Bill Nye for the win!
It was funny, educational, and necessary for our times.
Bill Nye for the win!
It was funny, educational, and necessary for our times.
A love story that started with a book. Has anyone else heard this?
Witty, informative and enjoyable to read.
The tone and pacing of this book was enjoyable. Anyone curious about evolution or biology will likely enjoy this one (especially fans of Bill‘s earlier work). #science #nonfiction
I'm admittedly disappointed in the end of Bill's chapter on ethnicity. He seems to be arguing that racism is especially rediculous because ethnicity isn't race. He concludes with "there's no such thing as racism,” without comment on socially constructed racism. I don‘t think it‘s what he was going for, but this dusts off the experiences of people facing racism, seeming to dismiss them. #science #racism #sociology #biology
It was fun listening to Bill talk about Dinosaur National Monument here in #colorado. I haven't been there since I was in middle school, probably 🤔 time for a revisit!
In this chapter, Bill's talking about people's experience with science education. He describes people as having learned science "in a joyless way." The way he describes this concept makes the motivation behind Bill Nye The Science Guy very clear! #passion #dowhatyoulove #science #scienceeducation #education
I started this gem today. In chapter two, Bill describes a debate he had with a creationist museum creator, and he is just LIVID (especially about the education consequences) 😂 I'm loving this. #science #nonfiction #evolution #scienceeducation
Tangzhong method raisin bread made while listening to Bill Nye read his book
Bill Nye is keeping me company this Sunday morning. What are you up to?
“It would take a big change in Earth‘s geology and chemistry for it to become exactly like Venus. But humans are pouring carbon dioxide into Earth‘s atmosphere right now at an alarming rate, shoving our climate in that high-carbon direction, which is a terrifying prospect. We do not want to become even a little like Venus.” #broil #QuotsyMay18 (NASA photo: global radar view of Venus without clouds)
To see Bill Nye or not....
I really appreciate how Bill Nye finds a way to make concepts more accessible to those of us who aren‘t as savvy with the technical terms or science behind them. This is was definitely an easier read than his first book, but there were still parts that dragged or I would need to re-read to fully grasp. Hands down though - it‘s important to stay informed and this helps.
@GingerAntics Thank goodness it was italicized because I was about to give up hope 😂 End of chapter 15!
I love this book. Approachable, relatable, and funny - Bill Nye, saving the world, in book form.
Especially for Americans who have very little to no knowledge of evolution that has not been filtered through the Judaeo-Christian world view, this book is a wonderful introduction to the topic of Evolution.
(cont‘d in comments).
As always, Bill wants you to learn more.
#billnye #undeniable #keeplearning
No life on Venus in our future...unless they can live in 800+ degrees F. The bloody rain never touches the ground, because it evaporate before it can get there, because it is so ungodly hot. It is hell personified...planetified. If you believe in hell, bad people are going to Venus when they die.
#billnye #undeniable #lifeonotherplanets #aliens #venus #hell #reallyhot
Love this in every way.
#billnye #undeniable #humancooperation
Mind. Blown.
He does not seem to have enjoyed it.
#billnye #undeniable #mindblown #didntseethatcoming #50shades
So can‘t we all start to cooperate here, people.
#billnye #undeniable #cooperation
“It keeps people honest. It‘s altruistic to punish people. ... we help each other out when we can, which makes us feel good. We also act mean when we need to, which also makes us feel good or at least better.”
They‘ve been getting it wrong for 2000 years. I‘ve heard mean spirited people say Christians are less evolved, maybe that person was right (still doesn‘t mean you have to say that to people).
#billnye #undeniable #altruism
Oh Bill.
#billnye #undeniable #altruism
This is a public service announcement from your friendly, neighbourhood science guy, Bill Nye.
#billnye #undeniable #therightdrugfortherightbug #antibiotics #antibioticresistance
I can‘t beg people to do this enough.
#billnye #undeniable #criticalthinking #evolution #howtheworldworks
“Sex is there, just below the surface, all the time.”
😏 Sorry, it had to be done. 😏
#billnye #undeniable
I need more WNE‘s in my life. lol
NOTE: the spelling of “Nyebonic” may be off. Thus is the drawback of the audiobook. Just call them WNE‘s and it‘s all good.
#billnye #undeniable #whimsicalNyebonicexpressions
As Bill says, if you ever meet someone who says they‘ve never wonder this, they are lying.
#billnye #undeniable #dontlie
Climate change deniers don‘t care about any of this. #justsayin #billnye #undeniable #climatechange #climatechangeisreal
Something you will never hear from someone who has no proof for their beliefs and doesn‘t want any.
#billnye #undeniable #criticalthinking #openminded #intellectualfreedom
This is actually about ecosystems, but I‘m pretty sure this is true for cultures and society as well.
#billnye #undeniable #diversity
Bill Nye is my favourite!!!
#billnye #undeniable #scienceissexy
Oh my god, I may never lick my lips again...and now that I‘m thinking about it I‘m trying NOT to lick my lips.
#billnye #undeniable #bacteria
Starting this book after seeing it on the feed of @Stephuhhnieee it seems like it will fit nicely into what I‘ve recently read and what I‘ve been pondering lately. Plus, who doesn‘t love Bill Nye. I‘d fist bump him any day!!!
#billbye #undeniable #evolution #fistbump #billnyesavestheworld
Getting into my car every morning going, “Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, BILL, BILL...” has been therapeutic. 😂🙌🏻
🎶 Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill
Bill Nye the Science Guy
(Science rules)
Bill Nye the Science Guy
(Inertia is a property of matter)
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill, Bill, Bill,
(T-minus seven seconds)
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill,
Bill Nye, the Science Guy🎵
An academic work that tries to appeal to the average person at the same time.
(Disclaimer: listened to the audiobook). While I was not a fan of the Science Guy's tv show, I enjoyed his reading of his book. The man is "undeniably" a brilliant scientist. He helped me realize something I've always felt inside: while the Bible tells us God created the universe, Science tells us how He did it. Not a book for everyone, and it had its dry technical moments, but overall, I enjoyed this book and look forward to his other offerings.
Really cool look at evolutionary science and how it can be used not just to learn about the past, but also to make predictions and experiments.
I'm not going to lie - I've got a bit of a crush on Bill Nye after listening to this book. He's so excited about science, explains things in such a wonderful manner and uses puns all the time. Great book about science and evolution. #nonfiction
Dear Bill Nye, I friggin love you. This book was awesome.
A non-intimidating crash course in evolution written for the non-scientist. Most of it was easy to understand and I liked many of his analogies to further clarify ideas. In true Bill Nye fashion, it's full of corny puns too. #science #BillNyeTheScienceGuy
#audiobook and #baking. I grew up watching bill nye and his book seems to be a very accessible, non-intimidating, source information about evolution. I find it all incredibly interesting, even if some of it is over my right-brained head.
Shifting gears and starting this audiobook today. 🌎
It came :)