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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children | 80% DISCOUNT
A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. And a strange collection of very curious photographs. It all waits to be discovered in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling reading experience. As our story opens, a horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children who once lived here--one of whom was his own grandfather--were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a desolate island for good reason. And somehow--impossible though it seems--they may still be alive. A spine-tingling fantasy illustrated with haunting vintage photography, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children will delight adults, teens,...
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Allyson Frayn
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Jake‘s grandfather appears to be crazy, but really magical creatures are after him. Sadly his grandfather passed away. Jake meets his grandfather‘s old friends. He finds out about there magical powers, and there enemies. With Jake‘s new found powers, he can help save his friends. So if you like books that are a bit scary, suspenseful, and intense, this ones for you. The story is told in first person point of view. Because we see what Jake feels…

Allyson Frayn he has emotion, we know what he thinks. 3y
MissYaremcio Thank you for the review Allyson! 6/6 3y
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A mysterious island.
An abandoned orphanage.
A strange collection of very curious photographs.

Great Read! Highly recommend!
#bookrecommendations #books #readers

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I‘ve been seeing this YA novel around since middle school, and I have just gotten around to reading it now. The use of snapshots that are interwoven through the story is both impressive and adds to the believability of the world that Riggs submerges you in. I especially liked the final pages, where it felt very appropriate that I was reading on a dark and stormy night. Can‘t wait to get my hands on the sequel!

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Unpopular opinion: I didn't LOVE this. I remember feeling like the descriptions just wouldn't come to life for me and I got stuck trying to visualize the world. I hadn't read much fantasy at the time though, so I wonder if I'd have a different experience now 🤔


@vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

BooknerdsLife I love & read mostly Fantasy but this one was only OK for me too. Live the format and all the old photos inside tho ... 5y
ShyBookOwl @BooknerdsLife that's good to hear. My friends think I'm crazy lol I wanted to love it because of the format, but it wasn't enough. 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I didn‘t love it either and I really wanted to!! 5y
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ShyBookOwl @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @BooknerdsLife Starting to think this isn't such an unpopular opinion outside my circle... interesting! 5y
BooknerdsLife @ShyBookOwl @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I'm so glad I'm not the only one too, given how popular this series was...I really wanted to like it, tho, but somehow something is missing 😐 5y
essence_dionne I didn't like this either 5y
ShyBookOwl @essence_dionne Haha ok, so REALLY not just me 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @BooknerdsLife looks like we are not alone!! 5y
SW-T I preferred the movie. Just didn‘t care about the book much. 5y
Texreader Nope didn‘t like this one either 5y
ShyBookOwl @SW-T I didn't like the movie either, but I found out afterwards that it encompassed all the books, so maybe that threw me. 5y
SW-T @ShyBookOwl I‘d heard the movie covered all the books so I didn‘t try reading anymore of the books after struggling with the first one. Plus, no more movies to watch so that worked too! Wasn‘t great, but at least I could get through it all, unlike the series. Weird because it had all the elements I usually like. Just didn‘t work. Sometimes you just cut your losses & move on! 5y
ShyBookOwl @SW-T exactly. Sometimes something just doesn't land. Oh well! 5y
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Interpretation of the book title! How‘s it look?!

Moony Cool! 5y
AlsLibrary @Moony Thank you!! 5y
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Ahhhh my gosh 😭 got my first #kindlitsy book! I wanted to read this over winter and now I can ^^ thank you @dariazeoli !

dariazeoli Hope you enjoy it! 😉 6y
LogiKitty @dariazeoli thank you! I have high hopes ^^ 6y
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Can we talk about how fast I ended this book?! This book was very worth it, I read it after watching the movie and the fact that I was still captivated by it says a lot.

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Look what arrived today!! So much to read, these will have to wait a bit, but excited to finally be able to read them.

Bookishreem I‘m enjoyed this trilogy more than I thought I would. Enjoyyy 6y
Stacy_31 I love this trilogy! Enjoy! 6y
BeansPage 😍😍😍 6y
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SydBookReader I read the graphic novel 6y
ju.ca.no i enjoyed them! I think part 4 was anounced alreay which will be playing in the same world but is the start of a new triology if I remembee correctly🤔 6y
Bronte_Chintz @ju.ca.no Brilliant! I shall have to get these 3 underway then! 😂🙈 6y
lahousewyfe I loved this series, and made sure to buy them in hardcover because of the photographs! Wonderful to hear that there's going to be another trilogy! I'm excited to clear some space for the next section of this adventure @ju.ca.no ! 6y
Bronte_Chintz @lahousewyfe it‘s nice to hear how much everyone has loved them. Makes me more excited to read them. 6y
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We aren‘t what we seem. We‘re stronger than we think. We‘re all a little peculiar.

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The first one I could think of but apparently I have a few.

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Peculiar c:


My nose was absolutely buried into this wonderful series. The movie was just irrelevant!!!!!!


A quirky, mysterious and absolutely engaging first entry into a fantastic YA series. Riggs' writing is eerie and Lynchian, but also full of wit and enough heroism to latch on to the protagonist's quest.
The accompanying photos are a marvel, working perfectly with the rest of the novel.

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Started with this one today...so far so good. 🌌

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I couldn't get a better picture but I'm rocking my Peculiar necklace for the first time. Thanks to the lovely @kmdartist for this awesome necklace in my #secretsantagoespostal package!

moranadatter I'm glad you liked it! 8y
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Interesting style, enjoyed this. Definitely YA fiction, but an enjoyable read all the same :)

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Nothing at all like what I expected and a lot darker than I imagined, Jacob is a brilliant protagonist and all the characters are really well rounded. I love the writing style and am about to begin the second in the series. ~Shan


Wonderful book. I was engaged in the story in a way that's been missing in YA for me recently. I also didn't see a few of the plot twists coming which I love!

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#SeasonsReadings2016 #bookswithpictures

I just love the creepy vintage photos in the Miss Peregrine's series!! ❤️❤️❤️

Faibka Those are some creepy pictures! 8y
kylienoele I love them too! Such a nice touch to the book! 😍 8y
Hooked_on_books Me too! That was such a clever idea. I love when authors do something creative like this. 8y
Reviewsbylola The photos are for sure the best part. 8y
Slynn71 The photos in this book scared me. I slept with the lights on in case the subjects escapee the pages and tried to get me. #overactiveImagination 8y
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"The peculiar offspring of common parents are often abused and neglected in the most horrific ways. it wasn't so many centuries ago that the parents of peculiar children simply assumed that their "real" sons or daughters have been made off with and replaced with changelings-that is, enchanted and malevolent, not to mention entirely fictitious lookalikes- which in darker times were considered a license to abandon the poor children."

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"Peculiar traits often skip a generation, or ten. Peculiar children are not always even usually, born to peculiar parents, and peculiar parents do not always, or even usuallu, bear peculiar children. Can you imagine a world so afraid of otherness, why this would be a danger to all peculiar-kind?"

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"Then, a few years later, when I was fifteen, an extradorinary and terrible thing happened, and there was only Before and After." - Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

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Date night to see Tim Burton's Miss Peregrine! I usually won't watch movie adaptations, but I this one looks too good to pass up. Burton is a special kind of genius.

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I wasn't a huge fan of this novel, it was a little tame for my liking. Still enjoyed the plot but I think some more character depth was necessary. Check out my more in depth review here: www.paperdreamsblog.com/br-miss-peregrines-home-for-peculiar-children

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I was ready to fall in love with Miss Peregrine and her entire world, but all I found were pictures that were a little too American Horror Story for a bedtime read, characters that were a little too intolerable, and a plot that was so easy to see through there was almost not point in finishing this short book.

Paperdreamsblog Thank you, I thought I was the only one who didn't love it! 8y
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My 13yo niece, reading before bedtime... Kid's don't usually read in Brazil... Adults don't usually read in this country! That's why I'm always happy to see her with a book!

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Just came home from seeing the movie tonight. I tried really hard to keep an open mind, but I absolutely hated it!! Such a waste of money. 👎🏼

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I've been wanting to read this for a while and quite enjoyed it despite being aimed at the YA market. After taking a while to really start, this neat story of a teenage American boy who encounters a house of children with various "gifts" is worth a read. It will be interesting to see how faithful the recent film version is.

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Last night I went and saw this movie... I was extremely excited because I loved the trilogy, and I was let down by the movie. I recommend that if you have been interested in reading/watching Miss Peregrine, read the book first!! #booktomovie #missperegrine

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Started my 2nd read through in preparation of seeing the movie. I usually think the book is better than the movie, but in this case I may be pleasantly surprised? Probably not, so just as well I'm reading the book again.

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“I used to dream about escaping my ordinary life, but my life was never ordinary. I had simply failed to notice how extraordinary it was.”
― Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine‘s Home for Peculiar Children

“Sometimes you just need to go through a door.”
― Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine‘s Home for Peculiar Children

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This has been on my TBR list for so long. We are off to see the movie soon so I had to read it before then & absolutely loved it

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Since when does Kindle advertise movies????

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"This was Miss Peregrine."

I'm loving the use of old photography in this book - it's probably has more of an impact in paperback form than on Kindle, but I still love it!

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MrBook @BookBabe enjoys this series tremendously 😊👍🏻. 8y
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Re-reading this before I see the movie! (I'm such a nerd that I bought a paperback copy so I didn't have to pull the hardcover from my home library.)


An easy read with interesting characters, looking forward to Hollow City!

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The time has come 😉

Redwritinghood I never read these either. Maybe it's a good time to start. 8y
Elisa @Redwritinghood I've had it in my TBR for ages. But I'm going to see the movie in two weeks and I definitely want to read the book before I do that! Hence the timing 😊 8y
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Well! This book! I did not know what to expect and I was pleasantly surprised. I loved the components of mystery and suspense, the fantastical character and the realistic characters as well. I know it's been criticized for being a lot like x-men, but I don't care; I enjoyed the heck out of it, LOVED the old pictures and I am looking forward to reading the next one.

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Finally getting around to reading this beauty!

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#septphotochallenge books to movies. I was going to go with the obvious Harry Potter but I picked this up today. My sister loves it and Tim Burton is doing the movie.

ERM Super good 8y
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It's been on my TBR forever but finally reading it because my teenage daughter asked me to. How can I say no to that?!?

[DELETED] 2232195534 Hey, if your teen asked it of you, do it! Enjoy! 8y
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For this week's #TranslationTuesday, we bring you the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Tie-In Edition in both English and Spanish.
#elhogardemissperegrineparaniñospeculiares #laciudaddesolada #labibliotecadealmas #sépeculiar

Laru79 I LOVED the whole series and the movie looks like it'll be awesome! 8y
QuirkBooks @Laru79 Only two weeks until the premiere!! 8y
Laru79 I know!!! So excited @QuirkBooks 8y
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whizzing through! ??

"'We'll just see about that. Now keep quiet.' And she reached up and peeled back the tarpaulin a little, revealing a blue stripe of shifting sky," (141). Poetry.