Oh the foreboding. This girl, these parents, Alaska.
This book isn't what I thought it would be, but still very enjoyable. #bookclub
Ooh new Book Club pick. This one will hopefully be the thriller I've been looking for.
Life has been hectic & I haven't had much reading time, so today all I wanted for Mother's day was my hammock and my book. I found this paragraph fitting for today. ❤ Happy Mother's day Littens!
I've been listening to this one with my 13yr old and it's taken us a while to finish, but that isn't because the book wasn't compelling. Our time in the car together these last few months was rare. We were both on pins and needles as the main characters finally made it to winter conclave. This was an awesome ride of a book. ☆☆☆☆☆ I've already bought book 2!
Oh how I'm enjoying this book! Aza is my hero. ♡♡♡ Happy Easter Littens 🐰🌷
I love listening to books narrated by the author. This one was a win for me ☆☆☆☆☆. I didn't know who Rachel Hollis was before this book, but man I'd sure like to hang out with her.
Well it took me a while. I've read mixed reviews, and I must agree that there was a significant slump in the middle of the book. By that point though I was already invested. This was a solid ☆☆☆ for me. Not bad, but not the heart pumping thriller I'd been after.
At the halfway point with this one 🤔 and currently questioning the sanity of Lo.
This book took me a long time, much longer than most. I'm a huge fan of Picoult primarily for the fact that she explores topics most of us don't bring up in polite conversation. I have always been a staunch Pro Choice supporter. I visited Planned Parenthood regularly in my teens and 20s for birth control and pelvic exams. This book took me out of my comfort zone. It forced me to look at things from all sorts of pov's. I give this ☆☆☆☆☆
I love choosing my 2 free Audible Originals! One of them this month is narrated by John Waters!!!!! ♡♡♡♡
It started off quirky and downright humorous, can anyone explain why then, I went through a full box of tissues? Oh Eleanor, you will be with me for a while ❤❤ Highly recommend the audio version, narrator was outstanding. ☆☆☆☆☆
"...newly hairless epidermis..." ??? This is simply hilarious. I didn't anticipate my fondness for Eleanor ♡
I am incredibly late to the party with this one, but glad to have finally latched on. Half way through and I've got my suspicions.
Got to chaperone my son's Literary Conference today... guest speaker Wendelin Van Draanen ❤❤ of course I got a book signed.
I popped this into my ears while doing my household chores. I wasn't expecting to be so inspired and entertained. 🗻
This was a bit heavy for me. Painful, illuminating, and terrifying. Being the parent of a teen is hard and words like these can stop you cold. Of course any book that gets this type of reaction is a ☆☆☆☆☆. It hurt so good.
I've been so good. Really I have. I haven't bought any books, for 52 day (yes, addicts on the road to recovery count days) then I open a YA email from Book Riot this morning and in a hazy blur these 3 beauties end up on my Kindle. #nowillpower #atleastitsnotdrugs
Such a well told story. I loved Juliet! ☆☆☆☆☆ Can't wait to watch the movie now.
I can't say enough about this trilogy. Set in the mid 1800's this tale will take you on a wagon train (the Oregon Trail) from Georgia to the wilds of California in search of gold. Lee is a head strong "gifted" heroine who perseveres in spite of tragedy and living in a time in our history when women had no true rights. I just finished book 3 last night. What a ride. I highly recommend ? ?????
I love this series. Set in the early Gold Rush days of California this paranormal/historical fiction/YA book is perfect for me (a CA girl living in an old gold rush town) ♡ Let's see how this trilogy ends.
Came in 3 shy of my goal. Gonna have to try harder next year. Happy new year
The only resolutions I make are reading resolutions.
📖 Read books I already own
📖 Buy used when I can't fight the urge
📖 Use the library for at least 3 books
📖 Read a few more non fiction
#SundayFunday @sebrittain
Haven't read a Stephen King novel in 20 years. Dark Tower series has been recommended to me by 4 friends so...here goes. Let's follow the man in black.
I could listen to him all day 👏
I enjoyed Legendary a bit more than the first book mostly because Tella is headstrong and adventurous. The addition of The Fates beefed up the magic and mystery I was worried wouldn't be there in book 2 since I knew all about the Game going in. Great sophomore to the series. Look at that cover!!!!😍👀 book 3 is due out in May.
Verity by Colleen Hoover isn't yet it the database so I had to tag an older book. Verity! This is an indie published thriller, which is not the typical CoHo genre. I read it in 4 sittings. I had to....you will too. Reminds me of how I felt after reading Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. ☆☆☆☆☆ and since it's indie it's only $4.99 on Kindle.
Finishing this book brings me to the end of my 8 book adventure with some of the very best fictional friends a girl could ask for ❤. A series of considerable size is bound to emotionally wreck me because it... well it's the End. Sarah J. Maas grabbed me with the very first TOG book and has since made me invested in ACOTAR just as much. Excellent writing, Excellent characters ☆☆☆☆☆
Holy cow, is that a cameo I spy? Rhysand and Feyre #ACOTAR ❤😍 Oh the end of this series is killing me.
I must Confess (see what I did there?) I pre-order every single book she writes, before I even know what it's about. #CoHort Release date 12/7!!!! She went back to her roots and published indie ♡♡
Taking my time with this last one... all the feels are happening ❤💔😢💪💣
These Magic Misfit stories are saving my commute with my 2 boys. I love them (my boys) but this week I'm grateful to not have to HEAR them (complaining, arguing, eye rolling...yup I can hear an eye roll -13 yr olds eye roll loudly) Lovely narration.
Her poetry is a live performance of slam every time I open the cover. ☆☆☆☆☆
I love this A Love Story series. They are each stand alone stories so you don't need to worry about a reading order & they are well written. If you get the chance to read anything written by Tracy Ewens do it! ☆☆☆☆☆ Really enjoyed the chemistry between Grady & Kate.
Grabbed this one to accompany me to the lake. Quickly grabbed my attention. I'm a sucker for wolves ♡