Written mostly as a one sided epistolary, readers get a glimpse of life for Anne during the three years she spends at Windy Poplars while she's the principal at the school as she writes to Gilbert who is away studying to be a doctor.
Written mostly as a one sided epistolary, readers get a glimpse of life for Anne during the three years she spends at Windy Poplars while she's the principal at the school as she writes to Gilbert who is away studying to be a doctor.
“‘I‘ve got a new outlook on life,‘ thought Katherine as she drifted off to slumber. ‘I didn‘t know there were people like this.‘
‘Come again,‘ said Marilla when she left.
Marilla never said that to any one unless she meant it.”
#KindredSpiritsChristmas #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
I love this excerpt from Windy Poplars so, so much. Marilla only makes the briefest appearances, but you can feel the Green Gables welcome throughout. ⤵️
Today‘s short story for #KindredSpiritsChristmas is from the 2 chapters in Anne Of Windy Poplars when Katherine Brook comes to Green Gables for Christmas. I‘m a big fan of both Anne miniseries from the 1980s & now I‘m ready for a rewatch! Katherine is an interesting character & it‘s great to see her come out of her shell. Added bonus that she comes for Christmas in the book, as she comes for the summer in the movie. Love this series. 5⭐️
Another one down, and a very easy read! I remembered this book much differently and did not think I'd enjoy it, but in all honesty, I have no idea why I felt that way. A misplaced memory, perhaps. #bookeightof2024
“Gilbert darling, don‘t let‘s ever be afraid of things. Let‘s be daring and adventurous and expectant. Let‘s dance to meet life and all it can bring us.” The beloved story continues as Anne returns home and takes her place in the community she grew up in. I enjoyed revisiting old friends in seeing Anne continue to grow into a bold, confident but yet caring woman. #challenge52
Latest addition to my Montgomery collection.
Anne is always the perfect way to start autumn. She always makes me happy! Still , this isn‘t my favorite of the series, because it reads more like a series of loosely connected character sketches that the other books. Probably because Anne never completely connects with anyone in Windy Poplars, and much of her life is spent writing to Gilbert about who she sees and biding her time until she can be with him again. #bookspin
I suppose we could focus on all the back-to-school craziness Anne and I ought to be handling, but instead I choose to focus on the fact that Spooky Season has clearly officially started since here in Windy Poplars it‘s September 12th and Anne just moved into her tower room overlooking the graveyard at the end of Spook‘s Lane.
I didn't enjoy this one quite as much as the others, but it was still good. I felt like the episodic quality was a little clunky and I would've liked it if more of the characters had resurfaced, instead of only being around long enough for Anne to have an adventure with them before vanishing. There were some sweet new characters, like Little Elizabeth and Rebecca Dew.
Finished my Lore exam yesterday.
This one is also April‘s #bookspin pick
Anne of Windy Poplars is the 4th book in the Anne of Green Gables series. I haven‘t been enjoying the series that much but they have been getting better with each book so I‘ll continue at some point as I do own them all.
#oriliumacademy #oriliummagicalreadathon #oriliumspringequinox #goodseer #archivist #anneofwindypoplars #lmmontgomery
Veta Mae has returned to Orilium Academy for her second year of studies and has decided to continue the calling of Godseer.
Currently working on the Lore exam with Anne of Windy Poplars by L. M. Montgomery for book with a map.
#oriliumacademy #oriliummagicalreadathon #oriliumreadathon #goodseer #archivist #anneofwindypoplars #lmmontgomery
Just a reminder that the Friday, Dec. 9th reading for #KindredSpiritsChristmas is an excerpt from Anne of Windy Poplars. If you‘re reading the Christmas with Anne collection, just keep reading! It‘s the next story in the collection, “Katherine Brooke Comes to Green Gables.” If you‘re reading from a different collection, or individual stories online, it may be helpful to know the excerpt is chs. 4-6 from the Second Year. #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
Anne remains lovely & fun & Montgomery's characters continue to just enchant me. I am particularly fond of her knack for writing cantankerous characters who leave me laughing out loud at their ridiculous antics. I just had a really great time with this read & I love this series. It's definitely mildly dated, but I still find the situations relatable & the whole thing generally wholesome. A case of a classic series that holds up.
I know some people don‘t enjoy book 4 in the AOGG books as much as the others, but I love this one. Maybe because I love books written in epistolary format (would have LOVED to see some letters from Gilbert to Anne!). There are so many interesting characters and lots of laughs. I adore this series and it‘s so perfect for when you really need an escape from harsh reality. 5⭐️
I‘m slowly reading through all these books. While I enjoyed the first three books I thought this one was pretty long. I *almost* bailed on this book. 3/5 ⭐s #ebook
I wish I could have posted more because this was highly quotable, but I was driving for the majority of this book. Another solid Anne book. Also I second Rebecca Dew “Only do not expect too much of a man.” 😇 I am 10 hours down from Day 1! #33by33
Been getting rather religious lately with my peppermint coffees and cocoas 😜 #33by33
"Nobody is ever too old to dream. And dreams never grow old."
#currentlyreading #AnneShirleyCuthbert #HeyCarrots #fiction #novels #bookseries
Now THAT was a funny scene at the Cyrus Taylor house ? Ch 10 sees Anne attempting to break the enraging sulk of Mr. Taylor and in the process finds out that "it is much easier to start things than finish them." Trix and Pringle really shake things up at the dinner table and to Anne's utter surprise, Mr. Taylor becomes human again (with a chuckle and a shrug to boot!) That's one potentially sticky situation that Anne escaped!!
I took a long break from #AnneShirleyCuthbert only because I spent most of last summer immersed in her funny, chaotic world and I didn't want to run through the series too fast.
Little did I know when I hit Book 4, the tagged book, I'd get bored out of my mind. I love Anne, Marilla, Rachel, Gilbert!! I just don't love this book!
Anyone else feel the same? I'm pressing on bc I have the whole series but I need encouragement that it gets better! 🥴
#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - final Windy Poplars questions. I enjoyed this read with you all--on to House of Dreams tomorrow!
4a. What will stay with you the most from reading Anne of Windy Poplars? Any new realizations, quotes you loved, etc.?
4b. Thinking back on the book as a whole, is there anything you feel this text calling you to do? Is there something Anne or another character has inspired you to think about or act on?
3a. Anne has a knack for finding/making a home wherever she goes (such a contrast to her life before Green Gables!). Where did you notice themes of love and home (or their lack) in this book?
3b. Anne usually makes friends and wins people over (perhaps too) easily, but that‘s not the case with the Pringles or with Katherine Brooke. What did you think about these two storylines? Did they change or deepen your view of Anne?
#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - Windy Poplars discussion
2a. There are a LOT of vignettes throughout this book, with new characters we don‘t see again. Which of these did you enjoy most? Which did you NOT enjoy?
2b. There are a handful of new characters that do appear consistently through the book: Aunt Kate and Aunt Chatty, Rebecca Dew, little Elizabeth, Katherine Brooke. Which of these characters were you most drawn to? What do they add to the book?
#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - Anne of Windy Poplars Discussion! Let's chat. 😊
1a. A lot of this book is written in letters. What did you think of this semi-epistolary format? Did the letters add anything for you or were they distracting?
1b. In spite of much of the book being narrated in letters to Gilbert, we see hardly any of him in the story. Why do you think this is? Do you miss his presence in the narrative?
In this book we follow Anne the 3 yrs she‘s a principal at Summerside High.
I loved the way this story was through Anne‘s letters to Gilbert. I felt like I got to know the young Anne again from the first book. The Anne that enjoys the little things in life and that charms people just by being herself. And we also get other people‘s view on Green Gables and understand how special that place it.
“...may I express a fervent wish that your married life will be one of continued and uninterrupted Bliss? (Only do not expect too much of a man.)”
Rebecca Dew‘s farewell letter...😂💜 #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
This is my least favorite of the series thus far. There were certainly aspects I thought were great, but too much of the story is given over to one unbearable character after another (all women, which bothers me) and had me rolling my eyes so hard I nearly lost a contact lens. I‘m glad to be moving on to the next installment.
“I think this road leads right to God,” she said dreamily. “Perhaps,” said Anne. “Perhaps all roads do, little Elizabeth.”
I got my wish for more little Elizabeth.💜I couldn‘t resist—I had to finish it tonight! The last 3 chapters make up for the lackluster rest of this final section. I‘ll miss Windy Poplars: the Aunts, Rebecca Dew, and of course, Little Elizabeth. But there are other favorites to come in House of Dreams! #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
Just about to finish Windy Poplars! I'm not nearly as fond of this 3rd section. It really feels disconnected... lots of little vignettes, but not much about the characters I want to see (I need more little Elizabeth!). But I'm looking forward to our discussion on Sunday, and starting House of Dreams next week. And House of Dreams will be strictly one chapter per day--no more confusion with combining multiple chapters!! #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
Just finished up Year Two of Anne's adventures in Summerside... on to Year Three tomorrow! I had completely forgotten about Hazel Marr and all her italics.🙄 Oh, I wanted to slap that girl!! But I love the closing chapter, with “little Elizabeth“ visiting Green Gables.💜 I could read a whole book about little Elizabeth! I'm looking forward to this last section of book 4, and then our discussion on Feb. 14. #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
“What if my placket is open? I‘ve got three petticoats on, haven‘t I? They tell me the girls nowadays only wear one. I‘m afraid the world is gitting dreadful gay & giddy. I wonder if they ever think of the judgment day.”
“Do you s‘pose they‘ll ask us at the judgment day how many petticoats we‘ve got on?” asked Rebecca Dew, escaping to the kitchen.
This dinner—😂 All of Rebecca Dew‘s little digs at Cousin Ernestine are🔥 #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
“I can believe almost anything at this Green Gables of yours. It‘s the first place I‘ve ever been in that felt like a home.”
I love Katherine‘s utter transformation over Christmas at Green Gables. Katherine‘s view of Anne is so relatable—jealousy over Anne‘s delight in life. Anne really does seem to lead a charmed life—until you remember her childhood. Finding a home at Green Gables transformed Anne in so many ways, too! #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
Reading today‘s section... Chapter 3 made me cry 😢
Snow day called for tomorrow! You can just see it through the window.. first big snow of the season. Here are my plans for the next two days. 😊🌨❄⛄
Hello, Kindred Spirits! We're coming up on part 2 of Windy Poplars, so here's the next part of the chapter-ish-a-day schedule. How's everyone's reading going so far? I'm enjoying rediscovering so many happenings and characters I'd forgotten. It's also been funny to discover how much of this book I remember through the lens of the 2nd Sullivan miniseries (which I currently have on hold at the library so I can re-watch)! #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
I‘ve always wondered what exactly Anne wrote to Gilbert in these “omitted” passages... just mushy, lovey, flowery sentiment? Or are we missing out on the steamy, racy parts? This time, something new occurs to me: are these the gory and terrifying passages that were cut from Windy Willows?! 🤣 @LeahBergen please tell me there are racy passages in the UK edition... 😂 #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
Two wonderful chapters today for #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead...
I had completely forgotten about this hilarious dinner scene! “Trix and Pringle were being diabolically clever. They had not said that their father did a single one of these things.” 😂🤣 And Anne making a map of fairyland with “Little Elizabeth”—💜
I feel I‘m getting to see more of Anne again in this 4th book.
“I wended my way to the graveyard this evening,” wrote Anne to Gilbert after she got home. “I think ‘wend your way‘ is a lovely phrase and I work it in whenever I can.
I agree with Anne—I need to use “wend your way” more often! Two chapters for #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead tonight, in which we see Anne gain the upper hand with the Pringles, and also discover that BOTH aunts are hiding their beauty treatments for fear of judgment from the other...🤣
LM Montgomery‘s original title was Anne of Windy Willows but her US publisher wanted her to change it because of its similarity to The Wind in the Willows. The publisher also requested cuts to the book “for perceived gory or terrifying content”.
The book was published (with the cuts) as Anne of Windy Poplars in the US and Canada; her UK publishers didn‘t think the name change and edits were necessary.
I‘m playing catch-up today with book four in the Anne series. 😊
Just one chapter today for #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead—and it‘s such a good one! From Anne‘s triumph over Jen Pringle‘s attempt to sabotage the school play, to all of Miss Valentine‘s stories in the graveyard... I love seeing Anne get some vindication as well as some encouragement. And the shift between letters and narrative is so interesting!
Just two short chapters today for #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead, and I feel compelled to list several things I am loving so far in Anne of Windy Poplars:
👻That address
🖋Anne‘s inability to write a love-letter unless she has the right kind of pen-nib
😺Rebecca Dew & Dusty Miller (I love a cat with a last name)
📚All the little things Aunt Chatty hides from Aunt Kate (Novels—gasp!)
👧🏼Little Elizabeth (she really is the Paul Irving of Windy Poplars!)
Next up, with the #kindredspiritsbuddyread gang. Very much looking forward to diving into this one!
Starting this one today! In case you need another reminder of the (hopefully not too confusing) sort-of-chapter-a-day #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead schedule for this book, here's part one (“The First Year“). 😃
I'm excited to read this one--I remember Rebecca Dew and Katherine Brooke and the drama with the Pringles... but I know there are so many little stories I've forgotten. I'm looking forward to getting re-acquainted!