Merry Christmas Everyone! How was your reading year?
Merry Christmas Everyone! How was your reading year?
An accurate portrayal for how I feel about this book ❤️📚😍
Good Morning! Im still reading Beyond the Red but I'm dreaming of This Savage Song haha Soon! Today i'm spending the days at my in laws and going to a flea market 😄A special thank to my brother for letting me harass his snake for this picture 😬👍🏻 How did you start your morning? ❤️📚
Good Morning! I've just been admiring this cover all morning 😍 Most likely my next read after Beyond the Red. I am on my way to visit the parents and in-laws this morning so hopefully I'll get some reading done on the drive! How are you starting your day? 📚❤️
Coffee, brunch and books ❤️📚 I'm still trying finish Beyond the Red, I went rock climbing last week and now my carpal tunnel is in over drive in both wrists so reading has been at a minimum so that's why my review for Wink Poppy Midnight hasn't been typed up yet 😩 it's all good though, I've been binge watching Being Human on Netflix 😁❤️
If anyone loves classic fairy tales then you'll love this amazing series. It give timeless tales a fresh and exciting sci-fi twist that makes for an incredible adventure. There is romance (obviously) but the romance isn't the plot, these girls are some butt kicking heroines that don't need no man to save them, but they'll stop by for a quick kiss when they're done saving the planet - which is always a win in my book
New book started! Has anyone else here read Beyond the Red yet?
Has anybody read this series? I never have but they have amazing reviews on GoodReads...so I bought all of them 😅
I'm working all day today, better pictures and reviews will have to be put off till tomorrow! 😩 how is everyones Monday going? 📚❤️
I finally finished Wink Poppy Midnight and what a ride it was! I will be posting a review on my GoodReads most likely tomorrow...😁
Just a few books on my TBR list that I can't wait to start 😁 I've heard such good things about all of these books ❤️📚 What are most excited to start reading?
Good morning! How are you starting your day today? I'm still trying to get through Wink Poppy Midnight 😅
😂😂😂 ok, Poppy, whatever you say 😂😂😂
Literal Love 📚❤️
This is amazingly written, there are so many truly beautiful phrases. ❤️💔
I heard somewhere that Red Queen is getting a movie! Anyone know for sure?
I've already read this book but it about time to start it again since book two is coming out soon!
"It seemed so much nicer over in Winks world"
I finally have all of Sarah J Maas' books! Time to start rereading them! Hahaha ❤️📚☕️
20 hours and 10 minutes later at 11:43 pm. Between work and life I didn't quite make it to a full 24 hours but I'm still pretty impressed with myself. All four of these books where incredible in very different ways. Illuminae was by far the biggest book I had in my stack and the most amazing - 5 stars 😍 #24in48
Good morning, on to hour 3! 📚🍓 #24in48
#24in48 reading pile! Who else is participating? 📚☕️
I do not have a book buying problem. I do not have a book buying problem. I do not have a book buying problem. I do not have a book buying problem....
I've been waiting for the book since I finished the first. About half way through and on the edge of my seat 🔥
Ehhhhh....just eh. Interesting setting but the first 75% is just straight up boring. The last bit finally gets some action going but not enough to make me want to read the soon to be released second book.
What an absolutely beautiful book. This book easily had the most fantastical world building out any book that I've read recently. Highly highly recommend!
Same, Albert, same. I live in Southern Arizona too. I love that he expresses the miserableness of Southern AZ every chance he gets. I feel your pain...
And on to the next book! I've had my eye on this one for a while...
This was fun! I died at every possible turn, but I enjoyed it! I had never tried a book like this before and I was a little unsure about it but my fears were all for naught. Definitely recommend!
I have never read a book like this before so we'll see how it goes! Has anybody else read this yet?
Incredible! I wasn't so sure about the narrative of this book but it swept me up and I finished in a day and a half. I cant wait for the second!
I know they say not to judge a book by its cover but I do believe I have found the exception! An amazing cover to match an amazing story.
I can't decide which book to read next! I'm supposed to be reading The Last Days of Magic but I got distracted 😅
I have loved this series so much, I am so bummed that this is the last book. Amazing characters with amazing arcs. I was late to the party for these books but I ain't mad about it. I didn't have to wait for release dates! I can't wait to find out what happens to my characters...
The best way to get some reading in on vacation 😎
Food for thought. This book is certainly interesting and the author is definitely trying to wow you with her knowledge...
Soon to be reviewed...;) can we talk about this cover though?!