Good news to start the day!
Good news to start the day!
I apreciate this book because it is a way to help families go through hard times and realize this type of this is normal and okay. It helps them realize its okay to feel this way.
This book gives a message of loving who you are. This is an amazing book for kids of all ages because the message is so strong and powerful. Not only is this book good for kids but its good for families going through life and single dads. I would recommend this book over and over again.
This book is amazing! I connect with this book so much because I myself have struggled with loving my hair. I love that the pictures in this book are vivid and really showcase the different textures of hair. The background being blurry but the foreground being clear shows great dimension and depth.
I really enjoyed reading this book because it it such a fun read about the relationship between a girl and her dad. I also liked how the illustrations portrayed the mood of the page. This is a sweet story and the illustrations only further convey that message.
This book is about aa girl and her dad trying to figure out a hair style that would be perfect for her special day. They try lots of styles but end up finding the perfect one! This book uses color to represent happiness and frustration. The book also uses value to show the time of day as well as the mood of the page.
This book is charming and heartwarming. This story has many life lessons within it. The illustrations are clip art images but they have great details of the characters features. The images have bright colors in them that make them pop out on the page. The images are the largest part of the page and allow the readers to visualize what is going on in the story.
This book is about a young girl who learns to love her natural hair. This book teaches individuals to love the hair that they are given no matter what it looks like. Just like they should love the skin they are in. It sends a great message and is a great read!
Hair Love was written by Matthew cherry and published in 2019. This is a beautiful book that teaches a wonderful lesson to love natural hair. This book has not won an award but has been nominated for the Goodreads Choice Awards Best Picture Books, NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work - Children's. Great read!
Published - 2019
Author - Matthew A Cherry
Illustrator - Vashti Harrison
One of my favorite children's books I have read in a while. A beautiful story about a daughter and a father coming together to make the perfect hairstyle for a very special day. I love everything about this book and I'm sure everybody else would too.
This is a book about a father and daughter who work together to do her hair as her mom usually does. This is a fantastic book by Matthew A. Cherry that has incredible African American representation and gives all readers an understanding of how life is different for others!
Books 117, 118 and 119 read for MLIS class Materials for Children.
Hair Love! 🎀This RF, RA New York Times Bestseller is such a cute addition to any classroom. This sweet book tells the story of a young girl and her beautiful hair! Zuri needs her hair to be perfect so she has her dad help her! This story has an overall theme of family and self esteem. There is a great message within this story dealing with self love which is important to implement in children especially at a young age. The UDL principle...
This RF picture book is a New York Times Best Seller. Hair Love was originally a short motion picture, that has won an Academy Award for Best Short Film (Animated). This story was turned into a picture book and this little story has stolen the hearts of many. There are themes of family, identity, and culture throughout this book, and that would great lessons to share with students. A RA would be best teaching strategies to share the messages.
MF, RA, F, This story by author Matthew Cherry, features a little girl of color and her father, pride and exploration of different hairstyles and how she likes her hair styled by her Dad. A self reflection of confidence in who you are and self-care.
A great resource for read aloud books.
UDL#7.2 relevance to students & #9.3 self-assessment & reflection.
ESOL#3 encourage self-talk discussion.
“Hair Love” by Matthew Cherry and illustrated by Vashti Harrison
NY Times Best Seller turned Oscar award winning animated short film
Zuri and her father explore a sweet and simple story of their relationship through styling her hair. Representation through this quality children literature helps challenge gender and parental stereotypes.
RF. LC/IR. #ucflae3414sp21
This RF -SR book is about a little girl whose mom can‘t be there as much as she‘d like to be so the dad helps out with things like helping her do her hair. It‘s a very cute book with lots of colorful illustrations to capture the readers attention.
For my Read Aloud, I used this book and I absolutely loved it. I think it is important to teach students the importance of self Love and expressing themselves.I also think this is a great book to have in the classroom library because It represents culture and diversity
This RF book was a new york times best seller and a great pick for a partner read. The story is about a young girl whose mother is not able to be there all the time so her father steps up and has a lot more responsibility. https://www.readingrockets.org/strategies/paired_reading El 32 highlights the use of classmates and shared thinking as done in a partner read. UDL 2.4 is used when pairing an ESOL student with a native speaker to read together.
This New York Times Best Seller is a MUST for every classroom library. This heartfelt story between a father & his daughter promotes self love & it would best be used for an author study. Matthew A Cherry is an interesting author who has worn many hats in his life. This RF book should be taught using UDL principles 3.2 (highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas & relationships) & 4.2 (optimize access to tools & assistive technology)
Even after reading this book 30 times already, I still want to read it again. That is a testament of how good this book truly is. 10/10 for sure!!
Award winning New York Times best seller, Hair love, is about a sweet girl named Zuri who gets ready for her special day. Alongside, is her daddy to help her. https://readaloudrevival.com/ This RF RA would be a perfect addition to the class. This book utilizes UDL principal 3.3 (Guides Information and visualizations) lots of visuals to help ELL‘s and ESE visualize hair, etc and EL number 3 (encourage positive thinking)
I selected this book because it‘s a different type of book in my eyes. It shows that you are beautiful no matter what your hair looks like or how it‘s styled.
Zuri is looking for the perfect hairstyle, and her daddy is willing to help. Great book that shows the bond between a father and a daughter. I love the illustrations, and I will have to check out the short animated video based on the book (which I just discovered thanks to Litsy!). Letter H for #BBRC #A2Z
Hair Love, an RF picture book by Matthew Cherry and illustrated by Vashti Harrison, tells an encouraging and uplifting story of a young girl and her hair. Zuri loves her hair, “there is nothing my hair can‘t do!” but on this special day, she needs her hair to be perfect and Daddy is the only one there to help. After a multitude of different hairstyles, frustration and even some tears, Zuri and Daddy may have found the perfect one! #ucflae3414su20
Sweet story of a girl and her dad working to find a super hair style. A book full of love.
I read this one with Liam, he says "it was pretty good. I liked her sparkly super cape."
@LibrarianRyan @Sarahreadstoomuch
Five stars!
Also be sure to watch the animated short if you haven‘t seen that yet, too!
This little girl needs the perfect hairstyle, because Mommy is coming home today. Unfortunately Daddy is not exactly a hairdresser...
Loved how attentive he was to her needs, and this book really showed the family bond.
• A sweet story about a hard-working father and his little girl spending the day together. It's not an ordinary day, however; it's the perfect day to design the prettiest hairstyle! Adorable main character with excellent illustrations by Harrison. I love seeing great family stories. Blog review coming soon.
Memorable line: "My hair is Mommy, Daddy, and me. It's hair love." •
#today #childrensbooks #family #1000BooksBeforeKindergarten #challenges
This book is incredible and if you haven‘t read it - you‘re missing out ! This is great for RA & to incorporate into your classroom along with the short film of the book. https://youtu.be/kNw8V_Fkw28 The short film makes the book comes to life and your students will love it ! The EL I chose is #17 to provide contextual support through audio visuals for body language and facial expressions. The UDL I chose is 5.2 multi media tools for construction