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Reecaspieces Over half way finished with 5y
Reagan Still Atonement and The Magpie Murders, both very slowly. 5y
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Brave the Page | National Novel Writing Month
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Didn‘t get a ton of words in this week, but I did get a bingo!👩🏻‍💻✍🏼😃 #nanobingo19 #nanowrimo2019 #writersoflitsy

TK-421 Yay! Congratulations on the bingo! 👏👏👏 5y
Charityann @TK-421 Thanks!😊 5y
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Woooooo Wednesday! Hope you are taking time out of your #NaNoWriMo projects to read! If so, what're you reading? 🖤

#writingcommunity #amwriting #writerslife #writerlift #nanowrimo #nanowrimo2019

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NaNoWriMo | Washington School for the Deaf, Ginger Speranza
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I know I‘ve been a little absent but school hit me like a BRICK WALL. I‘ve had so many essays due (most for just one class) in the past week and a half.... Anywho, I‘m slowly getting back in the swing of things!

#nanowrimo #nanowrimo2019 #nano19 #nanobingo19

Charityann Nice! 😊 5y
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Yay! It's Wednesday! What book are you staying warm with? 🖤

#writingcommunity #amwriting #writerslife #writerlift #nanowrimo #nanowrimo2019

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Having trouble getting caught up 😕 Hopefully tomorrow is better! #Nanowrimo2019

DrJAdMerricksson Good luck!! 5y
JazzFeathers I think you're doing a great job! Don't give up! 5y
RainyDayReading I‘m running behind as well. Don‘t worry! There‘s still a lot of month left! We can catch up! 😁 5y
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Jas16 I am so impressed when anyone even attempts this! Amazing job. 5y
Redwritinghood Nice job! 5y
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Not entirely book related but I finished my sweater today, just in time for #nanowrimo #nanowrimo2019

Now I legit have 0 excuses this year. 🤐

#crochet #crafts

monalyisha It‘s fantastic! 5y
CampbellTaraL @monalyisha Thank you! 🤗 5y
Tamra Impressive! 5y
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DGRachel Pretty! 5y
JoScho It‘s awesome! 5y
Craftylikefox Love the colors! It looks great 😊 5y
Linsy That‘s lovely! 😍😍😍 5y
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NaNoWriMo has completely snuck up on me. I‘m working on what my project will be (is it wrong to do 2?), but this is my prep reading.
#nanowrimo #nanowrimo2019 #NeilGaiman #TheViewFromTheCheapSeats

CrowCAH @GingerAntics I heard about the integration; haven‘t checked out the new site. Won‘t be participating again this year, because doing some edits so I can turn in my full manuscript to an editor who asked for it. 5y
GingerAntics Apparently when the NaNo site integrated, I lost all of my buddies, so if we were buddies on there, please let me know so I can add you back as my buddy (or go in and add me again). Please and thank you. @wanderinglynn @texreader @cocoreads @jmofo @crowCAH @twohectobooks @adriannagab @jazzfeathers @julesG 5y
GingerAntics @CrowCAH sweet! Totally worth not doing, then!!! 5y
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GingerAntics @CocoReads I had a really great idea over summer for a project to do, but now I‘m not sure if I can pull it off. I should have started writing while the ideas were flowing. Oops. I‘m thinking maybe pick a theme and write some short stories on it. Dunno. I‘m almost wondering if I can‘t do both ideas. lol 5y
CocoReads Yeah, I was just thinking I need to get my act together both on the new site and figure out wth I‘m doing. (Not winning, but I at least want to participate. 5y
julesG Haven't had a look at the new site yet. Neither have I planned anything. I want to participate though. 🙈 5y
GingerAntics @julesG that‘s pretty much where I am. Last year I was so prepared the thing was practically already written. That‘s probably why it only took me 9 days to get to 50K words. This year, I‘ve got nothing. lol 5y
julesG Pantser!!! 😜 5y
JazzFeathers I'm not accustomed to the new sitxe yet. I tried to look people up, but apparently if l don't know the exact name, l can't find anyone. I'm Celebcuen over there, just in case. Will be partecipating at best l can. This has been the worst October l've ever had at work. I'm already worned out. But l'll be revising a couple of projects, so l should manage. 5y
CocoReads I‘ll have to look later at what my name is over there—I know it‘s not the same as here. I don‘t really have a planned although I‘m finally used to the hours at work, having been there more than a year now, it‘s still draining seeing as we‘re perpetually short staffed and they keep piling more responsibilities on. 😬 5y
GingerAntics @JazzFeathers I‘m still adjusting. I finally found where to find your buddies. I was a little disheartened to see all of them were gone now, but I haven‘t looked for anyone because I didn‘t remember anyone‘s names. I‘ll look you up later this afternoon when I can get on again. This really has been a crazy October, fall really. I feel you on that. Something will get written. What that is, is a whole other story. lol 5y
GingerAntics @CocoReads I know how you feel. I started a new job in August and I‘m still adjusting. I guess we‘re all flying by the seat of our pants this year. Why not? It keeps life interesting. We‘ll just see what comes out. 5y
twohectobooks I‘m continuing my break again this year as I focus on finishing my #modernlibrarytop100 project. I didn‘t realize there was such a big site change since I haven‘t logged in for a year or so! 5y
GingerAntics @twohectobooks it just switched in the last month or so. They‘ve basically combined the NaNo site and the camp site. It looks nice, though. What‘s your #modernlibrarytop100 project? I haven‘t heard of this, but I‘m all for anything with libraries. 5y
twohectobooks I‘m reading Modern Library‘s list of Top 100 books of the 20th century and reviewing them all in blog posts. I‘ve been at it for almost ten years for various reasons and I‘m SO close to the end. 5y
GingerAntics @twohectobooks wow, that is a lot of books and probably plenty of chunky ones. Fingers crossed you get to the end. At the moment, the NaNo site doesn‘t seem to be letting many folks add their 2019 project (and it‘s magically lost my progress for both camp seasions), so I think rate a lot of people won‘t be doing NaNo this year with you. lol 5y
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