There‘s a #Barn on the farm! 🐄🐖🐂👨🌾
There‘s a #Barn on the farm! 🐄🐖🐂👨🌾
I am sorry this book is a bit late, but my favourite book for January was Farmer Boy. #12booksof2023
This is one of my favorite books of the Little House series.
#HasteMakesWaste was first recorded in 190 BC (https://grammarist.com/usage/haste-makes-waste/#:~:text=The%20modern%20use%20of%20the,more%20haste%2C%20less%20speed.” ) & it‘s well understood by farmers…
“Haste makes waste, but a lazy man'd rather get his work done fast than do it himself...all it saves is time, son. And what good is time, with nothing to do? You want to sit and twiddle your thumbs, all these stormy winter days?”
I finished the audiobook of this book. I have the physical copy of the book. This book is so cute. I read this book as a child. I love this series. I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars!!!
Saw this bracket on a few feeds and I thought about joining in on the fun. If someone could tell me who is hosting this, I will tag them as needed
Anyways, my favourite read for January was Farmer Boy. I am still in the midst of reading some other books, but I really did enjoy each time that I read the book. Looking forward to seeing what my favourite read of February will be. #2023readingbracket
Ever since we read Farmer Boy for the Little House chapter a day read I‘ve been craving pumpkin pie. Finally got to it today!
I really loved this Little House story about Almanzo Wilder & his family farm in New York state. Fun fact, I JUST found out that this is Laura Ingalls Wilder's husband... 🤦♀️ Haha, what hard workers people were in the 19th century. It's amazing to learn about processes we take for granted and how much harder, yet infinitely richer, their lives were.
I can't express how much I am enjoying buddy reading this series!! I've been meaning to reread it forever and am so glad that @megnews has given me the kick I needed!! I loved reading about a year of Almanzo's life and how much work went into every day! There are so many differences between the way they lived life then and how we do things now. I wish there were more books about Almanzo's growing years!!
Is there anything else you‘d like to discuss?
Tomorrow we begin #LittleHouse on the Prairie.
4.5⭐️ The second in the #littlehouse series, the book explores a year in the life of Laura‘s husband when he was growing up in Upstate New York. Aside from some of the political views that come through in the book, I quite enjoyed it. It‘s quite clear that the Wilder‘s are much established than the Ingalls and have a bit more money, as the 3 older children are sent to a school far enough from home that they have to board there. ⬇️
The second book in the #LittleHouse series was just as delightful as the first. Reading about Almanzo Wilder‘s childhood was fascinating—although at times a little too detailed for me in its descriptions of how to build a bobsled, etc. 😆 I loved getting to know Almanzo as a character—his love for horses & all aspects of farm life (and his hearty appetite) were endearing! I‘m thoroughly enjoying the buddy read—Megan, thank you for organizing it!
4✨This is the second read through of this book and I enjoyed it so much more this time. Now that I‘m a parent this time through I saw a different side to the story and how amazing of a kid Almanzo really was. @megnews #LittleHouse
A fitting final illustration for a book chock full of food. I thought this quote was sweet. Looking forward to seeing Almanzo again in future stories. #LittleHouse
As a young girl, this was my least favorite and least reread in the #LittleHouse series, undoubtedly because the MC is a boy. I appreciated it much more this time around.
I‘d totally forgotten this chapter and never saw this coming. How great for Almanzo! What did you all think?
Tomorrow is our last chapter. I‘ll post a wrap up discussion Friday and then Saturday we‘ll move on to Little House on the Prairie. I‘m super excited!
Good grief! First of all, Almanzo has more fight than me because I would have given up! Second, while I do understand childhood was viewed very differently in this time period, I was a bit miffed with his father for leaving him to figure it out himself. It‘s amazing how much childhood has changed, at least here in the US.
Christmas Day! How did you think this chapter compared to Christmas at Laura‘s house and today‘s Christmas? I was a little miffed with Frank for scaring the beloved colts. The descriptions in this chapter really made you feel the cold and the warmth, feel the melting snow, and smell the feast. (I skipped yesterday because there just didn‘t seem a lot to comment on but if you have a comment please feel free here.)
I couldn‘t help myself and I read ahead to the end of Little House chapter a day. Like many others this was my least favorite of the Little House series when I first read it as a kid. Now as an adult my view has changed, I loved it.
I remember this being my least favorite when I read them as a child because it felt slower than the others to me. I don't think I noticed how much it focuses on food and meals until this time around 😂. Man, it made me hungry over and over again! #LittleHouse @megnews
I‘m going to be honest and say every once in awhile when LIW starts describing the making of something in depth, my eyes start glazing over. I have a difficult time picturing things like that in my head. This chapter was like that for me. But the thing that does stand out is what an amazing relationship Almanzo has with his father. They are so sweet together.
This chapter was absolutely fascinating to me because my 4th great grandfather is listed as a shoe maker on the 1850 census in Stow Massachusetts. Very interesting to read the process he may have used. I was worried about the kids going off to school without new shoes.
Today‘s chapter shows the Wilder family doing many of the same chores the Ingalls family did. at butchering time. It made me thankful I can buy sweet smelling candles. It seems like these would not smell great and probably smoke a lot as well.
Got lucky at the library before! My digital loan of Farmer Boy expired a few days ago & I got so behind!! Lol, I decided to jump the gun on the next book in the series so I'm not scrambling to catch up again! @megnews
There‘s so much to discuss in this chapter. But my favorite part was how much Almanzo loved the horses. He is so sweet. I was so glad for him when he won the prize for best pumpkin. And it was so cute when he thought 3 days at the fair were too much. What stood out to you?
I really wanted a picture of Almanzo shaking the apple trees but since there isn‘t one, I‘ll post this instead. This chapter was more hard work but somehow harvest seemed more fun than planting. I felt and wanted to be right there in the action. I‘d love those apples and cider and a piping hot potato. But can we talk about how Almanzo got burnt and it was a quick fix and right back to work? No time for injury at harvest time.
Another chapter of hard but good natured work. I suppose you can pickle anything but pickled watermelon rinds was a shock to me. Waste not want not. We commented on year round eggnog before but this chapter makes me wonder when eggnog transitioned to a winter holiday thing.
How did you think it went, all things considered? 😂
What observations did you have from today‘s #LittleHouse chapter? I can‘t help but continue how sweet Almanzo is in his continual desire to grow up so he can take care of more things in the farm.
A couple things stood out to me in this chapter. First, I really liked Father‘s lesson on the value of a half dollar, all the work that goes into it. Second, the singing of The Star Spangled Banner prompted me to do a little research. This story is set in 1866. While TSSB was written in 1814, it was not recognized by the US Navy until 1889 and didn‘t become the national anthem until 1931, 2 years before the book was published. Before this, 👇🏻
This chapter finds the entire family in a rush to save the corn crop from the frost. It‘s funny how Almanzo takes his time on all the farm chores to avoid going to school. Ingalls does an amazing job developing his character.
#LittleHouse @megnews
This is a debate that still rages. And has no easy answers.
#LittleHouse @megnews Alice, you clever little proto feminist!
What a fun chapter! It‘s amazing how fun everyone made the work while working so hard. I think I‘d love in a perpetual state of grouchiness! Almanzo is so smart for a child his age. I love how he had the last laugh! #LittleHouse
Something came up yesterday and I didn‘t get a chance to read at all. Catch up today. This was a very interesting chapter. First, I thought it was sweet how Almanzo listened so carefully to everything his father and the horse buyer said he is already planning for his future at such a young age. Second what a mystery with the dog and the robbers. I‘m glad the Wilders were not hurt. #LittleHouse
#LittleHouse Confession time. I always loved the idea of these traveling peddlers. I don‘t know why but I think it‘s so cool. And it‘s wild that he stayed the night with them!
Sorry for today‘s later post. Busy with family. I hope all who celebrate had a joyful holiday.
I loved in this chapter when it said Almanzo was a little soldier in the great battle against weeds. We see Alice helping despite the difficulty in a hoop skirt and another conversation about gender differences. I am curious about the dialect/use of the word “be.” “I don‘t care how pretty I be.” I‘ve seen mother and father use this as well. Any 👇🏻
In today‘s chapter we find another similarity to Laura‘s life-maple sugaring. What I found interesting though was the potato train and Father‘s many trips to take the potatoes to it. How the whole family was involved in this endeavor. As a farmer his father really seemed to diversify. The family definitely seems to be well off for the times.
In typical little boy fashion, Almanzo doing things he knows he‘s not supposed to be doing.
Also, a chapter without food!!
I hope everyone affected by the winter storm is weathering it well.
Sundays look different in the Wilder household. Living in a more populous area, they attend church. But one thing hasn‘t changed. Children sit still and quietly. No work. No play.
I‘m taking bets on if we‘ll make it through one chapter without salivating descriptions of food!
How many authors could write a whole chapter on bathing as well as LIW? Another educational chapter here and one that again makes me thankful for modern conveniences. What they had to go through to bathe and only once a week! Oh my!
Of course there were more food descriptions. Interesting that Mother used the twist and not the whole shape for the convenience of them flipping themselves. I didn‘t know this.
Here too we find an offensive name 👇🏻
For our #FarmerBoy readalong, I have not only learned so much about life in the mid-1800s but I've learned a ton about Northern NY state! I love New York history and this is just so exciting!! For the ice cutting chapter, we have the guys traveling to the pond near Trout River.
Today‘s chapter continues to showcase how different and difficult and often times more dangerous everyday things were at this period of time. We‘ve come a long way to ice cubes coming out of our freezer at the push of a button. Can‘t imagine having a 9 year old help with such a dangerous job today.
Like so many other things #LittleHouse, birthday celebrations were different too. A day off school! What a nice day Almanzo had. With plenty of cookies and doughnuts too! I don‘t think we‘ve gone one chapter without a discussion of food!
Well after all the conversation yesterday I‘m very curious to hear what everyone thinks of this outcome and if everyone thinks this is the last we‘ll hear of the Hardscrabble gang. I have a feeling the parents are going to be mad! Another chapter with violence but I can‘t say those boys didn‘t finally get what was coming to them.
I loved the cozy picture Laura painted in my head of the family gathered together eating popcorn. My family has done this too as I‘m sure many others have which just goes to show many things may change but some traditions remain. The story about Pa getting up in the middle of the night to wake the cows in the freezing cold was very interesting. I can‘t stand the bitter cold so I just can‘t imagine having to do that! Other observations?