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Final check in for #bfcr2 Too hot to cook inside and out!! So we cheated and got pizza. My over all workouts this past week was HOTT yoga but did get 6/7 days Steps were not made. Book totals 19/18 see you all in round 3 I cant wait...love my #teamflow you girls are GREAT!!

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥳 5y
Moony You're great, too! And yoga is wonderful! So you can delete the "only" ? 5y
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julesG Yes, delete the only. You practically did Hot Yoga all week. 👏👏👏👏 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌 A fantastic week! 🎉 And I agree with @Moony and @julesG - delete that “only.“ Yoga is an awesome workout! 5y
wanderinglynn 👏 👏 👏 5y
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I outdid myself on week 6 as far as exercise and reading went. I didn‘t make my (many times) readjusted goal of 30 books but I came damn close! And I worked out 6/5 days so yay me! Thanks for a great #bfcr2 @wanderinglynn and many thanks to #TeamFlow @julesG @imabusybee @Reecaspieces @Moony @britt_brooke @LibrarianJen @laurenslibrary for motivation and encouragement. Looking forward to Round 3!

imabusybee 🙌🏼 Great job👏🏻👏🏻💜 5y
Moony Yeah!!!! 👏👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉 5y
julesG 👏👏👏👏 Well done! 5y
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Daisey Awesome! 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌 A fantastic week! 🎉 And a great Round 2! 5y
britt_brooke You‘re awesome! Great work! 5y
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#BFCR2 #week6 | My boys had preseason soccer camp this week, so I was thrown off my regular workout schedule. Still managed a couple of gym workouts + two on the greenway. Can‘t complain!

🎧📱 3 (total 23/18 for the 6 wks)
🚴🏻‍♀️ 25 miles
💪🏻 1x
🏃🏼‍♀️/🚶🏼‍♀️ 2x (total of 8 miles)

@wanderinglynn You‘re amazing!

Thank you @julesG and the lovely ladies of #TeamFlow for the motivation and encouragement!

britt_brooke PS. In the middle photo, my sons are in the middle and left. The other boy is one of their buds. 💚⚽️ 5y
Megabooks Great job, Brittany!! 👍🏻👍🏻🥳🥳📚📚🎉🎉 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌 A great week! 🎉 And you rocked Round 2! 5y
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imabusybee You did great even with the schedule change. Be proud!👏🏻💜 5y
Crazeedi Way to go!!👏👏 5y
CocoReads Great job! Love the title of that diet! 🤣🤣🤣 5y
julesG Amazing last week of the challenge! 5y
britt_brooke @Megabooks Thanks, Meg! 🤗 5y
britt_brooke @wanderinglynn Thanks a bunch! 🙌🏻 5y
britt_brooke @imabusybee Thanks, Joann! 5y
britt_brooke @Crazeedi Thanks! 🙌🏻 5y
britt_brooke @CocoReads Great title (not so great book, though, lol)! 5y
britt_brooke @julesG Thanks, captain! 5y
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Fitness For Dummies | Liz Neporent, Suzanne Schlosberg
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The day isn't over yet, but this week was very active.

Overall, I can say I read a lot more than 45 books. My guesstimation is 60 - there were cookbooks and picture books among them.

I'm more flexible than I was 6 weeks ago. My shoulders are less stiff and less pain in my shoulders is a huge win for me.

#BFCR2 #TeamFlow @CocoReads @Reecaspieces @Moony @imabusybee @laurenslibrary @LibrarianJen @britt_brooke @wanderinglynn

sudi Great job 👏👏👏 5y
imabusybee WOW!! Great job🙌🏼👏🏻💜 5y
Megabooks Fantastic!! 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
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CocoReads Great job! Thanks for being a great Captain for #TeamFlow 5y
britt_brooke Rockstar! Nice work. It‘s been a fantastic 6 weeks! 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌 A fantastic week! 🎉 5y
Reecaspieces Wow! 5y
alisiakae I didn‘t count the picture books in my tally. Oops! Awesome job! 5y
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Boomtown | Lani Lynn Vale
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#bfcr2 25/30 it was a reread. She has so many different series but they‘re all interconnected. Now we‘re pretty much in the second generation so I decided to go back to the beginning. I needed a refresher on how everyone is connected and which kids belong to which parents. @wanderinglynn

imabusybee You keep rockin' 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💜 5y
Reecaspieces Oooo lala! 5y
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julesG 👏👏👏 5y
CoverToCoverGirl I‘m finally getting around to this author, is this the book that started it all? 4y
CocoReads @CoverToCoverGirl it sure is. Still one of my favorites! 4y
CoverToCoverGirl @CocoReads thanks, it‘s finally almost to the top of my list. I‘m sure I‘ll love it too! 4y
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Eternals | Neil Gaiman, John Romita
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Feet up. Coffee and tea - couldn't decide - and library finds.

Cringing, the German translation of the tagged book is... not very good; stilted dialogue 😔

Would like to use either of the books for #BBRC, but can't think of a category right now.

#BFCR2 #TeamFlow @CocoReads @Reecaspieces @Moony @imabusybee @laurenslibrary @LibrarianJen @britt_brooke @wanderinglynn

The library is a bit out of the way so I got steps in.

TheAromaofBooks I thoroughly enjoyed Nimona! 5y
LibrarianRyan Nioma could fit in Middle Grade GN. I know it's not technically MG, but it works because it can be read by a younger audience. 5y
julesG @LibrarianRyan Thanks. I'll add it to the prompt. 😘 5y
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julesG @LibrarianRyan Eternals might go into the Favourite author slot. 😉 5y
CocoReads I‘m hoping to hit the library tomorrow so I can finally get started on #BBRC 5y
julesG @CocoReads Best of luck! It's great for picture books and early readers. I would visit the library more often if it wasn't a hike from the next bus or tram stop. The main library used to be located at the public transport hub of town, now its been relocated and is difficult to reach. Also, apart from the children's and teen section nothing appeals to me. They have only 4 (!!!) shelves of books in English. 😔 5y
CocoReads I have a branch close to me but I can‘t get there when they‘re open. That‘s what I need it for-picture books and early readers. Probably middle grade as well—I‘ll have to make a plan tonight so I can either get some checked out or at least put on hold. 5y
julesG @CocoReads I downloaded Ryan's spreadsheet and filled it in, as well as taking a picture of the book I read. I'll have to go back for ER books. MG and Teen/YA we have at home. 😉 5y
imabusybee My favorite kind of day!! 👏🏻💜 5y
julesG @lapreader - you're my challenge partner 5y
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Ups it's already friday. To hit the #bookfitnesschallenge for Round 2, I have to be more active today and tomorrow and I have to finish the tagged graphicnovel. So I'll take a walk and do some yoga! I think #teamflow will be with me 😉

#bfc #bfc2

@wanderinglynn @JulesG @Cocoreads @Imabusybee @LibrarianJen @Laurenslibrary

Pic: ArtCoreStudios / pixabay

julesG Where here to go with the flow. 5y
CocoReads Sounds great! 5y
Reecaspieces Sounds like a plan!!! 5y
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Moony @Reecaspieces I hope a good plan 😉 5y
wanderinglynn Great plan! 🙌🏻 5y
Moony Ha I had a great day 118 active minutes, yoga exercises, over 10.000 steps and a little read! :) I'm so happy @wanderinglynn @JulesG @Cocoreads @Imabusybee @LibrarianJen @Laurenslibrary
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
imabusybee Great Job!!.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
julesG 👏👏👏👏 5y
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I'll Be There for You Friends TV Show Journal Lined Notebook | Friends T. V. Show Notebook, Friends Tv Show Journal Notebook
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I took Arthur to the river this morning and clocked 50 minutes of walking. I even have the mosquito bites to prove it! This evening was spent at the neighborhood taproom with lots of friends for Friends trivia. I only wish @LokiDokey was there. Can you believe it‘s been 25 years since the show aired? @Moony @CocoReads @imabusybee @Reecaspieces
@julesG @britt_brooke #BFCr2 #TeamFlow @wanderinglynn

gradcat I wanna play “Friends” trivia!! Looks like you guys had a great time! 5y
julesG Wish I could have been there. Looks like a great time! 5y
InkedBookworm13 If Brandon and I had been there we would have killed it. Friends is our favorite show. ♥️ 5y
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CocoReads That looks like fun! 5y
britt_brooke Sounds like a fantastic day! 25 years ... that blows my mind. 5y
wanderinglynn I can‘t believe it‘s been 25 years! I love Friends! Sounds like a great day! 🙌🏻 5y
imabusybee That really sounds like alot of fun!! 👏🏻 5y
twohectobooks Whoa whoa whoa, 25 years since it FIRST aired! Only 15 since it LAST aired. Which feels much more reasonable lol 5y
LibrarianJen @LokiDokey it was fun, Laura got grumpy, Tony got mad, you know the typical status quo. Which is why we love them! 💖 5y
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Cogheart | Peter Bunzl
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Lazy day today. I needed it. 5k steps so far. Not bad, actually, for a lazy day.

Got some reading time, made plum crumble and finished the fingerless mittens - inspired by the tagged book.

#BFCR2 #TeamFlow @CocoReads @Reecaspieces @Moony @imabusybee @laurenslibrary @LibrarianJen @britt_brooke @wanderinglynn

#knittersoflitsy #FibreFansOfLitsy

Moony Oh I love plum crumble 😍 5y
DGRachel Those mittens are fabulous! 5y
imabusybee Mid week break nothing wrong with that and the steps are fantastic 👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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wanderinglynn Love those mittens! ❤️ 5y
britt_brooke Cute! 5y
Cathythoughts The fingerless mittens are finished 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻they‘re fab. 5y
CocoReads Those are awesome! 5y
Reecaspieces Love those! 👏👏 5y
Eggbeater The mittens look great! 5y
BooknerdsLife Awww so pretty!!! 😍💙💙 5y
Belle-Bookworm99 Absolutely amazing! I might have to make some like these for myself ♡. I've just started Cogheart and I'm in love ♡ Xxx 5y
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