Needed an easy read
Current read
Really enjoyed this one, read it in two days
Finally finishing this amazing series
Finally getting to this one, I love it right from the beginning
This is a reread for me for an online book group, we have a discussion on Goodreads called Read Like a Mom if you want to join us! Getting ready for the series coming out on Hulu!
My first book in the New Year. This year I want to read bigger books and slow down so my goal is only 40 books this year. This one has been recommended on Booktube and it's been waiting on my shelf since Jan 2016
I've heard great things about this one, so far the writing is very good
Excited about this one, read the first chapter and I'm hooked
This book has me hooked already, I'm around page 100. Wasn't sure I liked the premise but the story sucks you in
My second ever Salinger. Not sure what I think, definitely didn't like it as much as Catcher...seemed somewhat pointless to me although it was very readable, I just didn't get much out of it
Quick read, memoir of a 46 year old man who had a massive stroke and was then paralyzed and could only communicate through blinking his left eye.
Quick mystery that was pretty good, the writing was t very good but the story kept you reading
Starting this one, hope it's good!
Somewhat predictable once you get into it, but definitely a page-turner. 3.5 stars
Finished Death of a Salesman and was surprised by it, I didn't know what it was about. Now reading Hidden Bodies, I enjoyed You and I'm hoping this one is just as good
Slightly disturbing but well written. I've read the first 3 of the Neapolitan novels (not sure why I keep putting off the fourth) and wanted to try a different Ferrante novel
Reading this aloud to my kids, love both of the volumes
A Modern Mrs. Darcy recommendation, started off great so far
Spooky read for this stormy October weekend
Reading this aloud to my teens
Reading this aloud to my kids
Current read, about 100 pages in and I'm hooked.