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My #TitlesAndTunes pick for August's #TheWorldIsMyOyster

I had a total block finding a song until my daughter was standing next to me when I took the picture of the book. She read the title in the beat of the song and there it was. Honestly, I adore Daft Punk (a #GuiltyPleasure?), should have thought of it at once.


@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

Cinfhen When in doubt,ask your kids! They are a wealth of knowledge 😉 Fun choices 🥳 12mo
BarbaraBB I have this book stacked already. Love traveling by train! And that song is 🔥 I love Daft Punk too! (edited) 12mo
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American Psycho | Bret Easton Ellis
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This is great as far as the writing. It takes you directly into the twisted mind of Patrick Bateman, where sane thoughts can turn disturbing within a sentence, normal and even humorous interactions with others can turn shockingly horrific within a paragraph. This is a good book but it‘s hard to get through. It has graphic violence, gore, and some animal cruelty. I give lower ratings for animal cruelty.


#TitlesAndTunes #GuiltyPleasure

BarbaraBB I can totally see why this is a guilty pleasure 💛 12mo
bthegood saw the movie, have not read the book - put on my TBR - thanks for the review 👍 12mo
Cinfhen Im still wayyyy to terrified/ squeamish to read this one 12mo
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Neon Angel: A Memoir of a Runaway | Cherie Currie, Tony O'Neill
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This one DEFINITELY fits the bill for #TitlesAndTunes #SexDrugsAndRockNRoll Cherie shares growing up in the 70‘s being heavily influenced by David Bowie, her addiction to drugs, her abandonment of rules & approval and remarkable recovery.
Despite the appearance of leading a glamorous existence , Cherie Curie‘s life was messy, chaotic and troubled. Plenty of trauma & harrowing stories 🙌🏻🖤TW: violent rape 👇🏼

Cinfhen Her friendship & collaboration with Joan Jett is legendary. Even if you‘re not familiar with Cherie Currie her book is worth a read! Riveting (edited) 13mo
BarbaraBB Sounds perfect for the prompt!! 13mo
Cinfhen It REALLY was @BarbaraBB especially since my #GuiltyPleasure(s) were duds 😂 13mo
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Lexicon: A Novel | Max Barry
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#TitlesandTunes #GuiltyPleasure
Way late with this review, but I really enjoyed this fast-paced sci-fi thriller. It seems ready-made for a blockbuster film treatment and has some interesting narrative inversions. My least favorite part was the particular phenomenon: it reminded me of trying to explain the neurological reasons why Harry Potter spells work. But it also doesn't over-explain, which helps it deliver on the action and suspense.

Cinfhen Fantastic review and photo💕 13mo
sarahbarnes My favorite Woolf book editions. 😍 13mo
Billypar @Cinfhen Thanks! 🙂 13mo
Billypar @sarahbarnes Yeah, I love the artwork - it's got a haunting quality to it. 13mo
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A fun, lighthearted cozy mystery, featuring a snarky, spunky heroine. I easily figured out who was going to be murdered, and who the murderer was (which is unusual for me!) This was a perfect pick for the June #TitlesAndTunes prompt, #GuiltyPleasure . There was nothing “literary” about it, but it was a great read for a lazy summer afternoon.
@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB
#ReadTheUSA2023 @aperfectmjk (New Jersey)
#ReadYourTBR @melissajayne

Cinfhen 😊 13mo
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Contract Season | Cait Nary
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This was my #TitlesAndTunes #GuiltyPleasure and it absolutely was a pleasure. Not as hockey heavy as the first in the series, but a lovely slow burn #romantsy. Great stuff!

Virgin | Cheryl Brooks
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This is the 7th book in the Cat Star Chronicles. Prior to this book, I read 4 of the books in the series over 10 years ago and I highly enjoyed them. I don't know if it's my age or the book, but I was not into this one as much. There was a lot of sex...yes, I know this is smut but I found myself more interested in the plot behind the main character's stone than reading another sex scene. However, I give this 3 ⭐️.

#titlesandtunes #guiltypleasure

Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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I can't think of a more delicious creepazoid than Dr. Bickleigh, the memorable villain in this "whydunnit" Golden Age crime classic. From the beginning the reader is privy to his nefarious plans, but what's truly baffling is how he gets to pull as many women as he does. I guess life in a small village can truly mess with a girl! A great read; scathing gallows humour & some truly repugnant people. #GoldenAgeCrimeClub #TitlesAndTunes #GuiltyPleasure

Cathythoughts Excellent review! I see I have it stacked already. 👍🏻❤️ 13mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great review 🙌🏻 13mo
batsy @Cathythoughts Thank you! I think it's something you might enjoy 😘 13mo
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batsy @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you! 🙂 13mo
jlhammar Total creepazoid! 😂 Glad you enjoyed. 13mo
batsy @jlhammar He is the worst! 😩😆 13mo
erzascarletbookgasm Hahaha love your review! 13mo
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Thanks, J 😁 13mo
LeahBergen This book really surprised me. I loved it! 13mo
batsy @LeahBergen Me too! It was so unlike what I thought it would be. 13mo
Annmcoop I have this on my list because I enjoyed Before the Fact, which I read as a fan of the film Suspicion. I just realized this is the same author as Poisoned Chocolates Case, which is also excellent. 13mo
batsy @Annmcoop I have both of those on my list! I enjoyed Suspicion a lot too, but it's been awhile since I last saw it, so it'll be fun to revisit the film after reading Before the Fact 🙂 12mo
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Naturally a book about Jane and Prudence. Jane is a 40 something vicar‘s wife who doesn‘t behave as your stereotypical vicar‘s wife and tend to say the wrong thing. Prudence is in her late 20s and enjoying her love affairs. Two friends with not much in common.

I just love Pym‘s snarkiness and wit and her writing that‘s just to the point.

AnneCecilie #1953 #192025 @Librarybelle I don‘t believe in feeling guilty about my reads or music, but still I chose this for #GuiltyPleasure for its comfiness and I was in the mood for some Pym. As for my song I was thinking of some Taylor Swift, Glitch is fitting for some of the things that happen in the book, but Paris is my favorite city. @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen (edited) 13mo
Cuilin I loved this Pym too. 13mo
BarbaraBB Love some Taylor Swift 13mo
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Librarybelle Nice! I plan to read another novel by Pym… 13mo
AnneCecilie @Librarybelle I want to read that too, I basically want to read all the Pym. My next Pym will be A Glass of Blessings with #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade in November. 13mo
Librarybelle I forgot about that! Unless I get to the one I tagged above before November, I‘ll be reading A Glass of Blessings as my next Pym! 13mo
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The Villa: A Novel | Rachel Hawkins
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My title for July‘s #SexDrugsAndRockNRoll theme is The Villa by Rachel Hawkins, and my tune is Born to Be Wild by Steppenwolf. Let the wild rumpus start! 🎸
#TitlesAndTunes @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen

Deblovestoread Let the ear worms begin! 🎶🐛 13mo
BarbaraBB Such good choices! And an ear worm indeed, @Deblovestoread 🖤 13mo
Cinfhen Im already having a blast just reading all the choices!!! 13mo
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Cinfhen 👆🏽Here‘s a great idea @DGRachel @Bookwormjillk 😍I feel like any book set during the 60‘s/ 70‘s will definitely touch upon #SexDrugsAndRockNRoll 😎I almost chose a book about Charles Manson (edited) 13mo
Cinfhen Also was considering 13mo
julieclair @Cinfhen Valley of the Dolls fits this prompt perfectly! I was just a kid when it came out, but I remember the furor it caused. All the adults were talking about it. 13mo
julieclair @Deblovestoread @BarbaraBB I think this entire playlist will be a giant monster ear worm! 😂🙉🐛 13mo
BarbaraBB Just like the #GuiltyPleasure one 😀 13mo
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I read Valley of the Dolls in my teens and have never forgotten about it 💊 ❤️ 13mo
Cinfhen I have read Valley of the Dolls @BarbaraBB @julieclair and I was considering a re-read but “new” (for me) books almost always win out!! 13mo
julieclair @Cinfhen I‘m the same. I will almost always choose a book I have not read over one I have. So many books, so little time… (edited) 13mo
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