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The Lowells of Massachusetts
The Lowells of Massachusetts: An American Family | Nina Sankovitch
16 posts | 4 read | 23 to read
The Lowells of Massachusetts were a remarkable family. They were settlers in the New World in the 1600s, revolutionaries creating a new nation in the 1700s, merchants and manufacturers building prosperity in the 1800s, and scientists and artists flourishing in the 1900s. For the first time, Nina Sankovitch tells the story of this fascinating and powerful dynasty in The Lowells of Massachusetts. Though not without scoundrels and certainly no strangers to controversy , the family boasted some of the most astonishing individuals in Americas history: Percival Lowle, the patriarch who arrived in America in the seventeenth to plant the roots of the family tree; Reverend John Lowell, the preacher; Judge John Lowell, a member of the Continental Congress; Francis Cabot Lowell, manufacturer and, some say, founder of the Industrial Revolution in the US; James Russell Lowell, American Romantic poet; Lawrence Lowell, one of Harvards longest-serving and most controversial presidents; and Amy Lowell, the twentieth century poet who lived openly in a Boston Marriage with the actress Ada Dwyer Russell. The Lowells realized the promise of America as the land of opportunity by uniting Puritan values of hard work, community service, and individual responsibility with a deep-seated optimism that became a well-known family trait. Long before the Kennedys put their stamp on Massachusetts, the Lowells claimed the bedrock.
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It took me awhile, but finally finished my March #bookspin book!

Sankovitch chronicles the Lowell family, from their arrival to modern day Massachusetts in the 1600s to the almost revolutionary generation at the turn of the 20th century. This is a family who contributed much, good and bad, to New England history. Sankovitch writes in a narrative format, and some of her passages really make the family come alive. Read if you like family histories!

Lreads 😻😻💕 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review, and I love your reading buddies!!! 4y
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Clare-Dragonfly I haven‘t even started my March #bookspin yet 😂 4y
Librarybelle @Clare-Dragonfly I still have to do my #doublespin ...started it this morning! 😂 4y
Cinfhen Yay!!! I remember this book from #BOTM back in 2016😂😂😂 I‘ve been intrigued since then..... 4y
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For @Librarybelle ~ some of my cross stitch pictures from years ago.

Librarybelle So pretty! Thanks for sharing! 4y
aroc Omg! Completely a Michigan thing. My mom has one fro. Every state we lived in 😁 4y
Sleepswithbooks Gorgeous!!! 4y
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“Rebecca frowned on potatoes; they were forbidden fruit, a suspected aphrodisiac but, worst than that, a source of leprosy and syphilis, as well.”

The poor potato! Fascinating look at “old wives tales” from the 1630s, though...

Jerdencon Potato as an aphrodisiac seems so funny to me! Lol 5y
nanuska_153 Nothing puts you in the mood as much as a plate full of chips! 5y
Librarybelle @Jerdencon I know, right?? 😂 5y
Librarybelle @nanuska_153 I definitely want some fries/chips now! 5y
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Really good month 👍🏻🤓 All my 5⭐️ books were #nonfiction, unsurprisingly. And two were #audiobooks, again unsurprisingly. There were several 4.5⭐️ fiction books, but almost too many to share. July was a good month to be a reader, and a good month for #BOTM 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 for August!

emilyhaldi I agree, July was a great month for reading and Botm!! Pleasantly surprised to see Lowell's in your top! Maybe I will add to this month's box... 🤔 7y
Jennick2004 American Fire was so good!!! 7y
Megabooks @emilyhaldi it was sold out! That's one of the reasons I went audio. 7y
emilyhaldi Oh wow I didn't realize! I suppose I will have to look elsewhere! 7y
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5⭐️ Wow! While I had trouble keeping track of the family tree since I went audio, this is still an amazing book. So many accomplishments in one family. Of course, most had considerable financial resources, but still. A fascinating look at a family that shaped America in both large and small ways and a lens of sweeping American history from the 1600s to the 1920s. Highly recommend!
@Reviewsbylola you have to pick this up!

Ericmanciniwriter Any chance Lowell, MA is named after them? 7y
Megabooks @Eamann correction if you read my earlier statement. It was Francis Cabot Lowell who founded it as a mill town. It's easy to get them all confused! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Lowell,_Massachusetts (edited) 7y
emilyhaldi Good to know!!! 7y
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Lindy My grandmother was born in Lowell. (There were a lot of other French Canadians there at the time, so I've heard.) 7y
Megabooks @emilyhaldi 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
Megabooks @Lindy Cool. From what I read, the border with Canada was more porous then. 7y
Reviewsbylola I am keeping an eye on this book. The price was really good but I was waiting to see if it went down more. Still kicking myself for not adding it to my BOTM box when I had the chance! 7y
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Speaking of #botm tonight, I waited on this on this, and it sold out. I picked it up with an #audible credit for my drive. Feeling tired after work today. I said on @Reviewsbylola 's thread about BOTM that I'd probably get them all out of laziness! 🤣🤣 Maybe that after work sushi binge wasn't the best idea. 🤔🤔

Reviewsbylola I was going to add this on to one of my boxes so I'm so upset it sold out. 😩 7y
Megabooks @Reviewsbylola it sold out the first month!! 7y
Reviewsbylola They must have barely ordered any! 7y
Megabooks @Reviewsbylola I think the really underestimated the demand. 7y
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Amy Lowell on immigrants and POC, 1915.

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Super like this book! This somewhat fictionalised account of 300+ years of this family really brings you through a huge chunk of American history. The author makes you feel like you're right there with them, yet it doesn't feel overly fictionalised to the point you are no longer reading non fiction. I learned so much about the history of our country from this. Love love love.
Oh hey! I'm only two #botm books behind now!!

Reviewsbylola This sounds fantastic. Hoping to add it to my box. 7y
Reviewsbylola I just emailed BOTM to see if they still had this because it's not on their site and they said it's sold out and won't be restocking. 😭 7y
8little_paws @Reviewsbylola aww that sucks!! 7y
Reviewsbylola I didn't see many people adding it so they must not have had very many copies to begin with! 7y
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This is badass

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Yeah yeah it's getting late but better late than never right? #litsypartyofone

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Hey baby. Make yourself at home.

rachellayown I hadn't realized Nina Sankovitch was an author. I've really enjoyed some of her picks! 7y
rachellayown 👍 7y
Lola She did a memoir about how reading helped her cope with the death of her sister-I thought it was really good 7y
Lola @8little_paws Well-played book pairing! #meta #bookserendipity 7y
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Hooray for #BOTM! Perfect way to end a Friday!

Reviewsbylola So excited to see some reviews for the Lowells. 7y
Librarybelle I'm looking forward to reading it, @Reviewsbylola ! 7y
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That's a first! #ammarking

slategreyskies LOL 😂 7y
CouronneDhiver It took me a minute ... haha! Cute 7y
tournevis @CouronneDhiver Students. Gotta love em 7y
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My final book choices for May from #BOTM. I could not find many reviews on this book, but I chose it as a #BOTM add on this month. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼. Our family book club chose Since We Fell for our May read, so that will be up first.

emilyhaldi Oh yeah!! Now you can test out the Lowells for me 👏🏻 7y
Cinfhen Liking your picks! And I'm with @emilyhaldi curious to hear about 7y
Mdargusch Yes, I'm curious about this book too. @emilyhaldi and @Cinfhen. There really wasn't much info on it. 7y
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Cinfhen And it's an #immigrantsong 😜🎵💖 7y
minkyb I forgot to order The Lowells! 😬I need an icon where I am smacking myself in the head! 7y
Reviewsbylola So glad you got Lowells! 7y
Mdargusch Well hopefully you can get it next month @minkyb 7y
Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola I'm assuming you didn't because you added so many other books? 😂 7y
Reviewsbylola That and also I am picky about nonfiction! So I wasn't willing to take a chance on it without some reviews first! 7y
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Happy #BOTM Eve! 🎉🎉 It looks like the extra book this month is The Lowells of Massachusetts, by BOTM judge Nina Sankovitch. Off to research it!

Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi This sounds like a book you would enjoy. 8y
emilyhaldi So excited for the first BOTM leak!!! 😁 will go check this one out! 8y
drbethandherkindle This looks so good! 8y
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8little_paws Oh nooooooo this is so right in my wheelhouse 8y
rubyslippersreads This sounds great! 8y
Cinfhen Yippee! Good find 💚 8y
Cinfhen Got another one 8y
Reviewsbylola Hmmmm that's an interesting choice! I think it's odd when they add such old books because I could easily find The Alienist for a couple of bucks. I guess if you want a nice, new hardback edition though it's a good choice. I've read it and I thought it was pretty good. @Cinfhen 8y
Cinfhen I know, now I'm thinking maybe it's an April Fools Joke 8y
Cinfhen But they added two others that were pretty old: secret history and 8y
Sace #BOTM eve! I'm going to add that to my personal lexicon. 😂💗 8y
Reviewsbylola It's the best day of the month! @Sace 8y
Sace Until the day my BOTM box arrives. 😊 8y
Reviewsbylola 😂😂 Secret History made sense to me because it's a modern classic. I didn't so much understand Into Thin Air. 🤷🏼‍♀️ @Cinfhen 8y
Megabooks This doesn't sound good to me. I'd probably love it as an audiobook, but I don't enjoy sweeping nonfiction as a hardback. I'm even having trouble getting through The Stranger ITW and it's short! 8y
Reviewsbylola I loved The Stranger ITW because to me, it read like a memoir. But otherwise, I agree with you about nonfic and will be passing on this one. @Booksandcooks 8y
Cinfhen This one sounds great and I love these kind of reads but I can wait for a library copy, I think! @Booksandcooks 8y
Laalaleighh How did you find out? 8y
Reviewsbylola They posted the extras this morning. They usually post them the morning before. @Laalaleighh 8y
Laalaleighh But I looked!! 8y
Laalaleighh I see in the alienist in other books- but not this one. 8y
Laalaleighh I want this one and can't find it on the site. 8y
Laalaleighh I've been to Lowell Massachusetts 8y
Reviewsbylola So odd, it was definitely there all day! @Laalaleighh 8y
Laalaleighh Is it gone now? 8y
Laalaleighh Sad face 8y
8little_paws It's not there now?!? 😭😭 7y
Reviewsbylola I know, that's so unfortunate. I only saw one person that purchased it so far so I wonder if they added it to their box early yesterday. @Laalaleighh @8little_paws So unfortunate! 7y
8little_paws I'm hoping it's a May add on or something then 7y
Mdargusch It's back on for May but I can't find any reviews. 7y
Reviewsbylola Get it and read it so I can know if it's worth it! @Mdargusch 7y
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Ooh! I've been doing a lot of New England genealogy lately, so this sounds right up my alley.

raelaschoenherr Lowell is my grandfather and my brother's name, so I have an affinity:) 8y
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