Is #SmuttyThrillers a thing???!!? Im not sure how to review this book. #UnpopularOpinion
Twisted,tawdry & diabolical ~ it just didn‘t work for me.
Is #SmuttyThrillers a thing???!!? Im not sure how to review this book. #UnpopularOpinion
Twisted,tawdry & diabolical ~ it just didn‘t work for me.
Skimming through my #Kindle and this book caught my eye. I bought it on a whim when it was a #KindleDeal 🙃#pop22 #ABookYouKnowNothingAbout It‘s good!!
I‘m not sure what I was expecting but this memoir was full of surprises. Omar Sharif Jr reflects on growing up as the grandson of iconic Egyptian film star Omar Sharif while also being raised by his maternal Jewish grandparents, both of whom were Holocaust survivors. Raised in Montreal, Sharif (half Muslim) attended Jewish Day school, had a Bar Mitzvah, affectionately called his grandparents Bubbi & Zaide and hid from EVERYONE that he was gay.👇🏼
A random find at the BN sale, this story about a married Malaysian couple navigating the tech world in NYC wasn‘t what I expected.
Edwina came home from work one day to find her husband had packed up and left. As she searches for him, she writes an unnamed therapist trying to deal with her mother issues, green card/work problems, AND retrace why Marlin left.
The idea of the book is interesting but the execution is just so-so.
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#pop22 #abookyouknownothingabout
I seem to be on a roll with Italian novels! Such great writing. It‘s got a very meta/ post-modern style… the main character being an author writing a novel, that is THIS novel. It could have been really pretentious yet the definitely unreliable narrator, manages to be just self-aware and honest enough, to remain compelling. (Continued in the comments….)
An excellent YA graphic novel about experiencing the cruelty other children and becoming capable of, and overcoming that. #Booked2022 #SetInACanadianProvince #PopSugar2022 #ABookYouKnowNothingAbout #Pantone2022 #FragileSprout #WinterGames2022 #TeamGameSleighers
Mary, the 83 year old woman whom I volunteered with at the bookshop this morning insisted I MUST read this book. I literally have NO IDEA what it‘s about and now I own it. Will use it for #pop22 #ABookYouKnowNothingAbout 😉