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Dark Phoenix Saga | Chris Claremont
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"25. Comics Craze." Just some quick grabs from my shelves from my comics collection, featuring stories and characters who have always had a special place in my heart! #30daysofreadathon #countdownfrom30 #comicscraze #marvel #dc #captainamerica #batgirl #darkphoenix #xmen #batman #pinkranger #ironman

Snacks | Ted Schaefer, Lola M. Schaefer
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#readathon #30daysofreadathon

Playing #catchup today. 🤘

Day 27 #snacks - Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is coming up. Here are some traditional and snowy mooncakes. 😋
Day 26 #shortstories - I‘m not a huge fan of short stories, but I do love me some macabre Poe. 😁
Day 25 #comicscraze - The Saga comics were a new binge worthy discovery for me this summer. Eagerly awaiting the next issue. 🤗
Day 24 #drinks - Coconut water w/lychee juice 🙃

batsy Love me some mooncakes 😋 7y
monkeygirlsmama @batsy Have you had the chance to try the Snowy kind? They‘re very different from the traditional kind; remind me a lot of frozen mochi actually. I finally got to try the chocolate kind the other day, and it was delicious. 7y
batsy @monkeygirlsmama No, I've only had the traditional kind. After seeing your description I'm totally going to look out for the snowy kind here 😀 7y
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monkeygirlsmama @batsy Hope you can find them. They‘ll most likely be in the freezer section if you can. 7y
Yellowpigeon Yay mooncakes!!!! 7y
monkeygirlsmama @Yellowpigeon Ewww, this giant one is the most disgusting mooncake I‘ve ever tasted. 🤢😥 I cant say for sure what it‘s stuffed with (seeds, egg, etc), but it has a fishy-like flavor. 😵 I‘ve had lots of different mooncake varieties, and the ones with seeds usually aren‘t a favorite of mine but I can usually stomach them. Not this time. Going to secretly slip this back into the office so maybe someone else will eat it with their tea on break. 😬🙄 7y
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Saga Volume 1 | Brian K Vaughan
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My husband has loved comic books his whole life and he is obsessed with Saga. He's forced them into my tbr stack and has been known to randomly gift copies to any of his friends who he thinks might be interested. I've only read the first 4 volumes and while they were definitely unlike anything I've ever read, I'm still not in love... But the illustrations are as amazing as the story is wacky!

GypsyKat I freaking LOVE Saga!!! It's so good! 7y
britt_brooke Love this series! 7y
bookloo Love love Saga! 💜 7y
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Bookzombie Let me join the party by saying I LOVE Saga! 😊 7y
Librariana Me five! 😄 Love, love! And I *adore* another of his series 💜 7y
Reviewsbylola I may have to gift those to the lord for xmas! 7y
Mdargusch I see this on Litsy all the time. Maybe I need to read one volume for my SIL. 7y
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Fray: Future Slayer | Joss Whedon, Karl Moline, Andy Owens; Dave Stewart; Michelle Madsen
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Catching up on #30daysofreadathon! Day 26/25: #shortstories and #comicscraze! Some of my favorites. (Obviously I love folklore or fairy tale retellings for short stories!) Fables and Sandman are two of my favorite #comics series, but new series like Monstress, Paper Girls and Ms. Marvel have been really good too!

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#day25 #comicscraze #readathon #30daysofreadathon
I can't wait to get into these during the Readathon :) 📖 #books #lumberjanes #msmarvel

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All's Faire in Middle School | Victoria Jamieson
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Three new graphic novels I have out from the library to get back in on the #comicscraze. #30daysofreadathon

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Paper Girls Vol. 1 | Brian K. Vaughan
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The #comicscraze has mostly passed me by but I've heard pretty good things about these. #30daysofreadathon

DGRachel I did not care for Phoebe, but I love Lumberjanes. Haven't tried the other one. 7y
Mimi28 I haven't read Phoebe, but I have read the other 2 and they are awesome! ❤️👍 7y
OfftoExplore My daughter loves the Lumberjanes! (edited) 7y
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Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #1 | Chynna Clugston Flores
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🖋🖌📖😀💁🏻 #ComicsCraze #30DaysOfReadathon #GraphicNovel

Everyone knows that the #LumberJanes are a #Readathon staple! They're awesome sauce!😎

But did you know that this collection teams up the #Friendship2TheMax ladies with the gang of Gotham Academy?

I certainly didn't until I stumbled across this at the public library tonight, just in time for today's prompt!

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Since you guys seem to like photos from my #bookishbulletjournal, here is my baby write-up from yesterday's #comicthon! [Edit: lol, not yesterday, 2 days ago. Still too sick to think straight. 😆]

#bulletjournal #bujo #comicscraze #30daysofreadathon @DeweysReadathon

ShelvesAndCandles This looks great, I love it! 7y
minkyb Isn‘t washi tape fun! 7y
Jinjer Pac-Man washi!!!! 7y
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Making Comics | Scott McCloud
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These are all the comics or comic-like books I‘ve read this year. #comicscraze #30daysofreadathon