I could not get into it
Up next!!! Because it‘s impossible for me to just read one book at a time.
New mug 🎉
#currentlyreading Feels like I'm leaving a trail of started books like bread crumbs behind me since 2018 started. Trying to finish one. The stream of conscious, journal like entries style is helping me fly through. Also why is it - on a three day weekend, I only get the desire to read on the night before I have to go back to work? 🙄
Wow @Coco 😍 Amanda, Thank you SO much. I am very excited to read these books! Homemade soap, cocoa mix and my favorite chocolate covered pretzels!!☺️ I love the journal and bookmarks to add to my collection!! Feeling spoiled and thankful!! ❤️❤️#secretsantagoespostal
Thanks again to the organizers 👇 for this fun exchange. 🤩
I pulled this off my TBR shelf for tonight. It's hilarious! Anyone else read it yet?
#read #books #tbr #youngadult .
Al hoewel het vlot leest kon dit boek mij niet boeien. De karakters konden mij niet raken, het verhaal vond ik niet origineel en de lay-out ( na bijna elke zin een blanco regel ) was een beetje overdreven. Meer van verwacht en verwachting niet waar gemaakt. Een 13 uit dozijn boek.
One of the books I read last month was Piper Parish. Unfortunately it didn't hit the soy for me. I had a hard time getting into the flow of the writing style. It was so overwritten that I found myself getting anxious for it to move on. I couldn't connect with Piper either. Normally I find a kindred spirit is artist characters. They're usually my people. But I found Piper kinda whiny and annoying. It's too bad, I was looking forward to it!
I really wanted to like this book, because the idea seemed really fun. But it was just another ya contemporary, with too much childish drama - especially between Piper and her sister. The art felt more like a sidetrack than an actual plotline, even though Piper's love for Andy Warhol was one of the central premisses. Moreover, Piper's (boy)friend, Enzo, was a very problematic character, with his 'turning gay' (?).
Not only was illustrating the Dutch edition of piper perish a dream coming true, I think to story is really cool as well. It's about teenagers struggling with life and fighting for your dreams. And art. I love art. ⭐
#bookblogger #booklover #booknerd #nevernotreading #bookstagram #instabook #book #reading #youngadult
I received this book through LibraryThing Early Reviewers. I really was not into this book. I really loved the last couple of chapters, but other than that it really didn't do it for me. The characters were really annoying and absolutely impossible to relate to. I'm sad. I was really looking forward to this book.
We shared our review of #PiperPerish in our newsletter yesterday! We couldn't help but undress our finished copy. Look how beautiful the hardcover is. Our review loved this book and highly recommends it, especially if you're in need of some inspiration!
There was so much hype around this book, but I really don't think it was well deserved. Quite honestly towards the end I got really annoyed with a lot of the characters despite being able to empathize with their situations. That being said, I did like the concept of discussing the struggles associated with pursuing an arts degree from a stigma, financial, and talent-based perspective. I would've liked more about Piper's transition to NYC too.
Finished this today in a sprint. I was so wrapped up in reading it that I didn't realize I'd gotten a monster headache until someone came in and interrupted me!
Went to the library to get books for work, then saw this about 6 feet from the checkout. Oops. The Doubleclicks (an amazing internet lady nerd band) interviewed the author and wrote a lovely song about it last month (up on youtube!), so I couldn't just walk past. I'm enjoying it so far!
Got this in the mail the other day. Can't wait to read it!! #piperperish #kaylacagan #contemporary #ya
Starting March with an art girl story. A moment to drool over how the book is designed beyond the dust jacket 😍
Here's my February reading wrap up! I read Legend and My Lady Jane for book clubs. I only read 2 comics this month even though I have a stack checked out from the library. But I did read 4 ARCs from my TBR stack, so I made some progress! One of those ARCs, Piper Perish, was my favorite book of the month. It was like The Princess Diaries meets that old MTV show My Life with Liz. Look for it next week! #bestoffebruary
I've teamed up with Chronicle Books to share the purchase gift swag pack for the soon to be released "Piper Perish". All you have to do is submit your proof of purchase to this link (http://piperperish.hscampaigns.com) and you'll get this tote, color changing pencil, vial of glitter and bookmark. (While supplies last, US shipping only)
Advance reader's copy loaned to me. It has grown on me. At first I was a bit iffy on it.
I love Sundays and donuts and starting new books. It seems like there are a lot of new books about teen artists and they all have gorgeous covers (You're Welcome Universe, The Gallery of Unfinished Girls). Happy Sunday!
This was the perfect vacation read. I got through it quickly and it was interesting. Did I love it? No. Did I enjoy it? Yes. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2
Told in journal entries, this is the story of a girl on the brink of her future. Family, art, friendship, opportunities, young love. The quote is from the book jacket flap. I'm really looking forward to this debut. [And this is the last post for tonight. More from my book mail tomorrow.]
Written entirely in the form of Piper's journal entries, this is a story that utterly and completely sucked me in. When I'd come up for air I had to consciously remind myself who and where I was. That I was me, and not Piper fighting her way to the top. Full of angst, drama, desire, and love. 4-4.5 stars from this girl. ⭐️🌟⭐️🌟#NetGalleyReads
"Art is the only way to run away without leaving home." - Twyla Tharp
Nope, I for one do NOT agree. That's the magic of books. You can run away for a small "just for me" escape from your daily responsibilities of cooking, cleaning, taking care of your family (who you would ever really want to run away from), your job, etc. You can temporarily dive into a whole new world and take on a completely new persona and adventure all from home. ?????
My view while reading on the balcony earlier. Ahhh beautiful. ☀️🎋📖
So much yes for this cover! (Sorry my pic washes it out. Couldn't do a screen grab as was reading it on my laptop through ADE.) Anyhow, after reading the first chapter I'm thinking this book has a lot more going for it than just the fabulous cover. Hope I get approved to review the whole thing!
Check out NetGalley if you're interested in reading the first chapter or applying to review the book for yourself. 🙂👍