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Dead Over Heels
Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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When the body that falls from an airplane into Aurora Teagarden's backyard is identified as Detective Jack Burns of the Lawrencetown police department, Aurora becomes the prime suspect in his death, especially after yet another body turns up in her vicinity. Reprint.
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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I like this play on #HeadOverHeels This one is the fifth book in the Aurora Teagarden mystery series. 👠🔍

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👠 4mo
Eggs Love the Aurora series🤗 4mo
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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Sergeant Jack Burns has terrified Aurora Teegarden from book number one in the series. This book begins with the body of Sergeant Burns landing in Aurora‘s backyard. The question of who threw him from the plane and why are the questions asked in this book.

Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris

I have yet to be let down by this series. I‘m not even mad it‘s different than the movies.

Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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Audio books are getting me through this move! Packing is not fun and I'm having a very hard time staying on track. The Aurora Teagarden series is proving to be perfect keeping my mind just busy enough so I don't keep getting sidetracked, but still focus on what I need to get done. #audiobooksforthewin

Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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Next up!!

JoScho Those salt and pepper shakers are amazing!!!! I collect them and those are just 😍 4y
BarkingMadRead @JoScho thanks! They came from New Orleans 4y
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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I‘m done with Aurora Teagarden; despite her education, she‘s an idiot and annoying. I saw the motive for the murders in this book a thousand miles away (and I‘m terrible at that). I don‘t care for her husband at all, and I was appalled at the racism expressed in this book basically through Aurora saying she loves black people as library patrons. I did love the opening scene where a character falls from a plane. Loss of Innocence = walking book.

Trashcanman Best review I've read this week. 👊🏼 4y
KathyWheeler @Trashcanman thank you! 😊 4y
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BookwormAHN I read the first Aurora Teagarden book for one of the Litsy book clubs and it was bad, really bad. 4y
KathyWheeler @BookwormAHN They keep getting worse. 4y
Reggie I‘m sorry this book was bad but your review made me smile.😊 4y
KathyWheeler @Reggie Making someone smile is always good. 😊 4y
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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Tonight‘s light reading is Charlaine Harris‘s Dead Over Heels; these books are so light that I can watch Next in Fashion at the same time. 😊

Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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This is one case where the show is better then the books. Great cosy mystery if you are not looking for anything to deep.

Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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This is number 5 in the series and they aren't the most mysterious of mysteries, but I find them fun to read. This one on the other hand is way out in left field. When the mystery is finally uncovered it leaves you rolling your eyes and wondering how she ended with such a huge plot hole. I'm still reading book 6, but only bc I'm not tired and I have it available. 🙄🤷

BookwormDownUnder I love cozies and liked the Hallmark movies of this but couldn‘t get into the first book in this series. Not sure why. 6y
WhatThePuck @ReadingDownUnder I think it's because she really does make you trip over all of her plot holes and sometimes it's easier to forgive or overlook. At least I was until this book. 😂 6y
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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I tried a 24 in 48 a few months ago over a very busy weekend and of course didn't come anywhere close to 24. This one might still be obtainable even though I didn't read last night. Instead of reading I watched my soccer team destroy the New York Baby Bulls for the USL Eastern Conference Championship. 😜🎉🏆⚽

#13in3 #LCFC #BacktoBackChampionship #LouisvilleCityFC #BeastoftheEast (my fb friends are tired of hearing about it. 😂)


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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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Impromptu library trips are never alone. Even when I whisper to the husband where I'm going. He got just as many books as I did. She did what she always does and walks around aimlessly and leaves with one book. #anxietyproblems #toomanytoochoose


Whimsical.Curiosity Aaaww!! I totally do that, roam the entire library and leave with one book. 6y
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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I made a bit of a mistake and read the 6th book before the 5th... still loved it! Two books into two days! Back in the swing of it (until Monday when work starts)

The power by Naomi alderman up next 🤓

(Also my shelves are overflowing, and my this is only half of the Charlaine Harris books - that woman is a writing machine!)

Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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It's a cozy mystery, coffee, and couch kind of day. #cozymystery

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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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I made the move to Libro.Fm. And @Kenny of course I chose to support King's Books😊📚

Kenny Love it. 7y
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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Trying to catch up on some Aurora Teagarden! #audiobooks #librofm

drokka I didn't realize those were Charmaine Harris stories. I just thought they were made for tv stories. 7y
MCYmermaid Yes, this series predates both the Hallmark mysteries, & Charlaine's Sookie Stackhouse books. 7y
Amanda23 Aurora is awesome!! New one coming out this year. 7y
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris

I read 26 books in February, which is low for me. I've been working a lot lately, and was just too tired to read. I couldn't focus when I tried. I hope March is better. If I hadn't lowered my goal this year, I would be behind. :( Still, there is plenty of time for me to catch up. The book tagged is the last book I read in February. That was on the 23rd. I haven't read anything in almost a week.

Sydsavvy Hope you are getting more reading time now! 7y
BeckyD @Sydsavvy I've been reading a lot more lately. I guess I was just in a reading slump. 7y
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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My stack of cozy mysteries (and one romance) from the library.

BeckyD The one on top is 7y
robinb I'll have to check some of these authors out. Thanks! 7y
RadicalReader @BeckyD State of the Onion sounds like a phenomenal book judging just from the title. 7y
BeckyD @robinb They are all good series. 7y
BeckyD @radicalReader I really enjoyed it. 7y
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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Book 5 took me three days to finish. (Books 2-4 were less than a day each).

It also felt a bit lackluster compared to 2-4.

Not sure if lack of luster caused me to read it slower or if reading it slower dulled the luster. #chickenoregg

End verdict: still pretty good, just not as good as the previous three.

Eyelit 💜 the look on your 🐶 face! 8y
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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Remember my question from yesterday: "How many nights in a row can I stay up way, way past my bedtime (2am!) to finish the next Aurora Teagarden book?"

Three. The answer is 3 nights. Last night, I crashed (while reading) with just past the midpoint.

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled A valiant effort! 👏 8y
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Dead Over Heels | Charlaine Harris
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Still on an Aurora Teagarden binge! This book was just as easy to read as ever. I still don't get her marriage, and I wish she was nicer to Madeline, but an okay mystery. I'm already 1/4 through the next book!

Sammidnightsun No better binge 8y
LauraBrook Thanks @Sammidnightsun! Two years ago I binged the Sookie series, and it was great, only 2 1/2 books left before its all over. 8y
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