Library trip = new TBR pile. #librarybooks #tbr
I have a pile of library books but haven't been motivated to read. Spent the weekend down the "rabbit hole" of 24 hour hurricane coverage and hanging out on social media. Been meaning to get to this read for a couple weeks. #notimelikethepresent #currentread
My current favorite reading spot. We turned our dining area into an office/reading nook. The perfect place to read. #FALLSTACK. @Liberty
I've been trying to find a favorite book I read in elementary school, with only a vague plot to remember it by, for years. Browsing the children's section of the library with my daughter this morning, I found it! It may not live up to my expectations but am thrilled to be reading it today. #stackedup @Liberty
My weekend reading choice. #weekendreads #reading #books
Amazing read so far. For all the people in my life who refuse to see. #requiredreading #standup #engage
When all the holds come in at once. #librarybooks #libraryhaul #bettergetreading #books
Found a great used bookstore while on vacation. Can't wait to get started!
Vacation read #1. Can't wait to get started. #botm #vacationrrads #currentlyreading
I don't get a lot of books for birthdays. My family thinks I already have too many. My mom bought me this a few years back so it especially nice. #liberthday @Liberty
It's the 1st book I ever bought with my own money to take with me to the cabin. I was 13 and have loved it ever since. Flash forward too many years to count and my TBR for the cabin is much larger but nothing compares with my 1st ❤️. #SWEETSUMMERSTACK. @Liberty
It has been a slow reading year due to how busy I am at work. So glad I took the time to listen to this on audio. 👍
My favorite read of 2017. I don't know what is with me and grief memoirs but it gave me all the feels. #TGIFGIVEAWAY @Liberty
Day 3: How I read #riotgrams. I either read curled up on the couch or laying in bed.
Not getting any book reading done due to my work schedule and wasn't in the mood for Non fiction, my usual audiobook genre. So far really liking it.
I love when it's time to choose my BOTM. I decided on Priestdaddy. I also picked up American War and Pachinko as additional options.
I love this memoir of the relationship between a mother and son while dealing with her cancer. #MOREORLESS
I love when I come home to a delivery of books! #bookmail #bookhaul #bookoutlet #bookmailisthebestmail
Finally starting this little beauty. Has been on my TBR list too long.
Working my way out a reading slump with this 1st in a series. #currentlyreading
Because grief memoirs are in my wheelhouse and there can still be a bright side. #currentlyreading #books #areadinglife #reading
Picked up some great reads at Half Price Books. Can't wait to get started.
Caught my eye at the library. It's the things that you aren't looking for that are the best finds.
I can't believe I waited this long to read this. Thoroughly enjoying it.