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The Portable Edgar Allan Poe
The Portable Edgar Allan Poe | Edgar Allan Poe
25 posts | 5 read | 5 to read
Compiles Poe's greatest writings: tales of fantasy, terror, death, revenge, murder, and mystery. This volume also offers letters, articles, criticism, visionary poetry, and a selection of random opinions on fancy and the imagination, music and poetry, intuition and sundry other topics.
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The perfect new ornament. Let It Poe! ❄️

Kappadeemom Perfect! 3y
LeahBergen Love it! 3y
BiblioLitten Neat! 3y
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A compilation of selected stories, poems, letters, and critical writings, with an intro by the editor. Intro was very helpful for me as I didn't know anything about Poe. I enjoyed the stories and the critical pieces most, and I'm happy to have filled in another gap in my reading.
Using for #spookyread #booked2018

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This is Poe arguing for Appalachia as a better name for the US. I find this fascinating, and I can't help but think of current news of different efforts to honour/reconcile with Indigenous people when I read his reasons. This piece is 1846...

If you're curious, his first and last points that got cut off my screenshot are that America is too general, and that Appalachia sounds pretty.

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I signed up late yesterday for the #deweysreadathon so only fitting I am getting a late start. First up is (hopefully) finishing the tagged collection of Poe. With tea, of course. Adorably tiny Irish breakfast tea tin is from Ireland, a gift from my in-laws' recent trip. ☺
I have no goals for this #readathon, just seeing how much I get.

MinDea I love your mug! 💙 6y
llwheeler @MinDea Thanks! 😊 6y
LeahBergen Great mug! 6y
llwheeler @LeahBergen Thanks 😊 6y
Linsy Love that mug! 🦉 6y
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More catch up for #poetrychallenge2018

The poems section of this Poe collection is quite fitting for October. The leaves are getting pretty crispéd.
My first time reading Poe and I think I like the short stories better than the poems.

Lizpixie I have a CD Of Poe‘s stories & poems narrated by famous people & it‘s amazing. This particular poem is the reason I bought it coz it‘s read by Jeff Buckley, an angel voiced singer who was taken too soon. His reading of this with eerie music & sound effects is fantastic👍 6y
llwheeler @Lizpixie That sounds wonderful! Even just reading the ballad you can hear the singsong rhythm so a singer reading it sounds like a perfect fit 6y
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If anyone needs me, I have a date with #tea and #poe tonight. #overandout 😘

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Quoth the raven, Happy 209th Birthday, forevermore. #litsybirthdays #poetrychallenge2018

Natasha.C.Barnes Whooohoooo 🎉🎉🎉🎂 6y
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What a thoughtful and fun present I was given by my writing student. We‘ve been reading and writing about a lot of Edgar Allan Poe stories and poems the last few months which must have inspired the Poe finger puppet. It‘ll go along great with the Abraham Lincoln and Salvador Dali ones I already have. Love that purple velvet robe!

LectricSheep And his purple eyeshadow! Fancy! 7y
Kimberlone You know Poe‘s got those dark eye circles 7y
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For anyone in their neck of the woods, @strandbookstore is having a Halloween party 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! Check it out here: http://www.strandbooks.com/event/boos-and-books. #NYC

RiaWritten I'll be there! 7y
LeahBergen I wish!! 😫 7y
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Monday, October 30, we are hosting a night of literary villainy, chocolate treats, festive games, drinking, and fun! Get your costume ready and we'll see you there.

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Dear #librariansoflitsy

For my adult summer reading bingo challenge, I need a book recommended by a librarian! Will one of you superheroes come to my aid?

My favorite author lately is Edgar Allan Poe. I've also been reading a lot of Neil Gaiman.

Thank you kindly,


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I wouldn't exactly consider myself ready for the day, but at least I have Poe both in and on my purse. @outofprint

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My "Poe-ka" dot tote bag from Out of Print came in the post today! My #birthday present to myself.

#poe #edgarallanpoe @outofprint

TheBookDream Cute! 7y
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"The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?" - The Premature Burial

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Couldn't deal without buying these.

batsy That's awesome! Wouldn't mind a tshirt with that design... 7y
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I signed up for an OverDrive.com account with my library card and borrowed my first ebook - the Portable Edgar Allan Poe! I also am on the waitlist for quite a few Neil Gaiman ebooks.

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For all my NYC Littens, is The Dead Poet pub worth going to? The menu sounds awesome, but if the restaurant is subpar, I don't want to waste my time.

mcipher No idea, but I love the cocktail names!! 7y
GirlMeetsBook Have you looked it up on Yelp? 7y
ItsAnotherJen Great menu! I'd go just for the fact that they are so creative. 7y
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katedensen It's barely a restaurant. You can order food there, but it's bar food that's probably overpriced (my sense of reasonable pricing is totally warped because I live here). It's a bar that has food, definitely not a restaurant. That said, it's one of my all-time favorite bars and the cocktails are worth it. Your best bet is to have a good dinner in the area then stop in there after for a literary cocktail. Let me know if you need recs! 7y
katedensen Also: it's a pretty small space so if you go on a Friday or Saturday night (even Thursday, really), it will be super crowded. 7y
erinreads @katedensen yeah, sadly this is a short visit and Saturday afternoon/evening will be our main time there. Maybe next time we're there for longer and not over a weekend, I'll stop in. It seems too awesome to pass up! 7y
katedensen @erinreads It's great and definitely not a tourist trap, but you won't be able to enjoy it if you're planning to go Saturday night unless you go super early. If you'd like a restaurant rec for dinner (or any other recs of things to do), I'd be happy to oblige ❤️ 7y
erinreads @katedensen if you know any hidden gems near the Strand, that'd be helpful! (edited) 7y
katedensen @erinreads Well, I'm certainly glad you're going to @strandbookstore -- we'd have to boot you from Litsy if you visited NYC and didn't. There's a bistro on St Marks Place (near the Strand) called Jules--it's pretty reasonable for French food and they usually have live jazz, they definitely should on a Saturday night. If there's no entertainment planned for the night, check out the improv shows at UCB East on 3rd St/Ave A, also in the general area. 7y
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For any Poe fans out there...

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"I am the descendent of a race whose imaginative and easily excitable temperament has at all times rendered them remarkable;" - William Wilson by Edgar Allen Poe

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I had never actually read any Poe so I figured I'd try some before October is over. I started with The Tell-Tale Heart and next up is The Pit and the Pendulum, accompanied by Peanut Butter Fudge Crunch ice cream. 🍦🎃

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Used book sale on Powell's website through Wednesday! I was going to back off on buying books, but how can I say no to this? 😂

Kathrin That's how they get us!!!! 8y
Zelma Ooh, that is really tempting! 8y
Zelma I just looked at the website. Omg, I am overwhelmed and want way too many! 😂 8y
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#hauntedbooktober challenge 7: In memory of Edgar Allan Poe

"There is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness in the proportion"-Edgar Allan Poe

tasha Hahaha #cheater 😜 8y
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"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." Starting my October Poe tradition a little early because I'm feeling festive. #poe #bookcase #poepuppet #readmorebooks