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#DailyAudioWalk I had a dentist appointment so I opted to walk… is it just me or does the silly string clump look like a heart ?!! 💙 Started a new audiobook today and I‘m really enjoying it! As a family gathers to bury their beloved grandfather, father, husband a long kept secret is exposed at his funeral. But as it turns out, that‘s not the only secret amongst this group.

Ruthiella Sure, it could be in the shape of a heart…🤔💙 1y
Cinfhen Thanks @Ruthiella 💙💙💙 I‘ll take it as a sign #LoveFromAbove 1y
Cathythoughts I think it resembles a heart 💙 👍🏻 (edited) 1y
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Cinfhen My hubs told me it resembles vomit 🤮 @Cathythoughts so I really appreciate your kinder response xxxxx 1y
Megabooks Hope the dentist went well! 💜 1y
Hooked_on_books I don‘t see a heart, but I definitely don‘t see vomit! Your husband! 😂 1y
Cinfhen We see what we want to see 😜 @Hooked_on_books @Cathythoughts have a wonderful weekend xx 1y
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I found this book languishing in a neighborhood #LittleFreeLibrary. Day after day, no one picked it out to read. It‘s a small book, one woman‘s memoirs of her time at #Auschwitz. Everyone‘s story deserves to be heard so I brought this book home. I‘m reading it now, concurrently with quite a few other books.

Cinfhen #NeverForget 💜I love that you brought this book home to read 3y
SqueakyChu @Cinfhen It sort of called out to me. The mother of the author died immediately after arriving at Auschwitz. I was shocked to learn her name was Teresa Katz (my middle name and my maiden surname). I was named after my maternal grandmother Teresa who also perished in Auschwitz. It‘s all very sad and eerie. (edited) 3y
SqueakyChu This book literally just gave me chills. I‘ve never had that happen to me before. It happened when I read about what happened to the author‘s brother after the war. 3y
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SqueakyChu I see this book has been recommended by Elie Wiesel, no longer alive, but still a hero of mine. 3y
Cinfhen I literally got goosebumps after reading your comments!! YOU were 💯 meant to pick up THIS book!!!! Your grandmother was DEFINITELY sending you #LoveFromAbove 3y
SqueakyChu @Cinfhen I hope so! 3y
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#AudioWalk Enjoying the beautiful sunshine ☀️ listening to this wonderful biography 🎧Many Mitfords,lots of titles, little funds and fantastic pronunciation of German & Dutch. Today there is a World Holocaust Forum taking place in Jerusalem, so I thought it would be appropriate to listen to another WWII experience. Spotted a 🤎 on the beach #LoveFromAbove #NeverAgain #WeRemember

CoffeeAndABook A walk on the beach in warm sunshine... ☺️ sounds heavenly ☀️💫 4y
Cinfhen It really was good for the soul @CoffeeAndABook How are you???? 4y
CoffeeAndABook Could do with a sunny beach walk right around now 😅 I‘m fine really, went on a short whirlwind trip to London which was so great 🏰 and have been playing catch-up with life ever since. But it was so worth it! How about you Cindy?? 4y
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Cinfhen How nice for a whirlwind trip 💟I‘m heading to London in a few weeks to meet my daughter for a girls weekend and then we are going to Poland on a Jewish Heritage trip. I‘m mentally preparing for the cold weather @CoffeeAndABook 🥶🥶🥶 4y
alisiakae Looks like a beautiful spot for an #audiowalk. 💖 4y
TrishB I‘m sure it will be 10 degrees in London 😁 but likely very cold in Poland! 4y
CoffeeAndABook Oh wow, the trip to London with your daughter sounds lovely 💓 wish I could give an insider‘s recommendation but it was my first time there and I merely covered the basics. The heritage trip will be intense and so interesting I‘m sure. Spontaneously a book comes to mind, have you read it? It‘s hard to read but fascinating. It‘s years ago I read it and it‘s all still fresh in my memory. 4y
Cinfhen Thanks for the book recommendation @CoffeeAndABook sounds great but I saw from someone‘s post that it‘s a #chunkster 😱 4y
CoffeeAndABook I remember it flying by! And I‘m pretty chunkster-wary myself 😅 you might try an ebook reading sample to see if you want to get into it. Lily Brett is a such a great author, authentic and very humorous. I heard her read the tagged book at a literary event a few years ago and adored her 4y
Cinfhen That one sounds great too!! I will check them both out xx thanks @CoffeeAndABook 4y
CoffeeAndABook 😘😘😘 4y
Suet624 Thank you for sharing your photos. 4y
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💥Tagged book was very good/ still thinking about it 6 months later
💥Anywhere where I get natural sunlight ☀️I prefer daytime reading
💥Holidays reminds me of the people I‘m missing most/ got 2 signs this week 💕#LoveFromAbove
💥Baby Yoda

alisiakae This is one of my book club‘s picks for next year! 5y
Cinfhen It‘s excellent and will make for fantastic discussion @4thhouseontheleft 5y
Sace My old eyes prefer daytime reading! 👀 5y
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KarenUK Love this book too... picked it for my own bookclub also @4thhouseontheleft @cinfhen 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Aww the signs..❤️ 5y
Crazeedi ❤ your answers, and yes the ones we miss the most 💔 have a beautiful holiday Cindy 5y
Cinfhen Thanks so much, Diane xx Happy Holidays to you @Crazeedi 5y
Cinfhen Thanks, @erzascarletbookgasm 💕💕 5y
TrishB I miss my Mum so much this time of year, even if she did drive me to distraction!! And I‘m waiting for a cheap version of this book as it‘s been recommended lots of times! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Okay, stacking this book! 🙈 Happy Christmas, Cindy, love & peace to you and your family! ❤️ 5y
Cinfhen Niki was complaining about her boyfriend‘s mom being so annoying and I told her to be glad to have someone who cares so much @TrishB because one day you‘ll be missing them and wishing the time back 5y
Cinfhen Do U celebrate Christmas @erzascarletbookgasm if so Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 Joy, health, happiness and love to you and all those dear to you, Jessie😘😘 5y
TrishB I can see both sides of that one! One side cones with age. 5y
Kalalalatja This is my fave of the year, only tied with Normal People. I‘m thinking of rereading it as an audio pretty soon. It was just so good 🙌 5y
Cinfhen I did the audio @Kalalalatja and it was SO SO GOOD 😊 5y
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#NotBookRelated since my husband became ill, I‘ve been waiting for some #LoveFromAbove from my MIL and today on our wedding anniversary I received 2 double hearts in the space of 15 minutes💕💕I‘m convinced my MIL was sending love and letting us know all will be well. #SignsFromTheOtherSide Hubby thinks I‘m nuts 🥜 but I feel like my Littens get me!!!!

TheBookAddict I hope your husband gets better soon. You‘re not crazy. Sending you hugs. 💜💜💜 5y
GypsyKat Sending prayers and love. 💕💕💕 5y
TrishB My friend had her sign today too ❤️💕 5y
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Cinfhen That is so cool @TrishB I KNEW you‘d all understand @gypsykat @TheBookAddict ♥️😘 5y
mrp27 Love it! Happy anniversary! 🍾🎉 5y
MicheleinPhilly Happy Anniversary! 5y
LeahBergen Happy Anniversary and a double heart to you! ❤️❤️ 5y
marleed I get you! 5y
GripLitGrl Happy anniversary🍾🎉 sending love, hugs & prayers💕💕 5y
cobwebmoth *hugs*💕 5y
Cinfhen I appreciate the winks and hugs 😉🤗you‘re my people @erzascarletbookgasm @cobwebmoth @GripLitGrl @marleed ♥️ 5y
DivineDiana Oh yes! Glad there were signs to comfort you!👏🏻💗😘 And wishing many more years of love to you both! (edited) 5y
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This is a very sad book @TrishB 😢😢😭And as I was reading it outdoors I noticed some #LoveFromAbove That heart is tar!!! Not sure how it even got on my patio🖤

Cinfhen Sorry @Reviewsbylola I couldn‘t get into American Pop this morning. It wasn‘t holding my attention. How are u finding it?? It reminds me of my initial poor attempts with Commonwealth. That took 4 tries!!!! 5y
Reviewsbylola I really like it now. The first chapter I wasn‘t sure. 5y
TrishB Oh no 😢 I read a sad NF yesterday, it‘s ruined me....so much that my next book is now alternative history detective fiction! So not real. 5y
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TrishB 🖤 the love from above is holding your hand! (edited) 5y
Cinfhen What sad NF did U just finish @TrishB ??? (edited) 5y
Cinfhen My MIL always knows when to show up @TrishB 🙏🏻💙 5y
Cinfhen I‘ll try again when I‘m not feeling distracted @Reviewsbylola bc it seems like a book I should love and #Pop19 #PopInTitle (edited) 5y
Reviewsbylola Ooooooh I didn‘t even realize it was such a good choice for #pop19 5y
TrishB I read this one - 😢😢 5y
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