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Introductions | C L Stone
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Have you meet @James-Knirs or @Tkekacs yet?

Two brand new Littens are my pick for today, check out their pages, give them a follow , and check out their great posts.


TrishB Have followed both 👍🏻 7y
Suelizbeth Followed them both and liked their posts. 💕 7y
MatchlessMarie Here are some more newish littens to follow @b00kwurm @Shelaughs @jourdemayne @hollynations 7y
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DeborahSmall 👍🏼 7y
Smangela Great idea :) I love it :) 7y
Libby1 You‘re so kind, @Riveted_Reader_Melissa ! 7y
Eggs 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
Tkekacs Thank you 😊 !!! (edited) 7y
73 likes9 comments
Introductions | C L Stone
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Have you meet @IWriteInTheNight yet?

She‘s my pick for today, check out her page, give her a follow, and check out her great posts.


IWriteInTheNight @Riveted_Reader_Melissa just saw this, thank you so much. This just made my night😂🙏. 7y
Texreader Thanks! I‘m following her now!! 7y
DrexEdit Hi @IWriteInTheNight ! Nice to meet you. I like your Moby Dick posts very much! 7y
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IWriteInTheNight @DrexEdit hi! Nice to meet you too. Thank you😊. 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @IWriteInTheNight Hello and I will follow too! (edited) 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @IWriteInTheNight You are very welcome. 7y
64 likes7 comments
Introductions | C L Stone
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Since I missed yesterday, I have two for today!

Have you meet @theresidentromantic or @Ronda yet?

They are my picks for today, check out their pages, give them a follow, and check out their great posts.


Ronda Aww amazing Melissa.... it's great to be back and thanks for the intro 😊😊😊 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Ronda You are very welcome! 7y
Andrew65 Welcome @Ronda as I don‘t think we‘ve met yet. I have sent on a follow request. Nice to meet you. 😊 7y
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CatLass007 Welcome @Ronda and @theresidentromantic ! I‘m following you both now. 7y
Ronda Thank you @Andrew65 And @CatLass007 ... it's great to meet you and I've followed back 😁 7y
TrishB Hi @Ronda 🙋 7y
Ronda @TrishB thank you for the follow and hi back 😁 7y
Ronda Thank you @CAnne 😁 7y
CAnne @Ronda and @theresidentromantic I'm now following you both 🙃 7y
Ronda @CAnne followed you too 😁 7y
rustoryhuf My daughter, @lizzlehuff joined this week! 7y
theresidentromantic And we haven't met each other yet @ronda! Thank you @Riveted_Reader_Melissa, everyone's been so kind in including me in their groups ❤❤ 7y
theresidentromantic @CAnne and @CatLass007 thank you for your follows and your welcomes! 7y
49 likes14 comments
Friendship Book | Francis Gay
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I couldn‘t copy and paste 🤔😫 Anyway I‘m sharing her post! This is a wonderful idea to help new littens feel welcome and promote friendship!! ❤️💞

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I just screenshot and then use that as my photo. Litsy doesn‘t have an actual copy and paste. 🤷‍♀️ Yours is beautiful though! But yes, I‘m trying to pull in more new or newish Littens, it‘s so hard to tell when people actually joined, but people I talk to who don‘t seem to get tons of traffic on their posts, connect them into this lovely community even more. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa yes!! It would be cool to “feature “ a new one a day! I wish we could easily know when new ones join 🤔🤔 7y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m going to go through my friend list and try to figure out who is relatively new! We could go through ours and each of ours and “feature” someone daily. Use your hash tag and tag each other... What do you think? 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks fine by me. I was aiming to do one each day between Christmas and New Years for the holidays, but feel free carry on as long as you want. 7y
82 likes7 comments
Introductions | C L Stone
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Have you meet @MommyWantsToReadHerBook yet?

She‘s my pick for today, check out her page, give her a follow, and check out her great posts.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great idea!!! 💛💛 7y
DrexEdit I like this idea! Thank you! 😊 👍👍 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @DrexEdit Please feel free to copy, paste and pass on the love even more. 7y
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MommyWantsToReadHerBook Thanks, @Riveted_Reader_Melissa! I've been around for a little while but then had phone trouble. Only really getting into things properly now. I really appreciate the introduction! 7y
70 likes8 comments
Introductions | C L Stone
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Have you meet @Fernoppy yet?

She‘s my pick for today, check out her page, give her a follow, and check out her great posts.


Fernoppy Well, thank you! I've just made a increased the number of Litsy friends - with a corresponding increase in my TBR, I'm sure 😂 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Fernoppy With Litsy, that‘s the price you pay 😂 7y
62 likes2 comments
Better Than I Know Myself | Donna Grant, Virginia DeBerry
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Have you meet @her-my-oh-nee yet? I just met her yesterday! Such a great community we have here on Litsy!

She‘s my pick for today, check out her page, give her a follow, and check out her great posts.


Miss_Kim Such a sweet idea! 7y
Suzze I love this idea! 7y
her-my-oh-nee @Riveted_Reader_Melissa This is so nice of you! Feels good to be a part of this amazing community. ❤️ 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @her-my-oh-nee You are very welcome! It really is a great place! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Miss_Kim That is an adorable profile pic! 7y
73 likes5 comments
Introductions | C L Stone
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Repost from @Riveted_Reader_Melissa :

Sorry I skipped a few days there.... but back to the countdown to the new year!

Have you meet @GirlMeetsBook yet?

She‘s my pick for today, check out her page, give her a follow, and check out her great posts.


theresidentromantic I just signed up the other day and I would love to meet new people! This place is amazing, much warmer than Instagram. ❤❤ 7y
croberts51 I‘m fairly new on Litsy too! I‘m open to new friends on here 😊 it‘s rare to have people to discuss books with. I‘m so glad to have found this app and this community!! 7y
Tamra @theresidentromantic @croberts51 welcome! Litsy is full of book wonderful people. 7y
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Cinfhen Such a great idea!! Welcome @croberts51 @theresidentromantic (cute name) glad you're already feeling the #LitsyLove 💖💖 7y
Centique Hi @theresidentromantic @croberts51 🖐 Hope you keep enjoying Litsy! Just followed you guys 😃 7y
squirrelbrain Hi all of you, just followed you @GirlMeetsBook @croberts51 @theresidentromantic. This is a great community so welcome! 7y
Laura317 Hello! I just followed you all as well. @GirlMeetsBook @croberts51 @theresidentromantic 7y
Velvetfur @theresidentromantic @croberts51 @GirlMeetsBook Hello new friends and welcome to the nicest social media site around! I just followed you all, by the way 😀 7y
rustoryhuf My daughter @lizzlehuff joined yesterday. I told her all about the #LitsyLove ❤️ 7y
croberts51 Thanks everybody!! I‘m definitely feeling the #LitsyLove 😍 7y
MiyakoBunny ♥️♥️♥️ 7y
Nikki15 Hiya @croberts51 @theresidentromantic you‘ll have a great time, everyone on Litsy is fabulous 💕 7y
theresidentromantic @Cinfhen thank you! I usually go with this or my insta, @thelaststitchingunicorn :) 7y
theresidentromantic @Centique @squirrelbrain @GirlMeetsBook @Laura317 @Velvetfur @Pamwurtzler @rustoryhuf @MiyakoBunny @Nikki15 Thank you for your warm welcomes! I feel like there's never a bad decision to follow people on here! ❤❤ 7y
GirlMeetsBook Y‘all are beautiful! Thanks for the follows. I‘m trying to follow y‘all back. I love this community. ❤️ @croberts51 @Tamra @Cinfhen @Centique @squirrelbrain @Laura317 @Velvetfur @Pamwurtzler 7y
SilversReviews I followed everyone I wasn't following. Thanks for the suggestions. 😍 7y
70 likes19 comments
Better Than I Know Myself | Donna Grant, Virginia DeBerry
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Sorry I skipped a few days there.... but back to the countdown to the new year!

Have you meet @GirlMeetsBook yet?

She‘s my pick for today, check out her page, give her a follow, and check out her great posts.


SilversReviews Sounds like a great idea!! 7y
75 likes1 comment
Better Than I Know Myself | Donna Grant, Virginia DeBerry
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Have you meet @99problemsbutabookaint1 yet?

She‘s my pick for today, check out her page, give her a follow, and check out her great posts.


alisiakae Wonderful idea! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @4thhouseontheleft Feel Free to copy and paste and name your own! 7y
cathysaid Okay that handle is amazing @99problemsbutabookaint1 ! Welcome to Litsy! 7y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @cathysaid Isn‘t it great! 7y
Andrew65 We already follow each other @99problemsbutabookaint1 but welcome and great to have you here! 7y
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