Life has been stupid, stressful and it‘s thrown me into a reading slump. I‘m 170 pages in and if my life stress ruins the experience of this book for me I may start becoming as angry as Edward is at the people who are the source if my stress 😡
Life has been stupid, stressful and it‘s thrown me into a reading slump. I‘m 170 pages in and if my life stress ruins the experience of this book for me I may start becoming as angry as Edward is at the people who are the source if my stress 😡
I think this will be my new favorite series....wish I hadn‘t discovered it for years! #mbcreadathon #mbcgiveaway4
My amazing husband is taking my kids camping this weekend and leaving me home alone for a much needed mental health break! In between laundry, cleaning and organizing projects, I‘ll be participating in my first #mbcreadathon !! Here‘s my stack of catch up books. I‘ll finish the top and likely start on Midnight Sun for the weekend. #mbcgiveaway1
Watched a series on Hulu about GSK, as I had no idea who that was and I‘m a crime junkie. Googled for a book and realized I‘d already bought it! That is the first crime tv show that ever actually scared me. I can‘t imagine living in this fear!
Anyone else hate the book sleeves?
🌟🌟🌟It‘s time. I wish I was able to start reading sooner this evening. I may be up all night relishing in the magic 🌟🌟🌟
Meh. Not my favorite genre. Excellent idea and general story. Feel like the beginning was extremely rushed and more time could have been spent on explaining the program and information on the “schooling”. Also feel the struggle the main character experienced trying to figure things out could have been executed better. Whole story was rushed in general and I didn‘t like how it ended. I enjoyed reading it, just could have been more substance.
Had a little mishap with the tub and my 4 year old.....I told her I wasn‘t mad, I like crinkly papers!
Purrfect rainy night to start this one. This months book club pick. Not my normal genre.
Very relatable, interesting and easy to read and get into.
It‘s a cold crappy day. But we‘ve both found a way to enjoy it!
Just finished the tagged book. It was eh. Interesting, confusing, and the way it ended, it sounded like I might enjoy the NEXT book better, if there is going to be one. All the books in the middle of the shelves in the picture are ones I haven‘t read. I‘m a mood reader and I have NO IDEA what to read next!!! I‘m not feeling anything, except maybe a short one? Any suggestions? Something not too heavy.
Wanted to read something “different” and it appears this is it. The first chapter is very....intriguing. Trying to figure out what the heck is going on!
My reading cuddle buddy straight up stole my spot. Just finished this book. It was beautiful and terrible. This story will stay with me for a long time.
About time I read this one. April‘s book club pick.
Trying to get one Stephen King in a month. Not sure I can pull it off all year though. What are his best books?
Finished. Revved up first page and never slowed down. Disgusting, real, gritty, brave and well written. Loved the characters and all the different stories written in. #litsybookclub
Dedicated page from Hunting Prince Dracula that just touched me. I changed it to fit me. I hope I can pass on the legacy. And especially to my sister, I‘m so glad we have books in common and can share that together.
Here‘s part of my most recent Barnes and Noble bookhaul. Did you know Life After Life had a sequel?! It‘s about the main characters younger brother, beloved Teddy! Life after life was a slow read for me but it stayed long after in my brain. I‘m excited to read this one!
ThriftBooks/YA/stolen from my daughters stack haul. I have read Wonder with her and I‘ve decided I‘m going to continue in order to keep her interested in reading. She started Number the Stars today.
On a horror kick apparently. And I just ordered some old YA books I never read in school, so on a YA kick too 🤨
Believe this is a re-read for me. My mom only collected Stephen King when I was young and my Gma read a lot of Danielle Steele. So, those were the two authors I read the most as a teen. I can‘t really remember if I read this back then but it triggered my interest so I picked it up. Can‘t ever go wrong with Stephen King, that‘s for sure!
Starting this interesting story. The murder of a young woman in 1896 and the trial of the convicted killers. This lady was from my tiny little rural town, not sure if that‘s where her murder took place though. But I‘ve never even heard about it before. A friend told me about it. So excited!
Kept me up late for two nights. Good stuff. Twists I didn‘t see coming, reasonably believable, which is tricky in psychological thrillers. I‘ll likely reread (don‘t do often) so I can catch all the tiny hints.
A headache to start the new week and almost new year can‘t be good. Treating with a book in bed, a good Wrenna snuggle and head massager. Hope this doesn‘t forecast a hard year ahead for me....
Mixed feelings about this one and I can‘t even figure out why. Would be a good book club read for me, so I could talk through my feelings about it. Anyone read it have any thoughts?
More of the Stephen King I know in this one than the other two in the series.
Perfect Sunday night. Been looking forward to reading this one for quite some time.
Anyone know of good Black Friday sales for books?!
Started last night. Good, fast start. I‘ve heard very mixed reviews. Not sure why I can‘t just read that last Stephen King in the trilogy? Anyone else not really love reading a series back to back or am I just crazy?