Imagine Yul Brynner or Toshiro Mifune as a mouse! This over the top anthropomorphic running in joke/pastiche is a homage to The Magnificent Seven (itself a homage to Akira Kurosawa‘s Seven Samurai.) Don‘t think, just enjoy it. Woo hoo ❣️
Imagine Yul Brynner or Toshiro Mifune as a mouse! This over the top anthropomorphic running in joke/pastiche is a homage to The Magnificent Seven (itself a homage to Akira Kurosawa‘s Seven Samurai.) Don‘t think, just enjoy it. Woo hoo ❣️
I don‘t know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn‘t a grimdark Redwall set in the Wild West, but I loved every page of it. For being so short I got rather attached to several of the characters. I mean, a possum in a sombrero with a sniper rifle, who wouldn‘t love that? I wish there was more set in this world! I‘d love to hear more about the crew‘s previous jobs before everything went wrong. #teamslaughter #scarathlon @Clwojick book +1
#AyUpAugust #Human
There isn't a single human in this book. There is, however, a bunch of anthropomorphic, fantasy, gangster-like characters in a well thought out grimdark world.
A fantastic novella. I wish there was more.
Well what a curious book. A whimsical tale of woodland creatures, except they're gangsters and their murderous exploits are described in gory detail. Weirdly entertaining.
#ReadHarder challenge 7: a book in which an animal or inanimate object is a point of view character
I thought this was okay. It was short. I‘m not a huge anti-hero fan, but this is good for that if you‘re into t. The writing got tighter and it‘s obvious the author finds himself amusing. The second for my newest round of #tbr20
I really, really, really want to like this book. It‘s been pitched to me as a gritty Redwall, and I loved Redwall growing up. But the writing is exceptionally bad so far. My teacher self wants to take a pen to these awkward sentences - perhaps all the more noticeable since I just finished The Bear and the Nightingale, which is beautiful prose. I‘ll update on whether I bail or nah.
This novella is the literary equivalent of a sawed-off shotgun, short and packing a brutal punch.
The Captain, a mouse made of gristle and vengeance, gets the band back together to take down the evil skunk and his puppet on the throne. Lovable animals and a bit of the old ultraviolence. So good, this book.
While the actual cover has a medieval vibe, this is very much a Western as illustrated by the awesome image above.
I know that is a big block of text up there but it is about Cinnabar the gunslinging salamander and you should read it in case you doubted that my #currentread was awesome.
While Cinnabar is cool, no one in this book is cooler than Boudica the sniper possum. #BoudicaRules
YOU GUYS! My #currentread features a possum with a sniper rifle and a sombrero and I don't know if I've ever loved a character like I love her. #BoudicaRules
This book is playing the One of the Characters You Love is a Traitor game and I can't even handle it. #PleaseDontLetItBeBoudica
*sigh* Two so-so books in a row. I'm counting on this quick and gritty little book to break the streak.
Billed as The Wind in the Willows if adapted by Quentin Tarantino.
How can that not be amazing?
This was an enjoyable novella where all the characters are animals. I wouldn't mind seeing the author do more with this little world he created.
Wanna get your heart ripped out by anthropomorphic animals? Wanna take a master-class in character building? Wanna see how grimdark works in a western setting? Wanna read an amazing novella by a greatly underrated author?
You know you want to...read this now.