I enjoyed this one more than the first book.
A summary of the whole book. This story begins immediately after Lily has made her final decision on her divorce from Ryle, the abusive father of her new born daughter, Emerson. Lily is working hard to co-parent with Ryle while keeping her own boundaries there. The main characters in the story are Lily Bloom, Atlas, and Ryle. The setting of the book is modern day Boston and mainly at the Lily‘s flower shop, Atlas‘s restaurant and their homes.
This was the soppy love story I expected when I read the first book. But curiously enough it didn't repulse me as much as I thought.
I'm either getting old or Hoover have a skill not many Romance writers have.
Because I liked the journey to the soppy "and they lived happily ever after" part.
I really cared about the characters even when the 'easiness' of it all drove me nuts.
It's finally my turn!
I've been itching to see how Lilly's story ends. 😁
where I am at right now in the book It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover Lily is trying to figure out her love life situation now that she‘s dating Atlas while still dealing with her ex-husband Ryle. Lily and Atlas start getting closer and building a sweet relationship. but Ryle who is jealous and controlling of lily. Ryle keeps making things difficult because they still share custody of their daughter.
“Sometimes people think if they love a broken person enough, they can be what finally repairs them, but the problem with that is the other person just ends up broken, too.”
Picked up It Starts with Us after finishing It Ends with us. In fairness, I wasn‘t a fan of It Ends with us Either but I found this plot to be extremely predictable with less suspense than the first book. Character development was so-so. Language was plainly written. A few good sex scenes throughout.
Read this immediately after seeing the movie for It Ends With Us, which was a nice refresher since I hadn‘t read it since it first published. I enjoyed reconnecting with the characters and seeing more of Lily and Atlas‘s story. I love the hope and happily ever after, despite it being a much more simplistic story than the first book.
There is something about a happily ever after that gets me every time and this one is no exception! I love that after every crappy thing life handed them, Lily and Atlas are happy!
This book was a welcome edition to the series. I love Atlas and Lily‘s stories and was glad to get to know them both a bit more.
Oh how I loved this book!! It was so nice to see Lily and Atlas together and happy! Ryle was just so angry in this book! If you wanted a follow up to what happens when Lily and Atlas bump into each other at the end of It Ends With Us, this is definitely it! I‘d be curious to see if they end up making this into a movie too!
I liked this one but not quite as much as the first one. It was nice to read more of the story and watch it unfold. It felt like it really tied everything up nicely even though I do think there could be potential for a third book. Love the characters, but in the sequel I do think we lost some of the initial charm of the characters first being introduced and getting to know them. It was still a nice story and sweet.
10/10. Such a good sequel and super mega happy ending. Once again, a heartbreaking yet beautiful breakthrough in the end🫶
I loved the characters so much, this was the perfect follow up to ‘It begins with us‘. It will make watching the movie that much sweeter! I love the new character intro that impacts Atlas, it added a nice touch to the story line.
I am glad that Colleen Hoover wrote this follow up book. I did like “It Ends Wish Us”better, but “It Begins With Us” tied things up nicely. Most of the characters were very likable, especially Atlas. He did seem a little too perfect at times though. I suppose Lily deserved that agree she had to deal with Ryle.
This book made me realize exactly why I take a pause between series. Finishing the first, I NEEDED more of these characters, so I dove right in. Don‘t get me wrong I adored this story in every way possible. I LOVE Atlas and Lily, as well as their journey. BUT, diving right in after the first, I found moments of not appreciating their story as much as I wanted or should and I HATED those moments, they deserved more from me. Still, so VERY good.💕
I‘m going to be honest, I have mixed feelings about this one. Yes, it was a great story. And I was so happy to see Lily get her happy ending. This could have been a great slow burn love story. However I personally feel the author rushed this one. I also wish more details were given into Atlas‘s past.
Characters were fleshed out, and I loved to spend more time with the characters that were familiar already. I just adore how believable/realistic they felt.
This was much lighter than the previous book, but had some darker moments too. Atmosphere was well created.
I loved how there were several things happening and the book didn't feel like unnecessary sequel. Some things got solved a bit easily. I truly enjoyed reading this!
Este livro é apenas perfeito, a mistura entre perfeição no amor e tristeza tornam este livro um dos melhores de Collen Houver 💖
Se tiverem oportunidade leiam!!! 💕
Loved it! What a fantastic follow up to a heart wrenching and beautiful first book.
4.5✨ Simply magical. This was the love story I was missing in: “It Ends With Us”. There is mild conflict, but it really just pulls two amazing and lovable characters together. I couldn‘t put it down. #SeriesLove @TheSpineView @Andrew65
“I‘ve been out of the dating loop for a while, so if hug is code for something else, I have no idea.
Surely a hug still means a hug.
I can barely work social media, much less keep up with slang. I swear, I‘m the most out-of-touch millennial I know. It‘s as if I skipped right over Gen-X and into Boomer territory. I‘m a Boomer millennial. A boollennial.” ~ Lily
I enjoyed this book from start to finish. It was captivating, and I loved the redevelopment of love between Atlas and Lily. It was nice to see them fall in love all over again after going a while without seeing each other. I also loved how the characters dealt with Lily‘s abusive ex-husband. They handled things well. Too many sex scenes though. I don‘t really care for sex scenes in books (or tv shows & movies, for that matter). Still a great book!
Completed the book on a cold, wet, miserable night. Enjoyable read to get closure on the characters.
I started and finished this on a long flight which helped the time go by! I love these characters and was happy to continue the story. All of the emotions!
Happy happy Thursday! So close to Friday!!! 😁❤️
Just started this last night! So far so good!
#colleenhoover #romance #thursday
It's been a while since I read "It Ends With Us", so I wasn't sure what to expect with this sequel. Colleen Hoover's writing has a way of jumping off the page, fueling me to devour the entire story. I didn't find the sequel nearly as intense or compelling as the original, but given the nature of the more lighthearted tale, I found it to be sweet and satisfying.
The biggest 5⭐ I've ever given goes to this book. It's so funny and full of love, but also it doesn't not have any sadness. However, the good moments are more than the heartbreaking ones, so I absolutely wholeheartedly love it ♥
This book is something else I'm telling you 😂♥ it started with a funny quote and ended with one too I laughed so hard both times that I want to read it again right now😂
Ps: the 1st quote in the picture is in the wedding vows at the end😂 and a 15 year old said it as a joke but Considerate Atlas put it in his wedding vows even though it was not supposed to be 😂😂
I‘m finally reading this book. I have mixed feelings so far, at about 20 pages in. My sandwich was amazing!
I think the sequel was better than the first! That rarely happens in my opinion.
It starts with us begins with Atlas and his side of the story. Lily and Ryle are learning how to co-parent, Lily bumps into Atlas. After two years, they still can‘t deny their spark. Ryle is still part of her life but not happy with the their relationship. Following two POVs, both Atlas and Lily, the story shows how realistic and tragic living with abuse can be. No denying that Colleen Hoover can deliver an emotional impacting story.
I‘ve read the first one so now need to see if this is just as good.
Loved this one. Sweet, fun, and super quick read about “righting” your heart and life, starting over, and loving others. I will miss these characters.
Repetitive, uninspired, basic writing. My original impression continues to stand
Surprisingly, I liked this one more than the first book, though it was also too predictable. And, once again, the side characters were the most interesting part.
My husband was experimenting with iced coffee recipes this morning ( mocha frappé) and I‘m giving CH another chance. I mock her books far too much after reading only one, but I think my main issue with them is they read like basic YA. Anyways - I had this one and I have Verity somewhere ( bought for a bookclub I couldn‘t attend) so I‘m going to read them and probably not change my mind but things happen
So, this wasn‘t as good as the first book, but I still enjoyed it. I am one of those people who wants to know what happens to characters I love afterwards and this book definitely scratches that itch. I was glad to see that the support surrounding Lily increased in this book even more. I loved the intervention scene. I also liked knowing more about Atlases past and family life. This book also make me adore Atlas even more then I already did.
I wanted to give Hoover a read because I‘ve been hearing so much about her books. This wasn‘t a bad romance novel — I just wasn‘t wowed by it. The story between Atlas and Lily is sweet and they have a love that is very movie perfect. However, that was countered out by all of the abuse — for me it was hard to read about. Yet, I understood why it was included and made for a empowering ending. Overall, it was eh for me.
My review: ⭐️⭐️✨(2.5/5)
A sequel to It Ends With Us, i definitely enjoyed the first book much better. I felt like this story kind of dragged and was just boring in parts. At the end of the book the author reveals that this book was never supposed to be a sequel but due to a large outpouring of requests to continue the story Hoover did just as the fans asked which I think is pretty cool! In all, an ok book if you‘re looking for an easy read.