Absolutely devouring this. LOVE IT. ❤️
Absolutely devouring this. LOVE IT. ❤️
A beautiful novel. I adore the lyrical way Zgheib writes.
The relationship in this book is absolutely maddening, yet I couldn‘t put it down! So good!
This was exactly what I needed. A fast paced mystery that kept me guessing till the end.
I looooved this book! Not my typical genre at all, but I‘m so glad I won this ARC! I fell in love with Annika immediately. I haven‘t read many books where the main character is on the spectrum, but I‘m always excited when I find one.
This comes out on 4/2/19.
5⭐️/5. Amazing read. I‘ve heard this described as dystopian fiction but that‘s not all it is. It‘s beautiful and haunting and makes you turn your eye inward on yourself.
I‘m not sure where this is going yet but I‘m enjoying the ride.
McManus really does know how to keep you guessing. Loved this book!
I have high hopes for this one!
My first King book in ages. Did not disappoint!
I haven‘t seen this book mentioned a lot in my circles. Parts of it were a bit slow, and I definitely enjoyed the plot line set in the past more than the one set in the present, but overall I absolutely loved this book. There‘s some content that is a bit rough to read, but ultimately vital to the story. 5/5 ⭐️ for me.
SO FUN. Seriously, I cracked up the whole time. Definitely a ‘devour in one sitting‘ book.
Probably my favorite book of all time. I‘ve had this copy so long that the pages are yellowed. It might be time for a reread.... #breteastonellis #americanpsycho
This was slow for me. The first 100 or so pages didn‘t quite capture my attention like I hoped. The slow, atmospheric burn got me though, and then BAM. 😳
One of my favorite reads of 2018. So much emotion hidden in these paragraphs. I loved the pre 9/11 NYC setting.
I LOVED this book. I could not put it down. Stressful, tight, sparsely worded but in the best possible way.
I loved this book so much! It was a tense, quick thriller. A lot of action from the get go. I read it in one sitting! If you love a satisfying revenge story, pick this one up!
My #botm selections! It shipped so fast this month! #bookofthemonth #yassss
I‘m about halfway through and shit is getting real. 😳 #almakatsu #thehunger #currentread
This collection of essays is just so.....real. That‘s the beat word for it. Relatable, raw, and honest.