Chapter 18: Lucy convinces Beebe to help her travel to Greece with the Alans #dontrunaway #GEORGEwillcry #idonottrustcharlotte #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 18: Lucy convinces Beebe to help her travel to Greece with the Alans #dontrunaway #GEORGEwillcry #idonottrustcharlotte #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Climate change, anyone? I know Phoenix is hot in the summer, but this is ridiculous. The hottest day for us on record is 122 in June 1990. Feeling for all of you in the southern United States and those in the north with incessant rain. Wish we could just share the load together. A little dryness up there, a little rain down here. Sigh.
Current nonreading project. I'm making robot minions to take over the world! "I said cookie robots..."
#TheBearingSea #oyvey #momsgotjokes #bearbodies #hookersofLitsy