My name is Michele with one "l". So in college people called me one "l" Michele, which sounds like one elma shell. So I turned one_elma_shell into my email and Etsy shop and use Elma where I can as a username. @kaye
My name is Michele with one "l". So in college people called me one "l" Michele, which sounds like one elma shell. So I turned one_elma_shell into my email and Etsy shop and use Elma where I can as a username. @kaye
My name is Michelle, and one of my friends in high school started calling me Michollio. Depending on the day, the last bit of that nickname might go on and on (Micholliolliollio, etc). I don't do a lot with social media and this is the first time I had to come up with a handle. This nickname seemed like a good idea, and definitely better than some of my other nicknames 😆
I name my dogs after food since I had an AppleJack when I was 10. My Butterfinger is a 10 year old Australian Shepherd. @kaye
Sharpeipup is a nickname that goes back decades now. I dressed up in a costume that I was too short for & it bunched up around my ankles like a sharpei puppy. #nowyouknow #litsyhandle
Fun idea Kaye!
Mine is a nickname from my dad (byrd). I spell it with a “y” because I have a y in my name. And the “bookish” is more obvious...passionate about reading.
It will be fun to hear from everyone else, too.
My Litsy handle actually came from a covert IG account. My mother would go on my IG account and comment about how what I was posting was stupid. To keep the peace, I didn‘t block her, I just made a shadow account with this handle (because I‘m a ginger/red head and I like to get up to shenanigans or antics) for the goofy stuff I wanted to post about. All my friends followed it because those were their favourite posts.
@Kaye How I chose my Litsy username is a pretty short story. I've been using TK-421 as my online handle for several years because my initials are TK and I'm a Star Wars fan so it's the perfect combination. I also love that it's like a little nerd-factor test: anyone who gets the reference is usually pretty awesome 😂
My handle is made up of my favourite book which is Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks and my birthday which is 28 April
Samplergal is a long held handle from when I was stitching and designing reproduction samplers. Here are a couple of what I used to do. I no longer see well enough to work on 36 ct linen. 😞.
A few years ago I started writing online about my struggles with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome under the name Indoor Dame during a particularly difficult spell when I‘d been unable to leave my apartment for nearly a month. Since then it has become my instagram handle, and now my litsy handle.
Glad to see all the new Littens! My handle is because I was so excited to be around readers- and get recommendations! So Chrissy Read It as a directive/recommendation was the thought.
My handle is a username that I have been using for ages. It is a mashup of parts of my entire name. My name is Jessica Nicole, but I have always gone by Jesse. When I was younger I spelled it Jessi. My mama always called me J or Jessi Nikki. Added my last initial and got JessiNikkiP
Whats your story?
What a great idea to share our name origins with one another! Those in the Denver area will recognize the 5280 part of 5280reader. That‘s the elevation in Denver - 5280 feet above sea level! Thanks for organizing this!
I chose my name based on my little road in the woods called Whippoorwill Lane. It is my reading haven!
The name “whippoorwill” was already taken so I had to add to it. Any Lost fans out there? 815 is after Oceanic Flight 815. Yes, I‘m a huge nerd.
My earliest online tag (still on Instagram) was AloeMantis, based on spiritual interests around the yin-yang heart-chakra androgynous mantis. 👽💚 AlobelThee (sounding like Poe's Annabel Lee) became a more customized take; still symbolic in the Goth-ish spirits. 👻💙 Any pronunciation works, as Aloe-bell can shorten to Alo-bel, with a Shakespearean 'Thee'.
Mine is from the name I chose in EverQuest years ago. My friend said to pick a name that could be shortened to three letters and still sound good. This was excellent advice. My sister, @Rae2 , went by Raewyn and my brother by Zaewyn. @kaye
This is such a cute idea @kaye !!
My handle is pretty straightforward, I started using it on Instagram where it‘s hard to come up with a username when you have a very common name like mine, Emily Dixon. I messed about with using my middle initial and taking vowels out till I found something that wasn‘t taken on Instagram then used it here too!
@kaye has asked us to share why we chose our Litsy handles. We did this a while ago but it‘s fun for all the new Littens (and for us old-timers too - I‘m loving reading everyone‘s responses!)
Many years ago someone we knew had squirrels in their loft (!) and could hear them skittering about. I used to have bad panic attacks/anxiety so my husband and I called this the squirrels in my brain. I now have a 🐿obsession and totally own the squirrels!
In response to @kaye 's query: My handle is the nickname I've had for years--since high school, in fact. I am of the generation where there were a lot of girls named Amy. There were 4 of us in my class alone! So my friends called me "Amiable" instead. I think (hope?) it's because I'm friendly! ?
I just use my name. I‘ve used my name as a handle as far back as BBS days. (Late 80‘s). If you‘re not familiar with the term, a BBS was a Bulletin Board System. How we connected pre-internet. Back then my friends were Shrinky, Vanilla Creme and Studmuffin. 🤣🤣
@kaye my handle is pretty boring and I use it for all social media / email. First letter of first name (Danelle) and last name.
Hello and Good Morning Litsy! @kaye has suggested sharing an explanation of Litsy handles again, especially for all our more recent followers.
My first name is Soubhi, and some of my favorite places end in ville... also it‘s like saying “Soubhi‘s town”!
Check out @kaye ‘s original post for the original graphic.
And welcome to all our new Litsy friends! I‘m so glad you‘ve found us!
@kaye is asking "What's your handle?" We did this awhile ago & it's a fun way to get to know everyone. With so many new Littens, it's a great time to do it again!
Growing up as one of six kids, I spent most of my time in my room with a book. One day my sister had friends over to what they thought was any empty house. They heard a noise & thought it was a ghost. "No worries, that's just The Kid Upstairs" my sister replied and a nickname was born!
I was trying to come up with an Instagram handle when I moved to China since I knew I wouldn‘t be always complimentary & the government gets a little toey about that sort of thing. After an extremely annoying few days trying desperately to find an apartment to rent and seeing only disasters, our real estate agent said that landlords in Shanghai were notorious for trying to sell “glass as diamonds” & I went with it for my social media. #litsyhandle