Here are #3books I hope to read next month. A couple for #Pemberlitten read alongs & one I‘ve been meaning to get to for a while and now feels like a good time.
Here are #3books I hope to read next month. A couple for #Pemberlitten read alongs & one I‘ve been meaning to get to for a while and now feels like a good time.
Sisters in Law is a bog at times, so I‘m breaking it up with Bright Dead Things and What the Fuzz?!
What are you reading this month?
Today‘s reading for International Women‘s Day! This is the first pick for Nonfiction Women Book Club on Instagram and I‘m reading along this month.
#nonfiction #nonfiction2019 #internationalwomensday
Sorry I didn‘t have more posts today for #joinin. I barely had time to go to the bathroom this morning before my two little marauders discovered the tree, and my 2 year old proved to be a very efficient gift-unwrapper. I love this map of how to say “Merry Christmas” in various languages.
#riotgrams Day 11 -Naked Hardcover! So scandalous!
Library book sales strike again! Here is my #bookhaul. I justify it by telling myself I got all of these for less than one new hardcover, but that doesn‘t help my lack of shelf space. Thank heavens the book sales are over until the fall! 🤪
#noshelfspace #cannotcontrolmyself
This book is full of good and important info. But... The writing is so dry. And the author‘s occasional attempt at humor just comes off as clunky because it‘s so out of place. But I am glad I read it and learned so much about these two.
Oh, that‘s an especially awkward phrasing...
A little dry, but I‘m learning so much. It‘s a little ridiculous how much I didn‘t know about these two, especially O‘Connor, so I‘m rectifying that. #GIVEAWAYREALTALK @Liberty
Having a bit of an angry-day and I'm not sure if this is going to help or hurt my Society Freaking Sucks mood but either way, gotta get it read for book club Monday.
Well written and documented, this study of the first two women to sit on the SCOTUS covers not only the Supreme Court careers of Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but their early careers as well with reasonable attention to family life. While O'Connor doesn't always come across well, the reader will come to understand why Ginsburg is known as Notorious R.B.G.
It has the Leo seal of approval for keeping Mommy in one place for cuddles.
"Abigail Adams once predicted that if the framers left women out of the new republic they were founding the 'ladies' would 'foment a rebellion.' Here it was."
This is history I did not know, and it's chilling.
I checked the holds yesterday and I didn't think I was remotely close on anything. Still, I'm a bit excited about getting this.
#MarchIntoReading #FemaleSuperHeroes
Superheroes IRL!!! ❤🎉🙌🏻💪🏽
Can't spell 'truth' without 'Ruth'!
This dual biography was informative about O'Conner and Ginsburg lives, their impact on women's rights and their legacies. I am a HUGE RBG fan, and while I had read a few books about RBG, the juxtaposition of their two lives helped understand the impact that they had on the Court.
Long live RBG!❤😀
I ❤ RBG and I enjoy any book that I can read her work or her life story. I hadn't known much about O'Connor, and this book shows their similarities and differences. I love they could rise above their differences. So far, so good!
I really enjoyed this audio. It's always nice to see people from opposite political parties working together and remaining civil. Notorious RBG is still my hero.
Getting my feminism on this morning in the lab. So enjoyable! #feminism #labsoundtrack
Good read about the first women Justices. I didn't really know much about either of them and there were a lot of great anecdotes and historical cases covered. I thought the book was a little biased with a preference for Ginsberg.
#currentlyreading this for my book club and enjoying it. Lots of interesting anecdotes about the Supreme Court and women's rights over the course of history. #photoadaynov16
Finished this dual biography today... two extraordinary women with very different legal styles, philosophies, and paths to the highest court. If you're at all interested in the Supreme Court, this is a must read! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #NonfictionNovember
SCOTUS has been in the news a lot lately and a book about two women with different political views working together seemed timely. This was absolutely riveting. I learned so much from reading this and will be seeking out more about SCOTUS and the justices. Also, RBG is my hero. #NonfictionNovember2016
I finished listening to this book about the lives and careers of the first two women to serve as justices on the U.S. Supreme Court during my walk this evening. It was interesting to consider the differences between their politics and decisions, while at the same time often providing support for each other.
#NonfictionNovember #nonfiction #audiobook
This is a multi-purpose post about a current book. 📖 I'm starting a new audiobook, experienced through my earbuds on my afternoon walk, that is a dual biography of Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Sandra Day O'Connor.
#NonfictionNovember #audiobook #nonfiction #Novemberland #FunFridayPhoto
Today's Kindle deal! I've been wanting to read it, so I already bought it despite already having ten other Kindle books to read... #neverenoughbooks
My book shelves make no sense! But I love all of them. ❤️
This is one of my picks for books to read if you love The West Wing over at erinkwed.wordpress.com
Written for those of us who have retreated into the Bartlet administration to escape this election season😳
I wanted to love this book so much but it was just ok. I felt like the author spent much more time talking about RBG and less about O'Connor. It definitely wasn't a satisfying read . . . left me wanting more.
Read for neighborhood book club. After a brief biographic section which traces the background of each of the justices, the book essentially lays down the jurisprudence of women's rights established while they served on the court together. The narrative suffers from getting bogged down in caselaw.
Finished this on audiobook last week. Great history not only of two important women, but of the long, hard, uphill legal fight for gender equality. Thanks, ladies! And, long live RGB!