Dang it! I forgot to post yesterday but here are some random favorites today. I would likely pick different ones tomorrow....#augustphotochallenge #alltimefavebooks
Dang it! I forgot to post yesterday but here are some random favorites today. I would likely pick different ones tomorrow....#augustphotochallenge #alltimefavebooks
I'm a day behind on my #augustphotochallenge but here are some of my #alltimefavebooks (at least the ones I own in print editions!) Most of these have been my favorites for at least 15 years (Daisy Fay, I Capture the Castle, Girl, Feeling Sorry for Celia, This Lullaby, Perfect, Light a Penny Candle, Summer Sisters, Crocodile on the Sandbank, and Key of Valor) #augustofpages
#alltimefavebooks @TheSpinecrackersBookClub I read it for the first time when I was the same age as the protagonist and it was the first time I felt like the main character really understood me. This was the cover of the edition I read that first time.
Don't have access to most of my books since I'm still on break, so created a virtual collage of my #alltimefavebooks for the #augustphotochallenge. Tamora Pierce's Alanna was the book that hooked me as a reader. Unbeknownst to my teachers, I even used it for a book report two years in a row in elementary school. 😂
Breaking my week day social media posting fast because I couldn't resist this one #alltimefavebooks #augustphotochallenge
I have a confession to make: I am not big on re-reading books. Still, as greedy as I am for new bookish experiences, I have managed to read Portrait several times. Almost in tatters, it has been on my bedside table for many years so I think it may be the only book that qualifies for #augustofpages #augustphotochallenge #day9 #alltimefavebooks @TheSpinecrackersBookClub
"My skin is kind of sort of brownish / Pinkish yellowish white. / my eyes are greyish blueish green, / But I'm told they look orange at night. / My hair is redish blondish brown, / But it's silver when it's wet. / And all the colors I am inside / Have not been invented yet." Shel Silverstein, the first author I ever fell in love with?#AugustOfPages #AugustPhotoChallenge #AllTimeFaveBooks I couldn't fit it all, but here are few of my favorites!
A peek of some of the books that have "...taken up residence in my soul" throughout the years. Some of these are favorite authors, favorite series, old favorites from when I was young and more. Most of these have been read several times and I fall in love with them again every time. #nationalbookloversday #alltimefavebooks
#augustofpages #alltimefavebooks also include Pride and Prejudice, the dictionary, and a well used cookbook. #bookphotochallenge
One of my favorite things about reading is that every new book I pick up is a potential future favorite. Here are a few (not even close to all) that have made the "favorites" list over the years. #augustphotochallenge #day9 #alltimefavebooks