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Poetic Edda
Poetic Edda | Carolyne Larrington
13 posts | 12 read | 32 to read
"She sees, coming up a second time, earth from the ocean, eternally green;the waterfalls plunge, an eagle soars above them, over the mountain hunting fish." After the terrible conflagration of Ragnarok, the earth rises serenely again from the ocean, and life is renewed. The Poetic Edda begins with The Seeress's Prophecy which recounts the creation of the world, and looks forward to its destruction and rebirth. In this great collection of Norse-Icelandic mythological and heroic poetry, the exploits of gods and humans are related. The one-eyed Odin, red-bearded Thor, Loki the trickster, the lovely goddesses, and the giants who are their enemies walk beside the heroic Helgi, Sigurd the Dragon-Slayer, Brynhild the shield-maiden, and the implacable Gudrun. This translation also features the quest-poem The Lay of Svipdag and The Waking of Angantyr, in which a girl faces down her dead father to retrieve his sword. Comic, tragic, instructive, grandiose, witty, and profound, the poems of the Edda have influenced artists from Wagner to Tolkien and speak to us as freely as when they were first written down seven hundred and fifty years ago.
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Poetic Edda | Carolyne Larrington
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It was good to tick this one off my TBR, though it was more than just a tick-box exercise as I did enjoy it for itself.
The earlier poems are more mystical and esoteric, being prophecies of the gods and gnomic sayings for good conduct, surprisingly abstemious in respect of alcohol, and sadly misogynistic in parts. The later poems deal more with human heroes and dynastic strife. While some of the women here are marriage pawns, many are warriors ⬇️

Bookwomble ... (shield maidens), and they are fierce and forces to be reckoned with in their own right.
One of the roots of Tolkien's legendarium, so another strand of interest there. 4⭐
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Poetic Edda | Carolyne Larrington
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"With a hell-bent hand she loosed the dogs;
hurled before the hall doors a flaming brand; wakening the house servants,
the bride made them pay for her brothers.

She gave to the fire all who were in there,
who after the death of Gunnar and Hogni had come from Myrkheim;
the ancient timbers fell, the temples went up in smoke,
the estates of Budli's descendants, shield-maids inside
burnt up, their lives stopped, they sank into the hot fire."

Bookwomble Gudrun takes her ape-shittery up a notch and murders everybody! including herself! 🔥💀🔥 At least she seems to have spared the dogs.
Apologies for the spoilers, but it has been over a thousand years since first publication 🙃
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble I‘m sure the cut off for spoilers is well past a thousand years. Everyone should know who Keyser Söze is by now 3w
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Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja Probably so, just don't tell me how the Epic of Gilgamesh ends! 🙉 3w
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble Ay! You‘re a well read gentleman, Wombie, I know nothing about the epic of Gilgamesh so, naturally, I went off on a shallow dive. I found this while poking around and found it was interesting, especially in light of our recent use of AI to generate pictures. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/12/books/booksupdate/ai-ancient-tablets-gilgames... 3w
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja Not so much well read as old! 😄 The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest piece of literature to have survived, hence my little joke about spoilers. I can't get past the NYT login, but that looks like a fascinating article. I'll try to find it reported elsewhere 🙂 3w
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble Yes, i sensed the joke and guessed it was an ancient text but I didn‘t know anything about it…The article, in a nut shell, says the tale is 30% unfinished but there‘s tablets spread across museums over the world revealing more of the tale. AI is being used to decipher them 3w
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja I found a couple of articles I could read. I like this one, explaining that the sequence alignment algorithms used to reconstruct DNA strands have been adapted to identify and reconstruct fragmentary cuneiform texts. What a fabulous meeting of the most ancient and most modern writing technologies! https://theconversation.com/ai-is-helping-us-read-ancient-mesopotamian-literatur... 3w
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble Those ancient Mesopotamians with their styluses and tablets (edited) 3w
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja I love Gilgamesh - he's the most ancient human (historical or fictional) we have a detailed account of, and his concerns are the perennial ones of free will, the adventurous spirit, the quest for knowledge, friendship, mortality, and grief. The story of the universal flood given here predates the biblical account by millennia, and the name of the Babylonian flood survivor, Utnapishtim, when transliterated into Hebrew gives Noah! 3w
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble I guess the bible is just a collection of greatest hits tales, plagiarized and made into a post-ancient self help book. 3w
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja There's a lot of relevant thought in it, and other religious texts, as long, I think, that you don't get mired in a single, inflexible perspective - dogma is stultifying. 3w
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble Agreed! Let‘s not wax theological…..on this occasion 🤭 3w
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Poetic Edda | Carolyne Larrington
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"The bright-faced woman darted about, bringing drink,
the terrible woman, to the nobles; she brought morsels with the ale
for the pale-faced men, reluctantly; then she told Atli his shame.

'Your own sons' - sharer-out of swords -
hearts, corpse-bloody, you are chewing up with honey;
you are filling your stomach, proud lord, with dead human flesh,
eating it as ale-appetizers and sending it to the high seat."

Bookwomble Wow! And I thought Medea's anger at Jason for infidelity was extreme, but Gudrun's fury towards Atli for killing her brothers takes infanticide to the next level! 3w
dabbe 😱😱😱 3w
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Poetic Edda | Carolyne Larrington
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"I expect a wolf when I see his ears."

A quote about knowing a wrong 'un when you see a wrong 'un from the Lay of Fafnir, a story about how the lust for wealth and power ends in much suffering. It's quite an ancient story; not sure that it has any relevance for the modern age. ?

Poetic Edda | Carolyne Larrington
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"Hearing I ask from all the tribes,
greater and lesser, the offspring of Heimdall;
Father of the Slain, you wished me well to declare living beings' ancient stories, those I remember from further back."

- Voluspa (The Seeress's Prophecy)

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

Poetic Edda | Carolyne Larrington
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"It isn't as good as it's said to be,
ale, for the sons of men;
for the more a man drinks, the less he knows about his own mind.
The forgetfulness-heron it's called
who hovers over ale -drinking;
he steals a man's mind.
That's the best about ale-drinking that afterwards
every man gets his mind back again.
Let no man hold onto the cup, but drink mead in moderation,
let him say what's necessary or be silent;
no man will scold you

Bookwomble ... because you go off early to bed."

These lines from "Sayings of the High One" confound my stereotyped view of the viking ideal as roistering indulgers in copious amounts of alcohol, though I suppose the High One's admonition was needed because that actually was the case ??
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Poetic Edda | Carolyne Larrington
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I've read retellings of these stories since I was a kid, and I read the Prose Edda a few years ago, so feeling it was time to read the Poetic Edda. This Oxford World's Classics edition looks like it has good explanatory notes, but not too extensive for the dilettante reader that I am.
#BookmarkMatching Accidentally, a reasonable colour match to the book with this bookmark showing Nordic artefacts, which I bought from the Jorvic Viking Museum 🔖

TrishB Bookmark appreciation 👏🏻 2mo
Cathythoughts Perfect photo 🩵 2mo
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The Poetic Edda: The Elder Edda | Anonymous, Benjamin Thorpe

It's like the prose edda but they are written more like poetry? Some parts dull as hell where they re-tell the same story 19 times (Sigmund!!!)

The Poetic Edda | Lee Milton Hollander
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Spent my afternoon crafting some succulent containers and book shopping. The plants are fake, and the books are real! Was also listening to my audiobook, which is a really intense mystery.
#bookshopping #audiocrafting #fakesucculents #creativereuse #bookhaul #propsforphotos #propsforblogphotos #decorateonthecheap #easypeasy #bookblogger #fightevilreadmore

BarbaraTheBibliophage @booksandsympathy This is how they came out. I‘m very pleased! 5y
JennyM They look fantastic! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen I think I found a book from those early years of Israel today. 5y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @JennyM Thank you! It was super easy and cheap. 5y
Jee_HookedOnBookz They're beautiful! 5y
booksandsympathy They turned out great! ❤️ 5y
mrp27 They look great! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @booksandsympathy @mrp27 Thanks—I‘m pretty pleased! 5y
Leftcoastzen The succulent projects look great. Good job! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Leftcoastzen Thanks—I can only do really easy crafts! 5y
Cinfhen It‘s meant to be good, Barbara!! I‘ll wait to hear your thoughts 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @gradcat Here‘s a shot of the finished product! 5y
gradcat Omigod—and here they are!! I love those...maybe I could do some (however, no green thumb AT ALL here)! 👍❤️ 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @gradcat You don‘t need a green thumb—the little plants are made of plastic! Basically just a bit of real dirt at the bottom, then some sand, pebbles, moss and the plants. Super easy, really! 5y
gradcat Those are plastic?!? They look so real! Okay, now I have a project! Thank you so much for this...they really are very nice looking. 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @gradcat Have fun! ♥️ 5y
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Elder Edda | Anonymous
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My first and probably not last #blameMrBook purchase. When @MrBook shared this a month or two ago (I'm behind) I immediately closed Litsy and hit Book Depository's site to buy it. A gorgeous cover (aside from that darn sticker) AND inspired The Hobbit. How could I not?! Unfortunately for my wallet and TBR pile, it looked like there were others in this Penguin series. I guess I need to acquire those too. 💸#blamelitsy

Sace I am soooo lucky there are no links to book purchasing places on Litsy. It's one of the reasons I stay away from the Goodreads app. No self control. 7y
MrBook WOOHOO!!!! 😆😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Hope too enjoy it!!! 7y
jen_hayes7 @RestlessFickleBookSlut AGREED! I would get myself into so much trouble. I have zero willpower. 7y
jen_hayes7 @MrBook Thank you!! Keep the temptation posts coming!! (I might have to get a second job to support the habit, but it'd be worth it. 😝) 7y
MrBook My utmost pleasure. *bows* 7y
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Elder Edda | Anonymous
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#TBRtemptation post 3! Not only was this an inspiration for Tolkien and his creation of the Middle Earth mythology, but it still influences many writers today, including Neil Gaiman. This is a compilation of Nordic, primarily Icelandic, myths. It's as tangible a link to iconic authorial and cinematic inspiration as you're going to find. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

Lcsmcat Love that cover! 7y
Moray_Reads I had this in my hand yesterday but I forced myself to put it down. Until payday. 7y
brilliantglow I have the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda but I have never heard of the Elder Edda. Looks like one I need to add to my personal library though. 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Interesting and pretty! 7y
PirateJenny It's part of a series Penguin did of the works that inspired Tolkien (they left out the Kalevala though--I think the emphasis is specifically on northern works. The Kalevala isn't really classified as northern because people are weird. No, I know it has to do with language.) 😊 7y
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Well, looking around my bookcases, I have a sever lack of short stories. However, I did find this gem! Nordic poems are close enough for the challenge, right? 😂
#somethingforsept #shortstories

quirkyreader I love the Nordic ballads. I definitely must if I have two different versions of the Song of Roland. 8y
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Elder Edda | Anonymous
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Icelandic sagas for ya!