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The Plains of Passage
The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
17 posts | 56 read | 1 reading | 8 to read
Ayla and Jondalar leave the safety of the lands of the Mammoth Hunters and embark on a seemingly impossible journey across an entire continent. Their goal is the Cro-Magnon settlement in what is now southern France where Jondalar lived as a young man. Accompanied by the half-tame Wolf, the superb stallion, Racer, and the mare, Whinney, they brave both savage enemies and the elemental dangers of weather and terrain in their search for the place that will become Home. Jean Auel's imaginative reconstruction of pre-historic life, rich in detail of language, culture, myth and ritual, has become a set text in schools and colleges around the world.
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The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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This was the bestselling book in the U.S. for 1990. It's vol. 4 in Auel's "Earth's Children" series featuring Ayla, an early human raised by Neanderthals. In this one, Ayla and her lover cross Europe in a sort of prehistoric road trip, with lengthy descriptions of flora, fauna, climate, geology, and anthropology. Fine with me, since for me scene-setting is the series' strength. I'm less a fan of the characters, dialog, and relationship drama.

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Cuarto volumen de la saga Los Hijos de la Tierra. Narra la difícil travesía de Ayla, su compañero y su peculiar familia hacia el hogar de éste. Muchas dudas surgen que la inclemencia del glacial incrementan.
Hay recuerdos de las tres historias previas así que cualquiera no haya leído los libros anteriores no tendrá problemas con la historia.

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The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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While continuing to go through my late father's house, I came across some of my late mother's favorite books still on the shelves.

I joined her as a fan of this series many years ago, as a teenager, but I never finished it. The sixth book came out the year after my mother passed, and it felt unfair to read it when she never got to.

That was 12 years ago now. Maybe this year I'll finally pick it up.

bookaholic1 Such great books 13mo
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Plains of Passage | Jean M Auel
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Finished this off on a road trip. I‘m really (still) enjoying the story of Ayla and Jondalar. Miles and miles of travel sounds monotonous, but the characters and their relationship carry the story. 3/5 👣s

Wife And guess what?!? Ayla is pregnant! A cliffhanger for the next book. 3y
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The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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The cleaner of the local shopping centre walked past when myself & another lady were checking out the books at the book swap. He said that there were plenty more out the back. She asked if we could take a look. Thanks random stranger. The fabric underneath the books is an environmentally friendly Australian brand called Gather and Moss that I can highly recommend for beautiful pillow cases, jumpers, shirts & pjs with a native flora & fauna theme.

The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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#3books #thatmadememad
(1) The Plains of Passage, because the Earth's Children series started out so promising, but by this installment, it lost its steam and became a lengthy borefest
(spoilery comments below ⬇️)
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

eeclayton (2) Mad about the Boy, because Mark Darcy is dead. Why kill off Mark Darcy? 😠 It's not how the Bridget Jones universe should work! 😡 See? It made me mad again! 4y
eeclayton (3) Shades of Gray, because it had a very sad ending, and then I found out the author published the same book with a happy ending. Who does that? 😳 (Well, Jessica James, obviously) 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚😤📚 4y
MaleficentBookDragon @eeclayton I am so glad I read this spoiler. I will not be reading this one now. 4y
eeclayton @MaleficentBookDragon I'm glad I could help. I would definitely un-read it if I could! 4y
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The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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#BookMail #BookHaul today!
I think I have a case of #BookSwapFever LOL

Has anyone read any of these? 😃

AmyK1 The Night Circus was really good 😊 4y
gemmorrr I've read The Night Circus too. I really enjoyed it :) 4y
Mrs_B I‘m a big fan of the Earths Children series - I find them fascinating. 4y
See All 7 Comments
vlwelser The Night Circus and In a Dark, Dark Wood are both good. I'm intrigued by your Sleepy Hollow one though. 4y
MaleficentBookDragon I really liked both In A Dark Dark Wood and 4y
ravenlee I read The Bookshop of Yesterdays, and found it just ok. It was kind of predictable, there was at least one character who served no purpose at all...it should have been better. I hope your experience with it is better than mine. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I really enjoyed The Night Circus when I read it a few years ago. 4y
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The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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I have finally finished this one. I really enjoyed it, just difficulty focusing. This is the fifth book in the series. I have been reflecting on what I have learned for Ayla, the main character. Strength, patience, kindness, love, ingenuity, important of being a life long learner, spirituality. But most I feel that she has taught me that tolerance and respect for other cultures is true humanity. We have a lot to learn from one another!

BarbaraBB I didn‘t know there was a fifth. When I read it the fourth was the final volume! 4y
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The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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We finally got the deck furniture out and now I am reading with the pups. Little things can really raise your spirits! #keeplitsypositive #quaranread #dogsoflitsy

The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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#ispy book with a orange cover @Chrissyreadit Can you find a book with an white cover anyone that wants to participate?

Heretherebedragons I loved this series in HS! When did you first read it? 4y
MicrobeMom @Heretherebedragons this is my first time reading this series. I have read the 1st four. I spread them out because they are chunky. I just purchased the last one. 4y
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The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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Spending a little time outside reading today. Still a little chilly, but I am trying to finish this one. Finding it hard to focus on this chunkster. Maybe by the weekend. #quaranread #outsidereading #chunkster

The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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Spending the morning reading and relaxing with my Sonny! #dogsoflitsy #quaranread

wanderinglynn What a cutie ❤️🐶 I love that look! 4y
Julsmarshall Sweet pup! 4y
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The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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Dinner and book! #readingandeating

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The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
1. Tagged book and Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
2. Midnight in Chernobyl
3. 2 🐕 Sonny and Gus and 2 🐈 Lucy and Molly

The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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On to my next read!

The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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I am really enjoying this series and the characters that Auel has created, however, this one was way too long and too full of information about the animals, land and time frame. There were pages upon pages that read like an encyclopaedia instead of a novel and I ended up skipping forward to avoid the large sections that were information and not story. The story itself is still great and I've already started the next in the series.
3.5🌟 #106of2018

TheBee The cover ❤️! 6y
BarbaraBB I didn‘t even know there were that many instalments. My last was 6y
Chellebearss @BarbaraBB there are six total now 😀 6y
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The Plains of Passage | Jean M. Auel
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Sometimes you need to go back to a book that means something to you. This can be a feeling, a memory, emotions, take your pick. For me it also means reading in my own language and reading this series which was gifted to me after my aunt died. It holds so many fond memories.