Adored the first volume, immediately bought the next 5.
Adored the first volume, immediately bought the next 5.
📖 Fence (series)
✍️ Jasper Fforde
🍿 Freaky Friday (2003)
🧑🎤 (The) Fratellis
🎧 Fergalicious
Or, actually, the announcement that Vol. 5 is coming this year! Super excited about this!!! I loved both of the novels Sarah Rees Brennan wrote, stories that follow after Vol. 4 of the graphic novels, but I‘m excited to see the story return to that medium. I‘m inordinately fond of this high school fencing team//the drama, the shenanigans, the romance, the rivalry. Such a fun series. Can‘t wait!!! 🤺🤺🤺
(Announcement on Pacat‘s Instagram)
Another « I'm late to the party » series. Read this during breakfast. I'm reading again. Finally. ?
#graphicnovel #lgbtq2
Cute graphic novel! I'm not usually into sports stories but this was well done. I liked the drawing style. It explained a lot about fencing but kept it interesting. The characters' backstories are intriguing and I can't wait to keep reading to find out more about them. Also the boys school they attend is super queer, I love it lol
So essentially what happened was Booktopia sent me an email that said “$8 off your next order over $60” and my mind translated that to “free postage! You should get that financial book you keep seeing on tiktok and all the fence books, most of which you‘ve just read”
Question of the Day: What's something you enjoy in fiction but not in your life? #QotD
I don't care about sports unless there is a narrative in one easily accessible medium (sports movies are great; I also enjoy books where the protagonist plays/enjoys sports).
Tag me in any reply posts so I can see them!
[ID: daily question in bright text surrounded by depictions of streamers and foam hands.]
I knew I should have reserved all the volumes at the same time - now I have to wait!!!
I really enjoyed this. The art work was great, the characters and storylines being introduced were interesting. I‘m looking forward to reading more of this series.
A fun YA/adult series featuring an all boys high school with rival fencers. LGBTQ friendly as well as characters of different races just built into the story, no questions asked. I‘m not a huge fan of graphics, but this was praised highly and I like the characters and the plot. A quick, fun read. Definitely looking for the rest of the series. Art is a mix of manga style and more realistic like on the cover. Kinda fun to see it switch for emotions.
Read these in one night - loved them. The characters are great and the fencing scenes really exciting. I adore the illustration style as well which helps but I found myself really loving all the characters and rooting for them to win.
I need more! These boys are going to kill me. 💗🤺
Today‘s #bookmail is Fence Vol. 4. Excited to catch up with the Kings Row fencing team. And I‘m sure it‘ll have me even more excited to read Sarah Rees Brennan‘s book, Fence: Striking Distance, out in September. So much fencing. So much tension. So much drama.
Love. It.
I've read novels by Pacat before, but I wasn't sure what to expect with this comic. So far, I'm really enjoying it. The characters are interesting and create some great Dynamics in the story. #comic #fencing #lgbtqcharacters #lgbtcharacters #lgbtq #sports #fencing
Read all three volumes in Hoopla. It was okay. I didn't really see the purpose behind the LGBT angle, but I guess it was nice to include it. I'm not a fan of anime or manga, so the art want my favorite. Overall, just okay.
[#ComicBookReview] Fence Volume One! I picked this up on a whim, I knew it had gotten pretty good reviews and was well loved so I decided to give it a try and I loved it! So much so that I already have the second volume to continue reading. The art, characters, and plot were all great and now I‘m hooked. 📚🤺
The library director added this to my pile as she was checking out our books at the library the other day and I‘m so glad she did! I‘m just mad I didn‘t also grab Volume 2...
I'm pretty sure everyone in this book is LGBTQI. And it's awesome.
Issue #11 and it all come down to this, the final match. If Aiden Kane wins, Nicholas and Eugene, tied for points, are both off the team. If Aiden loses, and there are those who hope he does, then either Nicholas or Eugene makes the team. As always, the tension is high and the stakes even higher as the story races to its conclusion in Issue #12 (before it switches to the graphic novel format). As always, I enjoyed the issue. Recommended.
Issue #10 & it‘s all or nothing for Nicholas. If he wins his next match, he has a good chance of making the team. If he doesn‘t...well, best not to think about it. No worries, right? Right...except that Nicholas has to Fence Seiji, his roommate & fiercest rival, & this is after their big fight. It‘s family day at school & everyone‘s there to see the big moment. Loved it as always. Only 2 more issues to go (& then graphic novels)! Who. Will. Win?!?
Exciting news announced this week!!!
From Publishers Weekly, “Novelist C.S. Pacat and artist Johanna the Mad‘s Fence (Boom! Studios), a popular LGBTQ comics series about a fencing rivalry, will become an original graphic novel series following the end of the 12-issue periodical run in November.”
Definitely looking forward to reading more.
Gaaaaah! O. M. Goodness. Issue #9 ratchets up the camaraderie, the angst, & the tension! Who. Will. Make. The. Team? Two losses & maybe, three & you‘re out. Nicholas must win his next match if he has any hope to make the team, something he desperately wants. Seiji decides to watch & sees Nicholas do something he‘s only ever seen one other fencer do. He confronts Nicholas and...did I mention it‘s tense? Great high school drama, fantastic art.💚💙💜
Another book arrived in the mail today. Pacat is such a lovely storyteller; I couldn't resist buying her graphic novel.
Yes, you are sort of seeing double. On the left, a special “discover now” edition of Fence Vol. 1 I picked up a couple of months ago. On the right, the standard Fence Vol. 1 which is set to be released this week—my comic shop had it out a little early. (The standard edition has additional features the first one does not.) Have to say, I love the different covers. Competitive fencing, teen angst, loads of tension & great artwork—a fantastic read!!!
Yes, I did interrupt my regularly scheduled & in process reading to dive into Fence Issue #7 & the tension is thick. Things pick up where they left off—everyone is trying to make the team. Next up for Nicholas? Aiden, who somehow managed to beat Seiji. With one loss already, Nicholas can‘t afford another but he isn‘t worried—not when beating Aiden will be like beating Seiji. That‘s all the motivation he needs! Love the art, story & angst. So good!
No spoiler ongoing comic review...Pacat has created two great characters in Seiji & Nicholas (& with each issue their relationship gets more complicated). There‘s an equally entertaining cast of secondary characters. The tension (and angst) is thick as the competition to make the fencing team heats up. High school rivalries, on so many levels, are such a THING & Pacat gets it and mines it in her excellent story. Love, love, love the artwork.
Apologies for inundating everyone‘s feed. I have no willpower when confronted with so many awesome comics staring right back at me. Sold out the last time I visited, I was excited to find Fence #5–in the midst of tryouts for the fencing team, rich pretty boy Aiden (a bit of a snot really) takes on Seiji sure that he knows how to beat the kid everyone thinks is THE BEST. Love this comic—story is tense & engaging, artwork fantastic. A fun read.
#ncbd May 2nd BONUS: Fence vol 1. A grungy boy from the wrong side of the tracks develops a rivalry with a fencing champion. They‘re obviously going to make out. This is cute as hell and I love it. If you‘re into Yuri On Ice or Check Please you gotta Get this. It is a really cute queer ya comic series and I can‘t wait for the next trade.
Hahaha. I went to Chicago Comics to pick up Fence #5, out yesterday, and they were already sold out!!! I did find Volume 1 which was cool. I also picked up Locke & Key 5 and Paper Girls 4. The bottom three comics—Black Hammer, The Last Man, Deadly Class—were recommendations from the staff. Can‘t wait to dive in!!! If you like comics and are ever in Chicago, definitely make time to visit Chicago Comics—they are the best!
Just finished Issue #4 and the series continues to be a lot of fun (and brilliantly illustrated by Johanna the Mad). Tryouts have started & Nicholas feels every bit of the pressure. He knows full well, if he doesn‘t make the team he loses his scholarship & with it, his place at school. Tensions rise, rivalries flare and angst positively oozes off the pages. Who knew following the ups & downs of a high school fencing team could be so much fun?
Issue Three tonight & oh the delicious angst. Nicholas and Seiji hate rooming together but are stuck. Life at a private school—the rules and regulations, the uniforms and lack of privacy—takes some adjusting to and then there are tryouts. Only three people will make the team—if Nicholas isn‘t one of them, he‘ll lose his scholarship & place at school. Does he have a chance of beating Seiji?!? I really enjoy this comic which is a seriously fun read.
Issues One & Two of Boom Studios' comic Fence! I love the feeling of browsing the racks at a comic shop and stumbling upon a great comic in its first couple issues. This is one of those comics! The art is crisp and gorgeous, done in the style of modern anime. The story reads like an homage to Yuri on Ice!!, with its romantic tension in an athletic setting. It's light and pretty and I can't wait for Issue Three to come out!
Issue 2 picks up with Nicholas arriving at the private school he is attending on a fencing scholarship. Still smarting from his 15-0 defeat at the hands of Seiji, a world class fencer, he arrives with dreams of revenge only to find out that Seiji is actually his roommate & they will be competing for spots on the same team. This issue dives further into the world of competitive sports, hazing, fans & more. Great artwork & an entertaining story.
First time I looked for this, it was all sold out. This time I was more lucky and bonus, I scored the Kevin Wanda variant cover. As you can no doubt tell from the cover, a fencing rivalry is at the center of everything. This first issue is a lot of set up—well told and with solid groundwork laid for the future. The artwork is fantastic and I‘m definitely looking forward to reading more. Lucky for me Issue two is out next week. Can‘t wait.
Only Volume one, so a tiny graphic novel slash comic. Devoured it. Probably should wait till it's completely released. #cspacat #yagraphicnovel #lovelydesign #winner