Snow day! So thrilled to get to curl up with my Bible, a hot chocolate, coffee, and my sweet little girl for a few hours this morning watching the snow. 💕 What a peaceful time.
Snow day! So thrilled to get to curl up with my Bible, a hot chocolate, coffee, and my sweet little girl for a few hours this morning watching the snow. 💕 What a peaceful time.
Obviously my favorite read of 2022!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
If you haven‘t read it yet, you‘re missing out.
I really liked reading in this particular Bible. It felt welcoming and the intros and explanations were a huge help. Gorgeous art too! 2022 reading goal accomplished!!! 🙌🏻🎉🎊 #BibleBuddyRead
Our final week of #BibleBuddyRead 2022!!!!! 😃🥳🤗🙌 Reading Revelation this week and then, for those keeping up, we‘ll have read the entire Bible in a year! 👏👏👏
How beautifully illustrated is this verse from 3 John?! 😍
(I‘m reading slightly ahead to make sure I finish on time😄)
How gorgeous is this intro page to Colossians in the She Reads Truth Bible? 😍
Colossians was amazing. On to first Thessalonians! 😃🙌🏻 #BibleBuddyRead
Anyone else have difficulty picturing what‘s described in Ezekiel 1? 😳 I found this video helpful https://youtu.be/Iziuvkci4yM
#BibleBuddyRead #BibleBuddyReadResources
A perfect cozy rainy reading day!
The #BibleBuddyRead is spending the next 2.5 weeks in the book of Ezekiel.
After finishing Jeremiah, next up for the #BibleBuddyRead = the book of Lamentations!
Today the #BibleBuddyRead starts the book of Acts! 😃🙌🏻
Today the #BibleBuddyRead commences 3 weeks in the book of Isaiah!
“Isaiah proclaimed a message to urge [the Jews] to repentance and covenant fidelity with the Lord, while also preaching about the hope of Jesus Christ. As we read Isaiah thousands of years later, may we also be reminded to cling to obedience in the Lord, remain faithful to His Word, and persistently remember the hope that Jesus Christ offers us every single day.”-The Bible Handbook
Are you ready for this, #BibleBuddyRead friends? We‘re reading Song of Solomon, aka Song of Songs! 😮 And also Psalms 107-128. I don‘t know about you, but I had to heavy-hit the commentaries for Song of Songs! YouTube videos too. Please share the resources you‘ve discovered! I‘ve been looking for study guides on this book and haven‘t found any yet.
After Ecclesiastes this week, the #BibleBuddyRead is reading Psalms 97-106. I love Psalm 100! This will be the next one I commit to memory. ❤️
Bible study outside on the yoga mat this morning. Now I will start my workday from the same place.
I am so awed by this passage. Jesus prayed for ME! And all other believers! 🥰 Amazing. This is definitely one of my biggest takeaways from the book of John! Hallelujah! ❤️🙏🏻 #BibleBuddyRead
Morning reading at a new local coffee house about which I keep hearing good things! 😋 I‘m reading ahead in John a little in case my week gets crazy. #BibleBuddyRead
Happy Birthday America! ❤️ 🇺🇸 🥰 🎉
It‘s Week 27 of the #BibleBuddyRead and we‘re reading the entire book of Esther, as well as Psalms 79-96. Enjoy, and happy reading! 🤗
This week the #BibleBuddyRead is finishing the book of 2 Chronicles and also reading Psalms 68 through 78. Happy reading!
For Week 25, the #BibleBuddyRead is reading through 2 Chronicles 19, as well as Proverbs 18-31. I enjoyed an açaí coconut milk smoothie at the new smoothie shop. Yum! ?
Today the #BibleBuddyRead is starting 2 Chronicles! 🙌🏻 We‘re continuing the week through chapter 13.
In case anyone else is having a hard time with the genealogies…
“The genealogies of the Old Testament may seem distant, but they are a reminder that we, too, are numbered in God's record. If we are in Christ, our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life (Mal 3:16; Rv 20:12). Let us be grateful for genealogies to remind of us this gospel truth, and rejoice in a God who cares for His people both personally and historically.”
This week the #BibleBuddyRead is reading 1 Chronicles chapters 1-22. Happy reading!
Yesterday the #BibleBuddyRead finished the book of Luke, and we‘re spending the rest of the week enjoying Psalms 42-67. ☺️
Loving today‘s reading! 🥰🤗 #BibleBuddyRead
Surprise! Today the #BibleBuddyRead starts the book of Luke! We‘re reading Luke 1-4. 😃
Today the #BibleBuddyRead is finishing up the book of 2 Kings! 😃🙌🏻
📚 The Holy Bible, CSB Version, She Reads Truth edition
📚 A combo immersion read - physical book (tagged and pictured above), along with audio & ebook simultaneously through the Bible app. Makes it easier to look things up and to focus!
📚Mark it up, baby! 🖍(See pic)☝🏻It does depend on the book though. My expensive leather study Bible I don‘t mark up.
Thanks for the tag, @kspenmoll 🥰🤗
Loving the dappled sunlight in the woods! 😍
Today‘s reading for the #BibleBuddyRead is 2 Kings 8-11. Such fascinating and exciting stories in these chapters! 😃
I love the drive to our local polling place! Today it was extra beautiful in the late afternoon sunlight.
Today‘s reading for the #BibleBuddyRead is 2 Kings 4-7.
Enjoyed a little spontaneous getaway today (to the bottom of the mountain, haha), went to the general store for lunch to get out of the heat and catch up on my Bible note-taking…and the kind country folk gave me one of the chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven that they‘d baked for some children that were here. Can‘t beat country life! 🥰
(Pic is focused on the old building across the street because it‘s more interesting than the sandwich😄)
Spring has finally sprung here on the mountaintop! It always takes longer up here. So refreshing to see these spring buds!
Thursday through Saturday readings for the #BibleBuddyRead are 1 Kings 11-22. Amazing stories!
It‘s Week 19 of the #BibleBuddyRead and we‘re starting the book of 1 Kings today! Chapters 1-4.
Another rainy day. 🌧 Today we‘re finishing the book of 2 Samuel with chapters 22-24. Looking forward to reading a few Psalms tomorrow!
#BibleBuddyRead friends, don‘t forget Saturday is our monthly Zoom! Check your email tomorrow morning for details.
I had a really busy week so I did 80% of the Bible readings via audio, but I don‘t feel like I‘m soaking it up the same way with audio alone. So today on the Sabbath I‘m enjoying some quiet time alone with the Lord in nature, re-reading this past week‘s chapters. Very refreshing and restorative! 💚 #BibleBuddyRead