When two high school girls can‘t #crawlouttalove with a fuckboy, you got problems- someone dies, someone goes to prison, and someone lives happily ever after 😒 #aprella #bestepisodeofsnappedever #nothinggoodhappensinpinellascountyfl
When two high school girls can‘t #crawlouttalove with a fuckboy, you got problems- someone dies, someone goes to prison, and someone lives happily ever after 😒 #aprella #bestepisodeofsnappedever #nothinggoodhappensinpinellascountyfl
When Violet starts to notice something is very wrong with jer husband and his fairytale book collection, she starts to #crawlouttalove. But that is easier said than done when she ends up in an asylum.
#crawlouttalove #aprella
Sylvia and Ted certainly did....although I don‘t think Ted really loved anyone completely he was such a cheater!!
It takes everything in Maggie‘s being to control her infidelity and #crawlouttalove with James, a poet who has shown her a passionate side of love that she has never experienced with her husband. Quatro‘s writing is so beautiful that while the story was obnoxious at times, it was worth the read. #aprella
The story of Emily Dickinson‘s brother Austin and his affair with the wife of an Amherst faculty member caused a feud that apparently still existed over 100 years later. Austin‘s inability to #crawlouttalove changed many lives. This one is on my TBR solely due to @LeahBergen ! Now I just need to read it. #aprella
Poor Meggie spends her every waking moment trying to #crawlouttalove with FatherRalph. #aprella
I reviewed this almost 10 years ago - a fun romance novel that follows Lucy Valentine, whose family runs a matchmaking business. The catch? A little bit of psychic ability may be involved, and Lucy lost her ability. Lucy‘s not exactly a fan of love, but there‘s something about the private eye who lives in her building...
I think this was made into a series. Pure fluff, but good to escape from reality. #CrawlOuttaLove #aprella
#Aprella This new thriller caught my eye on #NetGalley and is definitely giving me the #CrawlOuttaLove vibe or at the very least crawl outta the ground vibe....Has anyone read this one? Or the author‘s previous book Unraveling Oliver?!?