This book was incredible! I have read a lot of World War II novels, but I think this is the first one I‘ve read that focuses on the experience of nurses. A really wonderful read.
This book was incredible! I have read a lot of World War II novels, but I think this is the first one I‘ve read that focuses on the experience of nurses. A really wonderful read.
Happy #NursesDay to all of the hard working nurses out there fighting the fight!! YOU make the difference everyday! I know you don‘t get told enough that you are appreciated but YOU ARE!! I have been out of direct patient care for one year, a nurse for 23... I‘m praying for everyone 🙏🏻❤️ Drop your name in the comments and what area you work in!! Thank you for all you do!! ❤️🙏🏻💪🏻
I loved the present story that was told. I loved the characters and some of the lines were beaitiful, heartbreaking, and poetic. But there was SO MANY jumps to the past and none of them were separated clearly. It was really off-putting. Then the whole book was from thr POV of two best friends who were separated by war. But we never got their reunion! Just the "I'm going to see this one" at the end. Bleh.
Historical fiction requires extensive research and listening to stories from those who lived the history. Here are the stories of 2 Army nurses in WW2, one in Africa, one in Manila. They survive bombs, starvation, typhoid and other inhumane treatment; including what we now know as PTSD.
This was a wonderful WWII book about two nurses (friends) who had two completely different experiences. Both suffered hardships and loss. One definitely had it worse than the other. But still a wonderful look into what it was like to be a war nurse! Only thing I didn‘t like was the ending was kind of abrupt. I would have liked a little more there, but otherwise overall great book!
#SassyBookworm 😏 #HistoricalFiction #Nursing #WWII
A story of two nurses and their different experiences in WWII. Great story, great characters, however I found the writing to be a bit over dramatic at times.
I really need to get to the tagged book!! I‘ve heard it‘s really good and about a nurse ❤️
Today I finished The Fire by Night and The Fix. Both books I am very happy I read. I also spent 2 hours trying not to micromanage my daughter decorating cookies, 4 hours visiting neighbors with her, an hour on the phone with work even though I'm off and 2 hours driving back to our old house to get a package someone sent there (we moved 1.5 years ago...) I'm pooped.
It's the start of 6 days off for me. This is my happy place. Not shown, husband on one side, kiddo on the right. If only my fireplace worked...
I'm so excited for this book, @A_planNerd !
I chose to read this book because the two POVs telling the story are nurses serving in WWII-I'm a nurse! Jo is somewhere on The Western Front and Kay is at Pearl Harbor. Both POVs are so compelling that I devoured this story. Jo's part of the story is my favorite because the intensity feels consistent but Kay's feels most emotive. The post-war end-portion isn't my favorite part, but I think this is because I was very drawn to the nursing aspects.
The writing was excellent. I felt the horror, the desperation, the starvation, and hopelessness that sometimes I had to stop reading. Highly recommend.
Almost half way done...this one is hard to read but oh so well written.
This book did it...it made me cry in public. AND I'M NOT EVEN DONE YET!
I have this one coming up for review next week and I'm just now getting to it! Yikes! Good thing it is an action-packed attention-getter!
#books #currentlyreading #amreading #tlcbooktours #historicalfiction #TheFireByNight #TeresaMessineo @TLCBookTours
I'd have to be a Hershey's Tropical Bar. Apparently they don't melt. Thanks for the fun @JoeStalksBeck
World War II from the perspective of two nurses - friends serving in different parts of the world. One of those slow burns that stick with you...
90sinJuly #TonightTonight ?There are no "tonight" titled books on my shelves & e-books, but there are several with night in the title that work for today's prompt. A little fictional variety here: WWII historical, black musicians in jazz-age China, creepy suspense, silly paranormal, poetry, & mystery/thriller shorts.?It's not tonight, tonight yet here-it's mid-afternoon, but I am more than ready to call it a day & settle in tonight. #longweek ?
So these are the #war books I have in my tbr pile... I need to get busy!!! And stop buying more books!! I have 43 total books to be read... I don't think that's terrible 😊😐📚❤️ #Maybookflowers
Day20 #MayBookFlowers #War When it comes to wars & reading, WWII stories are what I gravitate to. I've read quite a few fiction & non-fiction WWII books over the years & have many favorites but I decided to go with the six WWII books that I've read (so far) in 2017. The top three are library reads, the bottom three I read for book tour reviews on my blog. One non-fiction & five novels. All had me fully absorbed & moved me as good war books do.💜😢
My Thriftbooks purchase for $22.00!! Except the Slightly South of Simple and I got it on amazon because I love her books and couldn't wait!! Ok, I have to stop buying books now!! I'm done!!
Day30 #AprilBookShowers #BestofApril My April stats are still to come & there were lots of books that I enjoyed, but I think I can safely say that these four books are my favorites for April. Two are WW2 historical fiction with unique perspectives & I loved the audiobook of Norse Mythology read by Gaiman & the audiobook of Tell the Wolves I'm Home. Honorable mentions also go to Columbine, We Are Okay, & The Color of Our Sky. ☔️📚👍
#LyricalApril #girlinfire OK, I worked it into a mix of a few other Girl on Fire inspired books, so please don't think me morbid or tasteless for including Joan of Arc. I recently bought the book at the thrift shop & tacky or not it was top of mind & I mean it with respect. Also top of mind: Katniss Everdeen, the brave American military nurses of The Fire By Night & this SWF-ish psychological thriller-Fry. (And Ms. Alicia Keys of course...) 📚🔥❤️
#LyricalApril #impossible It was impossible to return this book to the library tomorrow without finishing it. What a beautifully told, often brutal story about two American nurses in WWII-one in the remains of a field hospital in France, the other in a Manila POW camp & both in impossible situations trying to survive & keep their patients alive. I read a lot of WWII fiction but rarely from the POV of nurses, so it stands out-impossible to forget.
Day 1 #AprilBookShowers #AprilTBR Ambitious stack for April & it doesn't include a handful of ebooks & audio books. Some of these are in process-the top 6 are library books that hopefully will get read, the next 4 are #ARCs for blog tour reviews (missing 1 that hasn't arrived yet) & those WILL get read & Behind Her Eyes I'm hoping to get to-but since I'm a moody reader & likely will change my mind-beyond the review books, all bets are off! 😆📚👍
What a wonderful book!!! There are parts that are hard to read because of the human suffering. Two nurses, one on the western front, one on the eastern front in WWII. They have two purposes: stay alive and keep their patients alive. Neither one has an easy job. I haven't read a book that addresses the horrors the nurses in this war faced until now. ❤️💕❤️💕
My latest recommendation to all historical fiction WWII readers out there...Thanks Mike Mason HarperCollins for the ARC. 2 strong female volunteer nurses find themselves in the core of the war. It's raw, honest and guts good!!!
Started this one at about 3:30 AM, when the insomnia made it clear there would be no sleeping here... It's breaking my heart but I'm loving every minute of it. 😢 😭 ❤️
FIRE BY NIGHT is a beautiful and powerful novel about two military nurses working on the front lines of WWII. One woman is in France and the other is in the Philippines, when their worlds come crashing down on them changing everything they know. This is an engrossing novel and you won't be able to put this book down.
So I have a confession (and I know you guys can relate): I LOVE hearing people talk about books! I've become mildly obsessed with watching the Facebook live videos that publishers like @WilliamMorrow share to tell readers about the new books coming out. And guess what...I won a copy of all of the new books they talked about during their last live post!!! Here are the fiction books I won!! Thank you @WilliamMorrow !!
I can't say that books about any war are usually my interests. But make the focus two war nurses and suddenly I'm there ☺️☺️
Our Staff Pick Sunday is from Assistant Publicist, Gena!
Debut author Teresa Messineo elegantly and honestly portrays the brutalities faced by combat nurses during WWII in The Fire by Night. Showcasing the strength of two woman stationed in the Pacific and at the front lines this book, and it‘s characters, will stay with you long after you put it down. (On Sale 1/17)
Finshed yesterday. Working on a home made Christmas present for a cousin to recover-she is getting a hand lettered and illustrated book journal :)
Cataloguing used books for the web store today when I really want to finish The Fire By Night. Halfway through it and I gotta get to the end!