Yeahhhhh, not much fall in Colorado Springs. It's the only time I miss living the Hudson Valley, NY 🍁
📷: cityofcos
#AutumnPlease #YrTownInAutumn
Yeahhhhh, not much fall in Colorado Springs. It's the only time I miss living the Hudson Valley, NY 🍁
📷: cityofcos
#AutumnPlease #YrTownInAutumn
Welp, it's official! Moxie and I now live in TN 😱
We spent the weekend unpacking (books first of course!) and getting settled in our new apartment. Mox was pretty freaked at first but she's getting back to her sweet self now that she realizes our stuff came too 😂
After being in NYC for almost 9 (!!!) years, I just want to be closer to my family on a regular basis. So in a crazy unexpected twist of a next chapter for me, I'm in the process of building a home in Eastern Tennessee (on a plot of land near my mom) and am planning to move down this summer. It'll be an adjustment for sure, but I'm ready to slow things down, have some peace and quiet, and see the stars at night.
Any TN littens out there? 😆
Hey CT and CT-Adjacent Littens!
This NF read is a great research tool for students to learn more about their state. Allowing kids to independently read this can cause curiosity to arise about other states as well. UDL 8.1: this book can benefit in projects for students by supplying information and pictures clearly. ESOL #4 can be used, since the students have prior knowledge about Florida. The students can write about something they didn‘t know. #ucflae3414su19
#happyindependentbookstoresday...or weekend in my case! Successfully completed the challenge which means I'll be getting $500 in gift cards. 😍😍😍😍
#landmarksofmycity @Clwojick
The Heublein Tower, Avon
This NF read almost gives the vibe of Fantasy when looking at the illustrations but it provides factual information about Katherine Lee Bates and "America the Beautiful" in a nice narrative tone.
Here is a great resource from the author for using it in the classroom:
#sizzlinsummerbooks #ocean
This painting is Beach Cousins by Lea Colie Wight. It can be found in the book To The Shore Once More Vol II by Frank Finale. I have both volumes of these books about the Jersey shore. Neither book is listed here. Sadly no Jersey shore for me this summer. Boo!
Anyone have any recommendations for bookstores in the NJ/NY area? Looking to go someplace new