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In Concrete
In Concrete | Anne Garreta
26 posts | 17 read | 7 to read
Garrtas first novel in a decade follows the mania that descends upon a family when the father finds himself in possession of a concrete mixer. As he seeks to modernize every aspect of their lives, disaster strikes when the younger sister is subsumed by concrete. Through puns, wordplay, and dizzying verbal effect, Garrta reinvents the novel form and blurs the line between spoken and written language in an attempt to confront the elasticity of communication.
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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OK, the story is weird. BUT…it‘s worth reading for the brilliant wordplay throughout which, keep in mind is TRANSLATED into English. 😮

BarbaraBB How good you did actually read more ToB books! I hope you still approve of your votes 😉😁 2y
Readerann @BarbaraBB Yes, I‘m still plugging along. It‘s also fun to read them AFTER I see what everybody else thinks! 😁 2y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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This is a novel made up almost entirely of wordplay, leaving no room, really, for a plot of any kind. And because the original wordplay was in French and the translated wordplay is in English, I suspect that the original and the translation are perhaps two very different books. I also suspect that there's some commentary here about rural France and, as indicated by the translator's note, about feminism that I'm just not catching. My loss? #ToB2022

ImperfectCJ And with this title, I have read all of the books on the #ToB2022 shortlist! I feel like I should make a speech. I'd like to thank my family for putting up with me ignoring them for a month, my cats for warming my lap and reminding me to get up to feed them, roasted and salted cashews for fueling my brain for long stretches of reading, and the sunny SoCal weather for giving me ample audiowalking opportunities. 3y
Megabooks Such a good feeling when you finish, right?? I‘m excited to read the judges‘ thoughts! 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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I really hate to pan a book but I just dreaded reading this. It was repetitive and gimmicky. At the beginning it was sort of clever but I quickly grew bored of this plotless and bizarre book. I can appreciate the use of language and how difficult it must have been to translate, but I didn‘t care to actually read it. Kudos to the translator! Though I didn‘t enjoy this, I love being exposed to such a variety of works. #ToB22

Megabooks I wish I could‘ve read it in French because I bet it was better. 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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Fun and clever wordplay in this #ToB22 novel, but not much of a plot, and some of the jokes got tiresome quickly. Fortunately, it was a short book, or else I would have bailed. The part I liked best was the translator's notes at the end which I found especially interesting.

Fourth book finished for the #FabulousFebruary readathon! @Andrew65

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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I finished In Concrete this morning, and although I admire the skill of the translator it was not the book for me. It reminded me of an intricately planned crossword that must have been very interesting to construct but is not at all fun to solve.

In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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So I am trying to keep an open mind here, but I don't know, you guys, I disliked the chapter about spitting so much I'm not sure there's any coming back.

thebluestocking I definitely get what you‘re saying. 😳 3y
Ruthiella Yeah, a lot of this book pushed my buttons with its grossness.🤢 (edited) 3y
BarbaraBB I lost it halfway through and skimmed the remainder of the book! 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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My FINAL TOB shortlisted book! 🥳 I‘m now officially a completist. Told largely in puns and word play, the book was clever and the translator from the original French deserves all the applause for making it work in English. That said, this was kind of a gimmicky book whose gimmick wore thin for me early on. It reminded me of Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn which is based on a different gimmick which I enjoyed more.

#ToB #Tob2022

squirrelbrain Yay for finishing the full list! Which is your favourite? 3y
Ruthiella @squirrelbrain My personal top three are The Trees, All‘s Well and Intimacies. 3y
squirrelbrain The Trees is in my current top 3 too. I hadn‘t been able to get hold of a copy of the Awad but it‘s just arrived as an audio on Scribd, so I may get round to it soon. 3y
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Ruthiella @squirrelbrain I hope you like it! The first bit I found difficult because the depiction of chronic pain was all too real. But once I got past that, I loved the bonkers story. 3y
Cinfhen Ohhh, I like your top 3!! Those are all in my top 8 but not my top 3. Although I haven‘t read the FULL list 3y
BkClubCare @squirrelbrain - Oooo, I hope it is a good audiobook for you. I agree completely with @Ruthiella‘s first bit = tough, rest of it = bonkers. 3y
vivastory Congrats on being a tob completist! Last year I completed the entire shortlist, including play-ins, and I remember how frustrated I was that my favorite choices didn't advance 😂😭 3y
Ruthiella @Cinfhen Glad we can agree! There are only two I really disliked: the Shteyngart and the Lockwood. Every thing else falls somewhere in the middle. 3y
Ruthiella @vivastory The actually tournament is BRUTAL when a reader has skin in the game ! 😂😭 I try to keep calm when reading the judgments and commentary that skewers my favorites. 3y
BarbaraBB Well done! I can‘t wait to see your favorites in our own tournament. I will update the form this weekend and share it! 3y
Megabooks Congratulations!! 3y
Megabooks I gave this a pick for the translation, but I agree it wasn‘t great. 3y
Hooked_on_books Nice job finishing! I have three more tournament books and one play-in left. I‘m working on the Ozeki now. 3y
Ruthiella @BarbaraBB Thanks Barbara! It will be fun to see where Litten opinions diverse or agree with the TOB judgements. 😃 3y
Ruthiella @Megabooks Thanks! I‘m not the reader for this kind of intellectual exercise. But I can see where others would have fun with it. 3y
Ruthiella @Hooked_on_books Four books and all of February left! Excellent work. 👍 3y
Cinfhen Ha, the Lockwood is still my FAVORITE 🥰 3y
Cinfhen And I‘d be surprised if The Sentence isn‘t the play in 3y
Ruthiella @Cinfhen I think the Lockwood title could win...depends on the judge. I agree, The Sentence has the best chance in the play in round. 3y
thebluestocking Congratulations on finishing!!! You‘re a machine. 💙 I‘m definitely with you on this one not working. 3y
thebluestocking I have 1.5 left to read (1/2 Copeland Cane and then the Ozeki) I think Trees is in my top three. I really liked All‘s Well and Intimacies. But, like @Cinfhen I loved the Lockwood. And I loved When We Cease also. 3y
Ruthiella @thebluestocking I really loved When We Cease, but I think my top three will stick with me longest. 3y
sarahbarnes Wow, nice work!! 3y
Ruthiella @sarahbarnes Thanks!😀 3y
kwmg40 Congratulations on finishing the list! I've started In Concrete but am not feeling enthusiastic about it. 3y
Ruthiella @kwmg40 Thanks! Luckily the book is pretty short. (edited) 3y
Mindyrecycles Way to go! 3y
Suet624 That‘s terrific that you were able to read them all. I‘m working overtime on yet another election for the next month so I think I may be done reading any more of the shortlist but I‘m happy with what I managed to read this year. 3y
Ruthiella @Suet624 That‘s great! And I know you read a few you loved, so it‘s win/win. What I like most about the attempt is the introduction to books I might not otherwise have got to. 3y
Suet624 You‘re exactly right. 3y
ReadingEnvy Congrats on being a completist! I'm almost there but I got distracted by a long but not shortlisted book from the International Man Booker for tonight. 3y
Ruthiella @ReadingEnvy Thanks! You still have plenty of time to finish up the list. But I understand the distraction! Hello shiny new books! 👀 3y
Readerann Congratulations on being a completist! I won‘t get to them all, but this one intrigues me, so I may have to snag a copy somewhere. 3y
Ruthiella @Readerann I can send you my copy if you want! Just email me your address to naessa@yahoo.com ! 👍 3y
Readerann Thank you so much, @Ruthiella! I actually bought a Kindle copy right after my first comment here. I have to finish the two already in progress before I get to it. Aaack! The tournament is coming up too quickly. 😟 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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Such a strange little book. I can respect all the wordplay, and occasionally was really enjoying it, but the story doesn‘t seem to matter at all, which makes me wonder what the point is. Plus, my major thought while reading was, “how on earth was this translated?!?” So, not for me. And I‘m surprised this made the shortlist for TOB. I would not have expected it to appeal to enough people to do so.

Ruthiella I think they throw darts to make up the shortlist! 😜 I wasn‘t enamored with this one either. 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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And I forgot this is also my pick for #pantone2022 #northerndroplet!

Clwojick Great match! 💕 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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I actually finished this one in the waiting room of the Urgent Care veterinarian. #HelloKitty was limping, so we took her in for an evaluation. She‘s doing okay, but still high as a kite from the pain meds 🙀.

This was a fun book that really made me think and pay close attention to the wordplay. If you need a strong plot, this won‘t be the book for you, but I like the experimental nature of the story.

ferskner I'm glad she's okay! Those cookies look awesome. 3y
merelybookish Poor kitty! Least she got some good meds. 😹 3y
alisiakae @merelybookish I feel bad for her, it kept her super wired, I don‘t think she has slept much. I wish I would have asked for specifics, that‘s not the usual pain med our regular vet gives. 3y
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merelybookish @4thhouseontheleft I understand. Meds can make them pretty disoriented and loopy. Sounds like she got too much this time. 3y
squirrelbrain Glad you enjoyed the book! Hope kitty feels a bit less weird soon…. 3y
Cinfhen I was totally focused on those cookies too @ferskner 😻Hope HelloKitty feels better soon 3y
alisiakae @ferskner @Cinfhen the cookies were delicious! They‘re from a local bakery. 3y
Ruthiella I just started this last night. Good to know not to expect a plot. Usually story is the most important part of a novel for me. 3y
thebluestocking Yeah. Not a lot of plot here. But I‘m glad you enjoyed it. I hope your cat feels better soon. 💙 3y
ferskner @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen always focused on food first.... 🤣 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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The word play in this short book is absolutely brilliant. I found myself laughing several times and overall just amused by how the author used language to deliver a book about so much more than just concrete.

Although I enjoyed the wordplay, I did find the story to be a bit lacking in areas, but it's still a pick for me. #ToB2022 #ToB22

BkClubCare And the translators notes = fabulous! 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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Faux pas of the day: When I read this line, I had a big loud laugh. The problem? I was with a former client whom I help as a mentor, allowing him to use my laptop and WiFi hotspot for a virtual therapy appt. He was in the middle of his session and I was trying to be as unobtrusive as possible. 😬 Bad timing!

squirrelbrain Oops! 😬 This is such a funny book though! 3y
Suet624 😜🤣🤣 3y
alisiakae @squirrelbrain I am loving the word play! 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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This book is a feat of translation with the wordplay. As a novel, though, it was less successful for me. There wasn‘t enough plot or character development to hold my interest. But, at times, the individual scenes of the casual neglect of the child narrator were compelling.

thebluestocking Oh, and #tob friends, if any of you want to read this, I‘d be happy to pass it along. Thanks to @BkClubCare for sending it to me! 💙 3y
merelybookish You have made great progress! How many have you read now? (I'm at a not very impressive 4) 3y
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BarbaraBB I agree that as a novel it didn‘t really work out. I love that you‘re sharing the books 🤍 3y
thebluestocking @merelybookish Thank you! I‘m closing in on the end. I‘ve read 15.5 of them. Just half of Nervous System and then the Book of Form and Copeland Cane left. Some years four is all I get to. It really depends on my moods and the list itself! 3y
thebluestocking @BarbaraBB I wanted to like it more than I did. 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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Add “basketball mom” to my soccer mom resume. My kindergartner is playing basketball and it‘s pretty adorable. Tonight I read a bit on my phone while they practiced. This book is bonkers. But it‘s broadening my horizons so I appreciate it, but wow 😯 so much concrete and bodily functions/fluids.

Bookzombie He is adorable! 🏀 3y
Reggie You had me at “bonkers.” Stacked. 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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#ToB22 readers — this is on hoopla in ebook format.
I started it last night on my phone (which I don‘t like to read on 😬) and read the afterward from the translator. Quite an undertaking for her!

In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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What a weird, zany little book that pushes the limits of what words can do in fiction. I thought the story was a little thin and it lost me at times, but I‘m glad I read it. The translator‘s note at the end is absolutely fascinating - what a feat that must have been! Book 10 done for #tob22.

Hope all are enjoying the weekend as much as I‘m enjoying this cheese plate, which features smoked Gouda on smoked Gouda triscuits 😁🧀

Megabooks Cheese 🤤🤤 3y
Cathythoughts Oh I love cheese ❤️ (edited) 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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01. In Concrete; The Power of Fun
02. A tie: When We Cease to Understand the World; The Sentence
03. Several People are Typing

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

rachelsbrittain I finished Several People are Typing recently and thoroughly enjoyed it! 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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Thank you, @BkClubCare!! This arrived yesterday, and I‘ve already started reading. Thanks for the postcard too! I love being #tob buddies. 💙

cariashley I‘m just over halfway through this and excited to see what others think - it‘s a trip! 3y
Ruthiella This is one I had to buy, so I‘ll be reading it last! The finish line is nearing! 3y
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thebluestocking @cariashley It is a trip. The word play is crazy and in a translation! 3y
thebluestocking @Ruthiella Did you buy it yet? I‘m happy to pass this one along when I‘m done. 3y
thebluestocking @BkClubCare 💙💙💙💙 3y
Ruthiella I already received my copy, but thanks for the offer. 😊 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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Read this if you LOVE puns, wordplay, translations, and precocious children! I think I am going to be thinking about this one for a long time. Chockfull of creative inventiveness and will appeal to a particular reader. I thought this impressively clever. If I was the judge for this round, Rooney would get my admiration but not advancement. #tob2022
(So tempted to write a review as if a judgement to advance this over BWWAY)

BkClubCare Go Chiefs! 3y
BkClubCare @thebluestocking - will try to get into tomorrow‘s mail… 📦📬 3y
Addison_Reads Great review. This is one I'm looking forward to reading. Hopefully my library gets it soon. 3y
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thebluestocking I‘m so glad you loved it! I can‘t wait to read it now. (I‘m sorry Subdivision is taking forever to get there.) 💙 3y
BkClubCare @thebluestocking - no worries at all! I have PLENTY to read! My TOB and Classics Club are all vying for my attention. And book club! Ack, when am I going to get to that?! 3y
thebluestocking @BkClubCare I‘m up against a book club deadline too! There‘s always so much to read and so little time. Also, I got your postcard today. Thank you!! 💙 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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The word play! I am astounded that this is a translated work (and thrilled that I know the bookstore that is owned by translator Emma Ramadan.) I would love to hear more about the entire project to create this. #tob2022
#PieinLiterature #PieLit “easy as pie”
(I am reading this on western KS getaway trip)

BkClubCare “No grout about it” 🤣 3y
Sophronisba I am really curious about this one. Definitely plan to get to it before #tob2022. 3y
SRWCF That view tho! 3y
SRWCF @BkClubCare lololol! I see what u did there. 😉 3y
Cinfhen Gorgeous view 😍 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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I found this book amusing and original, and actually more interesting after I read the translator‘s note at the end about how complicated the wordplay was to get right in translation. Fascinating. #ToB2022

Megabooks I bet this was even better in French! 3y
sarahbarnes @Megabooks I‘ll bet you‘re so right! 3y
thebluestocking I‘m reading this now, and my mind is boggled at how hard it must have been to translate it. 😳 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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#BookReport 51/21

Three books this week of which I liked Infinite Country best!

Cinfhen Happy Holidays dear friend xxx 3y
TrishB Hope you‘re having fun ❤️ 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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I admire the word games in this book, it‘s quite eloquent and I‘m in awe of the translator. However the story was very thin and couldn‘t keep my attention. #ToB22

(Picture: Lake Geneva, Switzerland)

Megabooks Love the picture! How beautiful! 3y
Megabooks Merry Christmas, Barbara! 💚🎄😘 3y
TrishB Happy Christmas 🎄 great pic 3y
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Liz_M Merry Christmas 🕯️🌲🕯️ 3y
batsy Gorgeous photo! Hope you're having a lovely time. 3y
Cinfhen Stunning photo 🥰 3y
squirrelbrain Lovely picture! Shame you didn‘t love the book though! 3y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks @TrishB @Liz_M Happy holidays 🤍🎄🕯 3y
Ruthiella I have to concur! That photo is awesome. Sorry the book didn‘t measure up. 3y
sarahbarnes I have this one in my pile to read for the holiday. I‘ll be interested to see what I think of it. Merry Christmas! 🎄 3y
Mindyrecycles I admired the translator‘s work, but this one wasn‘t for me. 3y
BarbaraBB @Mindyrecycles Mine either. What is your favorite so far? 3y
Mindyrecycles The Trees! 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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What fun wordplay and humor in this book! The translator did an amazing job of keeping the spirit of the French book through puns, alliteration, and jokes. I‘m sorry I read it so soon after Fight Night, which has me tired of precocious child narrators because this is MUCH more enjoyable. While it‘s not my fav on the #ToBshortlist, it‘s why I enjoy following this contest: it makes me read books I‘d never dreamed of!

sarahbarnes Great review. And agreed! I‘m picking this one up at the library today. 3y
squirrelbrain Great review Meg; glad you enjoyed it too! 3y
alisiakae Great review! My library doesn‘t have a copy, and I was on the fence buying the ebook, but I definitely will now! 3y
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Cinfhen I wasn‘t feeling it early on, but I‘ll try again - not in the mood at the moment for punny xx 3y
Cathythoughts Great review 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
Ruthiella I definitely love the discoverability aspect of the TOB too. I‘m looking forward to trying this title. 3y
BarbaraBB Great review. Looking forward to this one - how predictable 🙀 3y
Megabooks @sarahbarnes curious to see what you think! 3y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain for sure. I think it will be interesting to see what people think as the reviews roll in. 3y
Megabooks @4thhouseontheleft It‘s one I‘m so glad I read. ToB is wonderful like that. 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I can see you being iffy about this. It‘s not one I would‘ve suggested to you. I‘m interested to see if I‘m wrong once you‘re in the mood. One can never peg others 💯% of the time! 3y
Megabooks @Ruthiella for sure! It‘s wonderful that they choose a mix of big name authors and lesser known books! 3y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I expect you‘ll like it, but I‘m curious how well some of the wordplay will translate to a non-native speaker. You may not get all the puns, but I‘m really not sure because your English is excellent!! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
BarbaraBB I‘m curious too. It does happen that I miss the puns and am wondering what everyone is talking about. Looking forward to this one though! 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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So excited for this #bookmail, especially after @squirrelbrain ‘s positive review of In Concrete (tagged ⬆️). #ToBshortlist

I‘m also looking forward to True Deceiver (tagged ⬇️) for #NewYearWhoDis in January. @vivastory

BarbaraBB The True Deceiver is so good Meg. I hope you‘ll find time to curl up with it and let yourself be catapulted into Tove Jansson‘s world 🤍 (edited) 3y
squirrelbrain The Jansson sounds really good too! 3y
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Megabooks @BarbaraBB I will! It‘s for sure on tap in January. (2 more books in the #DriveTo500, btw!!!) 3y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain it‘s gotten so many rave reviews from Littens! 3y
vivastory I hope you love True Deceiver! It really is the perfect January read 📚📚 3y
Megabooks @vivastory fantastic! I‘m very much looking forward to it. 3y
Cinfhen I started In Concrete - It‘s SO WEIRD!! I put it aside 😳 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen it was weird but I enjoyed it! Not a favorite but I‘m glad I read it. 👍🏻 3y
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In Concrete | Anne Garreta
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I loved all the puns and wordplay in this weird, funny little book. The translator did an amazing job to make it work in English and I found her commentary at the end the most fascinating part of the book.

The story itself was a little slight, two young girls who have an accident while playing with concrete, but this is more about language, communication, and their quirks; I really enjoyed it.

Megabooks I‘m excited about this one! It arrives in the mail today. Glad you enjoyed it. 😁 3y
squirrelbrain Oh I‘m glad you‘re getting a physical copy @Megabooks - I just don‘t think it will work on audio. Enjoy! 3y
sarahbarnes Great review! This one just came in for me at the library and I‘m excited to read it! 3y
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BarbaraBB And another one! No keeping up with you 🤍 3y
squirrelbrain I hope you enjoy @sarahbarnes ! 3y
Ruthiella What @BarbaraBB said! You are amazing! 😃 3y
Cinfhen I started this on my Kindle a few days ago….it‘s SO WEIRD 😅I couldn‘t keep going but I‘ll try again 😁 3y
squirrelbrain It is *really* weird @cinfhen, but I liked it….probably says something about me! 🤔 3y
Cinfhen No, it was totally my mood Helen. I was looking for mindless material 3y
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