrible treatment of Black veterans, though of course it‘s all part and parcel with the times. It‘s interesting to see the variety of attitudes within the Birdsong community. Looking forward to the #MGBuddyRead discussion.
But I say this: treat all folks, regardless of color, with courtesy and respect. And be as good a person as you can be. Simple as that.
#MGBuddyRead @megnews @sblbooks
Night Hawk had a bunch of mentions of Oberlin, too. I tend to forget what a history OC has because I went to school nearby and it was just that other college across town. When I thought about it at all was usually trying to get a cab back to campus from the airport - the cabbies all wanted the OC students instead of the BW students because their fare was higher.
Diving into this one while the kiddo and the hubby watch some Pink Panther. It provides an interesting soundtrack
Loved this coming of age middle grade story of 12 year old Gabriel who becomes friends with a black WWII veteran and begins to understand the discrimination that abounds in the Jim Crow south. The quote is the last line in the author‘s acknowledgment.
Set in the Jim Crow South, post WWII
When Meriwether, a black veteran saves the life of 12 year old Gabriel, The two become fast friends. When Gabriel helps Meriwether get a job at his father's shop; not everyone is happy about it... lots to talk about in this book. #MgbuddyRead
Loved the MC and everything else about this one. Looking forward to #MGBuddyRead discussion in a couple of weeks.
❤️I love coming across Oberlin in a book. 😃
And yes, Oberlin would have that affect on you or rather, only certain people would come to Oberlin to begin with. 😃
I didn‘t realize this author was from Ohio til I checked after reading this. Yay!
January has been a so-so fitness wise. I have mostly stuck to intermittent fasting, haven‘t moved much at all and some days I was good about sugar and others not so much. Thanks go to @julesG for sharing how she tracks. I think having a tracking system will really help me. I did meet my book goal for January. Here‘s to a more productive February. Thanks, Lynn, for the encouragement and support.
Decided to get started on #MGBuddyRead
Look what arrived today! I‘m excited to dig into these for the next two months of #MGBuddyRead. Thank you so much for doing this drawing, @megnews — I‘m looking forward to these, and to the discussions!
@BarbaraJean you‘re the winner of the #MGBuddyRead giveaway! Please email me your address and I‘ll send you the books for the next two months‘ readalongs. (Megnewson@gmail.com)
We had fun reading together this month. Winner of the contest will be announced tomorrow. Don‘t forget to grab your book for next month‘s #MGBuddyRead. Join in for a chance to win. All welcome. If you aren‘t tagged, let me know if you want to be.
Don‘t forget to grab your books for February‘s #MGBuddyRead and #YABuddyRead.