1 Wade in the Water 📖 96 pages
2 Les Miserables 📖 908 pages
3 Macbeth 📖 copyright 1992 original publication 1623
4 Imaginary Friend 📖 October 1, 2019
#BookQuestion #est @ljuliel
1 Wade in the Water 📖 96 pages
2 Les Miserables 📖 908 pages
3 Macbeth 📖 copyright 1992 original publication 1623
4 Imaginary Friend 📖 October 1, 2019
#BookQuestion #est @ljuliel
#BookQuestion #EST @ljuliel
Shortest book I‘ve read? I‘ve read many comic books which average 22 pages, but I‘ll go with Detective #477, which turned out to be a reprint of a book I already had with only 5 pages of new material!
Longest book I‘ve read? Right now it‘s Oathbringer at 1,306 pages, but I‘m currently reading the uncut version of The Stand at 1,439 pages!
More answers in comments 👇
1. According to GR, A Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine Levison (104 pp), but I don't completely trust GR page counts.
2. The Lord of the Rings (1,216 pp as one volume). See note on GR page counts above.
3. Meditations of the Heart by Howard Thurman (printed 1953). Epic of Gilgamesh is older (c2100 BCE) but I don't have an original printing (inscription?) of that one.
4. Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo (Oct 2019)
@ljuliel #bookquestion
Had to look at past GR lists to find some of these answers. I went by page numbers listed in GR.
1. The Importance of Being Earnest 76 pages
2. The Fiery Cross 1443 pages
3. Anne of Green Gables
4. On kindle but the most recently published is The Art Of Theft
@ljuliel #bookquestion
1. Stop F**king Tweeting and Go the F**k to Sleep, Mr. President, 16 pages
(technically, it is an adult book)
2. War and Peace, 1225 pages
3. Birds of America, copyright 1936 original copyright 1917
4. The Starless Sea, copyright November 5, 2019
(I like variety.)
#bookquestion #EST
1. 52 pages: In Conclusion don't worry about it - Lauren Graham
2. 981 pages: The Talisman - Stephen King & Peter Straub
3. 1955: A Night to remember - Walter Lord
4. 19 September 2019: The Institute - Stephen King
Can you tell I'm a King fan?😜
#bookquestion #EST
I‘m having a ton of fun seeing how people respond to my #Browsery question. So, Littens, I extend this question to you!
How is your day going? Answer in the form of a book title or plot.
#bookdiscussion #bookquestion #question #creative #bookdiscussions #barnesandnoble #bookquestions #booktalk
I have a question for all you #EpicBuddyRead ers.
How do you picture Kvothe? The Kvothe in his university days?
I have a hard time creating him in my mind when I read.
@TricksyTails #TNotW #BookQuestion #CharacterQuestion
I‘m curious... for me? That‘s a tough one. I had several books in mind but I guess the FIRST would be from when I was in high school. I read “The Burn Journals” by Brent Runyon and I remember being pretty into that book.
#bookish #books #booklove #reading #read #bibliophile #questionoftheday #bookquestion #imcurious