Y‘all, this psychological thriller surprised me. It‘s the first one that I‘ve read in a while where I was completely hooked and completely surprised. Definitely deserving of the praise and buzz it has received!
Y‘all, this psychological thriller surprised me. It‘s the first one that I‘ve read in a while where I was completely hooked and completely surprised. Definitely deserving of the praise and buzz it has received!
It‘s been a while since I posted, oops! I have read a few books in the mean time, but I just finished this one. And I must say, despite my annoyance with the narrator reading footnotes every other sentence t seems like, this book was pleasantly enjoyable and even shocking towards the end. Kevin Kwan sure does know how to keep things interesting! I am immediately starting book 3!
This book is beautiful and emotional. I felt completely overwhelmed with emotion the last half of the book. What an authentic Latina voice.
TW: Assault, Intense Grief.
It‘s been a while since I have posted here, but I haven‘t been reading that much honestly. But last night I finished this amazing, beautiful, lyrical book and I just needed to make sure I mentioned it because it is that awesome! I connected to Xiomara so much. Definitely worth adding to your March Releases To Read list!
It‘s been a long week. I needed something funny and fun to listen to!
It was a comfy reading Sunday. Read this book in pretty much one sitting. If you are looking for the YA version of Crazy Rich Asians, pick this one up!
This short comic is beautiful. This love story is all to real for many queer adults. A perfect read for your #readharder female protagonist over 60! But honestly, you should read it anyway!
Y‘all, this comic series is beautiful and dark and lovely. I‘m glad I have the second volume on hand. #24in48
She keeps getting better and better! ❤️❤️
(This panel is the truth of my life.)
Finished this beautiful debut in the sun! There is something so emotional about a story about sisters. A poignant exploration of identity, family, and hope.
This was just what I needed— it‘s cute, it‘s quirky, but it does not shy away from the realities of being an Indian American teen or a Muslim in this country. It is out in stores on Tuesday! Plan on buying it!
This is really heavy. Good, but hard to read.
Listening to this gave me all the feelings for real.
God I miss her.
Are any of you participating in #boutofbooks ? This is my physical TBR pile for the week (courtesy of my local library)!
I‘m not sure how I feel about this one. I like that it reads more like nonfiction than anything else. It is intriguing and so real. But I think I need to listen to the second one to really decide how I feel. Good thing I have all three audiobooks in one! I think the next 20 hours will help 😊
First Read of the year, first book logged in #bookout. Overall I really enjoyed this story. Once again Marieke writes a compelling story with relatable characters. THere were some parts of the story I wanted explained a bit more, but I still really like this book. 3.5 stars. A great cold day read for sure (as it takes place in a winter Alaskan wilderness)!
First read of 2018! I decided to start with a 2018 release that comes out tomorrow! Hopefully I‘ll finish it in time to let you know if you should go buy it!
A precious story about how people‘s paths cross on a single ordinary night. And how ordinary nights can still be magical. Great book for week of Christmas!
Because I work with such great people. My teacher colleagues are getting some books from their favorite librarian!
Started out with potential for great development, ended as a flat dud that disappointed me.
I can see why people enjoyed this—it is intriguing and exciting and mysterious. But the “twist” kind of infuriated me and ruined all good feelings about this book. Meeeeehhhhh.
What a beautiful Book! A graphic novel retelling of Peter Pan in an incredibly heart-breaking way. The art is stunning, with a contrast between real-world pen and Neverland watercolor. Truly a lovely reading experience.
Finally starting the new Stephanie Oakes book. Already loving the voices.
This was a relisten, but I liked it even more tho time around. It‘s fun to know things as the reader and then watch the characters learn them.
Another beautiful story from Nikki Grimes! This one features a class of high school students, each dealing with their own stuff, who come together on Fridays to share their stories through poetry. A quiet beauty of a book!
Why did I wait so long to read this?! I was literally LOLing while reading this outside in public. It is that funny! And it addresses some serious truths when an honesty that I have never read before. Plus, MS Paint forever! A recommended read for sure!
Can't do it. The writing is so clunky and info-dumpy. And Jazz's voice is just weird.
This MAY make an okay audio listen if the narrator reads well. I may try the audiobook later. But maybe not.
Moving on.
"I am powerful and valuable."
Started this on election Tuesday. A very fitting coincidence.
She doesn't hold back. She speaks honest and sharp truths.
I love Nate so much! This is a great sequel so far!
Is this my favorite Robert Langdon? Nope. But is this more like the great Dan Brown and less like the terrible Dan Brown (aka Inferno)? YES! It was fun, it was intriguing, and it felt like a Dan Brown novel that you want to read.
This has been my life this month. The couch and my bed are just better options!
I know I get this way about every single Jason Reynolds book I read, but this one is different. This one FEELS different. This voice is so real to me because I hear it every day from my students.
I've had feelings since page 1.
This one is going to be the one I'm gonna need multiple copies of for my library.
My hold finally came in! Now I have three weeks to get through this 37595937274949 minute audiobook! 😂 #scaryreads
Took a much needed mental health day. Celebrating by starting this gem!