2nd epoch, part 2: this was actually really funny 🤣 #andalsodevastating #countessdeadeyesdruggedpoorfanny #stolethelawyersletter #leftablankinitsplace #uncleuselesshatesmariansletter #marriedpeople 🙄 #secretions 🤣 #invitesmariantovisitalone #porkchopshowsup #bullinachinashop #overwhelmsuncleuseless #askstosendlaurahome #interesting #uselessagrees #lawyerwasconcernedbutnotenoughiguess #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
BarkingMadRead @bookwormjillk @bklover @mcctrish @librarybelle @sace @clare-dragonfly @ruthiella @roary47 @catlass007 @elizamarie @quietjenn @dabbe @kwmg40 @rubyslippersreads 1d
BarkingMadRead @kao @barbarajean @thearomaofbooks @julieclair @samanne @kathywheeler @leftcoastzen @kspenmoll @graciouswarriorprincess @Morr_Books 1d
TheAromaofBooks I have been genuinely impressed by the different voices for the different POVs. Each one has really sounded distinct - even the tiny postscript by the Count yesterday. This was honestly maybe my favorite so far, despite the fact (because of the fact??) that I can't stand this guy! 😂 1d
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mcctrish I hate all the men but @TheAromaofBooks it‘s true, each POV is so distinct it really is awesome 1d
mcctrish Will they send Marian to the asylum? 1d
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish omg I hope not, but if she‘s alone in that house there‘s nobody to stop it from happening 1d
mcctrish @BarkingMadRead and unconscious/delirious with fever 😔 they knew she was out there, they lured her 1d
ElizaMarie Its a toss-up for me on which male character in this book I hate more. That #UncleUseless I almost pity him! Almost! and #EweSecretions !!! 1d
Bookwormjillk This was really funny and frightening all at the same time. This picture is perfect. The count is really playing chess. What is going on? 24h
CatLass007 Hi my friend. Would you please remove me from this and all future posts except for what‘s coming up next year? I am so overwhelmed with buddy reads. I have to cut something somewhere. I may still read the books and pop in from time to time, but I‘m trying to take some of the pressure off myself. Self imposed pressure. 24h
Bookwormjillk Also I'm listening to Pride and Prejudice now too and imagining it being told from the perspective of Uncle Useless. I wish all books had an Uncle Useless chapter. 23h
BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 I totally get it! 23h
CatLass007 Thank you. 22h
Clare-Dragonfly #CountPorkchop is SO DIABOLICAL!!! I am afraid for Marian because I‘m pretty sure #UncleUseless is wrong about Laura being unwilling to leave without her, when they already agreed on this course of action. And of course if the count thinks it‘s a good idea, it must be a bad one! 21h
Clare-Dragonfly @TheAromaofBooks Yes, good point! I knew the Count was the author of the postscript within a line or two. 21h
Leftcoastzen #uncleuseless makes me laugh then I get so angry at him! OMG ! The POVs in this book are all so good. It saddens my heart that these women are trapped in this situation. 20h
KAO Ah! I am caught up after a brief lapse. I agree that the varying points of view are marvelously done! I am very worried for Marian at this point, as I considered her the strongest character to search for the truth and defend Laura—and as I see that no other coming chapters in the table of contents appear to be coming from her point of view, I fear the worst. Meanwhile the grumblings of Mr. Fairlie really amused me! What a curmudgeon! 19h
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks Yes! Each POV is so well done! And today‘s section is perfect and so hilarious! 19h
BarbaraJean Today‘s section was much-needed comic relief after the infuriating postscript to yesterday‘s section… and also really frustrating because I NEED to know what‘s happening back at Blackwater and what #countporkchop is plotting. (And I‘ve read this before… I just don‘t remember 😂) 19h
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