So here‘s the deal. I don‘t read:
war novels
or long novels
or classics
or stories by and about white men
This story was all of these and LOVED it.
So here‘s the deal. I don‘t read:
war novels
or long novels
or classics
or stories by and about white men
This story was all of these and LOVED it.
It‘s all Morgan Parker over here tonight.
Friday afternoon read.
I keep reading volumes of poetry because I know that the key to understanding is exposure. I‘m sure I didn‘t grasp everything Morgan Parker is saying but what I did grasp made it worth the read.
Even her acknowledgments are beautiful and lyrical.
Magical Negro #80: Brooklyn literally took my breath away.
Before you tell me: the first volume is already on hold at the library.
What a gorgeous book?
Twinkle gets it right, then gets it REALLY, REALLY WRONG. Then right again. Then wrong again. Then REALLY REALLY RIGHT. I enjoyed the ride.
Also, grandmothers are really freaking great. Those of us who have them, care for them more. Love on them more.
Also, also, love me an epistolary novel. Never unhappy with that style.
If you need me, I‘ll be cozy with my coffee and my copy of Catch-22. Book club really does make me branch out. Y‘all know I don‘t really books by by old (maybe dead, idk) white men. It‘s pretty tolerable so far. #SundayBumday
Chicago Public Library gifted me this beauty at midnight on release day and I promptly started reading and got through the first two essays before I passed out.
Very sweet middle grade about a family of brujas.
Leonora is the youngest in a family with five magical daughters. She feels left out, acts out, and shenanigans ensue. Their magic is baking based so the book comes with recipes. I really enjoyed it though I kept yelling at Leo.
The theme of sisterhood and the specific type of love shared by sisters seems to be reoccurring in the media I consume right now.
Just finished this for my adaptation book club. It was fine. The movie looks like a really fun romp. I can already tell it will be very loosely based on the book. I am fine with that.
For some reason I remembered Nancy drew as scrappy and resourceful. She‘s not that at all. I was shocked at how privileged and traditional she was. I already like movie Nancy better.
Trailer link: https://youtu.be/knPrLVBn93w
“Two things you have got to do for yourself. Go to God and learn about living.”
I consider Zora Neale Huston my patron saint. This novel means so much to me. I go back and read it occasionally. This time I listened to the spectacular audiobook performed by Ruby Dee.
I‘m always a little scared to re-read a treasured book, like it may be different. Nope. Still amazing.
There was some sort of glitch in the matrix ands I can still read this book even though my library loan ended in December. I‘m gonna take it as a sign that I need to get reading right now.
Oh my God. This book. Was written especially for me. Read it all today, the day it was released.
The main character has been shot by police and lays bleeding in her driveway. She thinks back over her life and what may or may not have held her to this moment.
A beautifully written examination of how a lifetime of discrimination and humiliation can pile up and weigh on the heart and mind.
Run, don‘t walk.
I really want to stay home and read today.
Had it on pre-hold (pre-order but for library) and was first to get it when it released at midnight.
I am probably gonna eat a lot of these today. I did a lot of adulting this weekend. I earned them.
Ready for the official start of #LitsyPartyOfOne!
Tagged is graphic novel number six.
Graphic novel number five.
Another adorable middle grade story from Hope Larson. I am really becoming a huge fan of her. Waiting for pizza to finish in the oven.
Continuing my march through the graphic novels. I flew through this retelling of Jane Eyre. Artwork is beautiful! Mix of color and b/w.
This third collection of Sarah‘s Scribbles was delightful. The real treat is the guide for the young creative that makes up the last 30 or so pages. Sarah‘s advice about how to be courageous and use one‘s voice in this very scary internet time is spot on.
Very busy day. Had to actually work from home. Spent my evening finishing this little beauty. Maybe I‘ll find some reading time after dinner.
I follow this cartoonist on Instagram and have been really looking forward to reading this book. Glad to find it on hoopla. I will be reading between responding to emails.
For those of us “stuck” inside.
So I‘m gonna do a thing tomorrow. I meant to say something earlier and then life distracted me. I thought I‘d be great to do a mini-Readathon thing since so many of us are home for the next day or two.
I have been working my way slowly through this essay collection. I knew it would be rough. So much necessary information in it. I‘m glad I read it. Will definitely need to re-read to make sure I got it all.
My first Agatha Christie! So, so, enjoyable. I just want to read them all now. I could hear the actors voice in my head as I read. Made it all the better.
Now we rise.
I think this is the last one for 2018. Reading it with my dad motivated me to finally finish it. It was hard, very painful. But so necessary.
I work hard. I deserve a treat.
Yep. Everything I‘d hoped. Finished just in time to gush about it at book club.
Reposting. I‘m still mad.
Here‘s what Dee did not need [yesterday], being spoiled on a book I want(ed) to read by a review posted on the library‘s app. I‘m currently reading Pride by Ibi Zoboi and it has a similar setting and protagonist to Halsey Street. And the characters refer to the actual Halsey Street in Pride. It reminded me of the book, so I stopped reading to place a hold. Boom. Spoiler.
Had to share my misery with y‘all.
Here‘s what Dee did not need this evening, being spoiled on a book I want(ed) to read by a review posted on the library‘s app. I‘m currently reading Pride by Ibi Zoboi and it has a similar setting and protagonist to Halsey Street. And the characters refer to the actual Halsey Street in Pride. It reminded me of the book, so I stopped reading to place a hold. Boom. Spoiler.
I‘m livid.
Just wanted to share my misery with y‘all.
“It‘s a truth universally acknowledged that when rich people move into the hood, where it‘s a little bit broken and a little bit forgotten, the first thing they want to do is clean it up.”
Oh, Mrs. Zoboi, you did not come to play with us.
Haven‘t been having the best luck with the last couple of books I tried. I hope this one will be different.
An already huge, multi-race, non-traditional family has to squeeze and make room for one more. A grumpy (also racist and homophobic) grandfather. Growing pains ensue. This book is full of cringe worthy moments. But the vibrant characters and the illustrations really, really, work. Love conquers all and all.
I really enjoyed this Tor.com novella.
Creeper lives in a reimagined New Orleans where the civil war ended in truce and not in the Confederacy losing. There are also airships, Orisha, and a Captain who is Creeper‘s idol and... it‘s complicated.
Give me all the women who are just fed up.
I first read Nimona three years ago. It was good then, BUT re-reading it today... My goodness. Stay angry ladies. Burn it all down. Maybe that‘s the only way.
Today though... I‘m tired. I‘m more than a little concerned that tomorrow I might be 3/5ths of a person again. So I‘m ignoring the news, comfort cooking soup, and watching Good Eats.
“Some girls just want to watch the world burn, you know.”
I wish I could remember what I felt like the first time I read these books.
Right now. I‘m guessing Harry and I feel the same way about of worlds. A dark power is rising and we have, “to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then could evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated.”
So I guess October is amazing, queer, black, biographies month at my house.
I did it. I read half today. I realize why I love this book the most. I LOVE a good triangle and the Ron/Hermione/Lavender triangle is the best ever written. It‘s delicious.
Re-reading so I‘ll be ready when the podcast, Binge Mode —highly recommend— begins covering it on Monday.
I don‘t really have words except go read this.
@theshrinkette recommended this after I read and loved American Born Chinese. Because she‘s my book soulmate, of course, she was right and I loved it.
This is a shifted perspective retelling of the Monkey King myth. It reminded me of Ms. Marvel in the way that Genie has to try to balance her school, family, friends, etc. with new super hero life. I wanted more of Genie and Yunie.
It has a slight lag about 2/3rds through, but the ending works.
A couple weeks ago my sister had a sweet 16 birthday party. I just can‘t take it. She‘s my mini-me, but not so mini anymore.
“I‘m just gonna return books to the library today,” she said, “not browsing and I only have one hold to pick up.”
She knew she was lying to herself even as she said it.
I‘m just reading middle grade books from now on. Pure saccharine goodness straight to the heart. The Vanderbeeker children are beautifully written and developed each distinct from the others. Supportive loving adults. These children take positive action when they believe they are going to lose the brownstone they love. I am in love with this family. Eagerly awaiting sequel and movie. Reese Witherspoon bought the rights already.
Another spy novel I was hoping to love.
I need some spy novels of veteran spies. Both of the ones I‘ve read are about rookies. Also, the protag is black, but I only know that from the cover. He doesn‘t “appear” black on the page. If that makes sense. The language in this book also reads as dated. From the late 90s. But the book is set later because there‘s Twitter. That was weird. It was still a quick, enjoyable read.
I had to take off my glasses because I ugly cried through the last chapter of this book.
Lovely, middle grade story. I identified strongly with Emma and her struggles to belong. Everyone wants to be one of the cool kids, or at least you think you do. Until you realize you absolutely do not. Emma learns this and other lessons. I enjoyed re-learning them with her.