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#LMPBC @Brittanyreads @Kdgordon88
This was such a cute story of the crisis of fitting in in middle school. As an educator I understand why the teachers “stopped“ her, but I wish they would have let their lunchcapdes keep going.
I have the next two from the library and can't wait to read them.
@LibrarianRyan I sent it off (from SD) and should be to you by Saturday.

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New Kid | Jerry Craft
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Excellent #MiddleGrade graphic novel. Jordan is reluctantly starting a new ‘good‘ private school, but one that is considerably less diverse than he‘s used to. The author does such a good job of highlighting the microagressions the kids of colour (& at least one of their teachers) face, things that may seem innocuous to the outsider - from misnaming, to ‘gritty‘ recommended reading. The subtleties of ‘code-switching on the bus‘ will stay with me.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
LibrarianRyan Loved this book. It‘s getting a sequel and a movie adapation 4y
Sarahreadstoomuch 👍😊 4y
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✴ Lafayette - A great entertaining tale of the French Marquis who was an American Revolutionary Was Hero.
#Doublespin #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#ReadersChoice #MiddleGrade #BBRC
@LibrarianRyan @Sarahreadstoomuch
✴ Alamo All-Stars - Nice summary of the events leading up to, during & directly after The Almo.
#MellowYellow #MiddleGrade #BBRC
#BookWithAYellowCover #SummerFunJr
@4thhouseontheleft @StayCurious

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
alisiakae I haven‘t heard of this series, they look good! 4y
LibrarianRyan 😁👍🏻❤️ 4y
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I finally read it. And. Ok I see why my boys have read it so many times-the humor is spot on for them. As a mom, I wish Greg saw more direct consequences for treating his friend so poorly, but then I doubt kids would read it as much. #bbrc #middlegrade #readerschoice #bookspinbingo

SiameseCatsRead Read the first two books to my son, then bailed. My 6 year old wasn't into it. I know he's young...but they just weren't for us. 4y
Sarahreadstoomuch @kelly_anne I‘m not going to encourage them, but my boys discovered and loved these around 3rd-4th grade. The younger is going into 6th now, and he‘s rereading them. Again. I stole this from his library pile! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!! 4y
LibrarianRyan 😁👍🏻❤️ 4y
SiameseCatsRead @Sarahreadstoomuch I agree that that's a better age group for the books. Most of the jokes went right over his head, or some of the words were objectionable in our house, so I kept having change words on the fly 😂 If he wants to read them in a few years, I would be ok with it. Lucky yours had them to steal from for bingo!!! 4y
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4 🌟
This is a very typical easy reader. We get to meet the various trucks and their caretaker. It‘s a nice easy reader that young gear heads will love.
#BBRC #ER #Readerschoice
#Mount TBR

Hello Girls | Brittany Cavallaro
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Think teenaged Thelma and Louise in this action packed book. Winona and Lucille each have less than perfect lives. They hide violence and destruction from the outside world, so it seems fitting that they become friends. When an event sparks a drastic decision, the two set out to find their own paths. I really liked listening to this. At times light, it also has some pretty heavy issues. My #ReadersChoice for #BBRC #TeenAngst .

LibrarianRyan Yeahh 4y
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Bone Gap | Laura Ruby
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When Roza goes missing, Finn is the only witness—but he cannot remember the man‘s face. The story that unfolds around these characters is full of magical realism, unexpected friendships, and the quirky town of Bone Gap. Definitely a solid read. #bbrc #teenangst #readerschoice

Next up for #BookSpinBonanza: Still Life

#NutsInMay Book 18 ✔️

LibrarianRyan Yeahhh 4y
Librariana Lovely review! 4y
Pogue This was a good book! 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Binti | Nnedi Okorafor
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I enjoyed the world-building and the diverse cultural background of Binti and her people. This was a fun fantasy novella that helped me escape this pandemic madness right now. I do wish it was a bit longer and wasn‘t wrapped up so neatly at the end, but I‘ll just have to read the second book!

Thank you @NeedsMoreBooks for this e-book again!

#BBRC - #TeenAngst #ReadersChoice

NeedsMoreBooks Glad that you liked it ❤️❤️ 5y
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A Properly Unhaunted Place | William Alexander
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After seeing @monalyisha ‘s rave review about this book, I knew I had to try it. An appeasement specialist hired by a library to appease ghosts? Yes, please! So, what happens when said specialist is hired by a town with no ghosts? Rosa, the daughter, learns a little bit about the town...the no ghost thing is complicated. This is a fun little story for #middlegrade that features haunts and libraries and history. Perfect combo! #BBRC #ReadersChoice

monalyisha Aw! Sounds like you enjoyed. 😊 5y
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Ghosts of the Shadow Market | Kelly Link, Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Robin Wasserman
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This book is a collection of short stories set in the Shadowhunter world that center around James Carstairs/Brother Zachariah. These were really good emotional stories. My favorite story was The Land I Lost where Alec rescues then adopts Rafe. It was also one of the least depressing stories. Cassandra Clare is really good at #tearjerkers 🖤
#ReadWithMrBook @MrBook
#BBRC #TeenAngst #ReadersChoice
@LibrarianRyan @RachelO

LibrarianRyan Yeahh 5y
Butterfinger Oooh I just checked out The Red Scrolls of Magic. I can't get enough of Magnus and Alex. 5y
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