Rating: 4/5 stars.
I always say this: I love everything about F. Scott Fitzgerald. His words. His penchant for stories that he had told and written. Just wow.
Rating: 4/5 stars.
I always say this: I love everything about F. Scott Fitzgerald. His words. His penchant for stories that he had told and written. Just wow.
When a friend gets you a gift and you just have to say “Thanks you know me so well!” Yay ,Puzzles.
Bloody Litsy cut off the tagged book. Found another op shop near my Gran‘s place. It was $10 a bag but I restrained myself as I had to fly home the next day and was worried about luggage weight. Turns out I had plenty of space 😭
Thanks to google, I came across this book, a collection of previously unpublished tales drawn from Fitzgerald‘s stay in the mountains of North Carolina when his health, and of his wife Zelda, was falling apart.
#PrinceofJuly #iwoulddieforu
This is for my long term project of reading all of F. Scott Fitzgerald‘s work. I rarely buy books these days, but who could pass up this gorgeous cover? #coverlove #readingresolutions
It was great to see photographs of Fitzgerald I have never seen and some of the writing is very good . But a warning, more for fans of his work than the general reader. Some of the film synopsis stuff was fluff , yet in context,writers were scrambling to make some money in the depression.The biographical notes and info. about how these stories did not get published interesting .
I just love everything Fitzgerald 💛
#read #book #fscottfitzgerald #iddieforyou
3 subway stops • 2 bookstores • 1 new book from an author who hasn't been on this Earth for 77 years • unlimited excitement
I like to picture what Fitzgerald would be like with a new book release in the way we've come to know him- drunk and impatiently awaiting the reviews and sales of his new release.
Don't worry Scott- the world finally realized you're one of the best
I was going on a book buying diet BUT .....sigh . At least it will be part of the permanent collection.Bookmark Changing Hands Phoenix .#indie #fitzgerald
"Here's to alcohol, the rose colored glasses of life" -The Beautiful and the Damned
I made the Rose Colored Glasses cocktail per @ScribnerBooks recommendation/recipe paired with this delightful read. My PSA: you won't feel rosy the next after too many of these. Pair and drink wisely, friends! ❤️
#CocktailsandBooks #FScottFitzgerald #RoseColoredGlasses #Cheers
While you don't have to go and "set the watchman" by these stories, the quality ranges from great to poor-- some are really just sketches for films. And you can't help reading between the lines and wondering if Fitzgerald attempted to make a Faustian bargain with Hollywood and suffered for it. The NYT asked a biographer to review this book, and while I don't agree that the introductions are better than the stories, there is plenty to snark about.
... the patient was in an increasingly impatient and nervous mood.
"Mr. Monson, you can't cook with a temperature of a 103."
"Why not? Think of the Huns. They used raw steak for their saddles all day-- that broke down the fiber-- just like a modern kitchen range."
"Mr. Monson!"
Painting by Deborah DeWit (she does a lot of bookishly themed paintings).
"The trouble was not so much the lack of boys as the impossibility of doing anything gay and glamorous without boys."
After spending most of the night up with a persistent cough, I took the afternoon off work to convalesce. I lounged by a huge picture window while a storm raged outside and I just read and read and... coughed.
Another find while on the website Ancestry today: These are passport photos of F. Scott & Zelda Fitzgerald.
I'm so excited to start this book I've been waiting for it and finally got my copy yesterday. It just went to the top of my TBR list. #Bookmail #Maymostanticipated #Maybookflowers
I've loved, loved this book of lost, short fiction by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I love Great Gatsby and many of these stories, especially I'd Die for You, had the heart and beauty of The Great Gatsby. Most of these stories didn't sell because they were departures from Fitzgerald's normal style or they weren't timely for the audiences of the papers and magazines where he normally sold his stories. I also loved the biographical information! ❤️
And now suddenly he is there in a tail coat, sure of himself, unworried, undisguised, picking her out of the crowd with a look of expectation.
"..it isn't particularly likely that I'll write a great many more stories about young love. I was tagged with that by my first writings up to 1925." -F.S.F.
•He's a master of capturing the bold and the subtle aspects of love in my opinion. My #bookmail arrived and I can't wait to dive in. Even the smell of the copy is superb. Anyone else like to smell their books? ?
•#WeSwoonforFScott #classic #fscottfitzgerald #love #shortstory #scribners
Book mail! Just got my copy of F. Scott Fitzgerald's lost stories and I wasn't expecting such a charming publication. It is full of great thumbnail photos of Fitzgerald like this one where he's mugging for the photo booth camera! There are additional pics of his original manuscripts, plus notes! I wasn't expecting any of that for a short story collection. I read one of the stories last year in the New Yorker and it was wonderful. Very pleased!
📬💌📬Today's the day! I am looking forward to my #bookmail when I get home. 💕 Until then, just looking at few pieces of my Fitzgerald collection.
•#fscottfitzgerald #shortstory #icon #americanlit #flapper #wordsmith #masteroftheshortstory #fangirl #booklover #scribnerbooks #WeSwoonforFScott
Book mail and Fridays are the perfect combination. Thank you @ScribnerBooks & @books_with_taylor Cheers to the weekend 🍷
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
#spinesvines #books #wine #iddieforyou #fscottfitzgerald #fridayreads
I am so excited for this one's release on April 25th. Preordered and waiting for my future #bookmail. I am so intrigued to read these short stories. Mark your calendars, Fitzgerald fans! 🍸📚🍸
•#icon #jazzage #fscottfitzgerald #greatamericannovelist #classic #shortstory #favoriteauthor #scribnerbooks #WeSwoonforFScott
Almost 100 years later...."The IOU," one of F. Scott Fitzgerald's recently uncovered "lost stories," was published by "The New Yorker" and is available to readers for the first time!! It's a satirical short story that is quite different from the conventional Fitzgerald reads~~but eloquently mocks the fake news in 1920's America. It's hysterically relatable to modern times, not to mention an enjoyable little read for all Fitzgerald fans!
Since I've been away a while, I'll be posting throughout the day as time allows the many #2017MostAnticipatedBooks I have on my list. At the top of my list is this collection of lost stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald, I'd Die For You, to be released in April of 2017. April showers can't come fast enough as far as I'm concerned!