These two digital holds have just come in on OverDrive. Which one should I read? And which should I postpone?
Bonfire by Krysten Ritter
Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye
These two digital holds have just come in on OverDrive. Which one should I read? And which should I postpone?
Bonfire by Krysten Ritter
Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye
It‘s that time again, where I refresh my My TBR status every couple hours waiting for my new picks. 🙃
Help!! What should I bring to work to read tonight? I have no idea what mood I‘m in!
The struggle is real! 😆 What are you planning to read this weekend?
It's pretty sunny out here on my balcony. I'm not sure whether I'd better go back inside and stay there or come back with sunscreen. Don't want to burn my marble coloured dragon hide. 😝
I was auto-approved for another ARC, so my NetGalley shelf now holds 47 books - child's play to you @LibrarianRyan, I know. 😉
Now, which one to choose?
And why am I always adding things to my already full plate?
PS: sunscreen it is, want to stay outside
Help me Litsians! You‘re my only hope!
My choices for #LMPBC 002 #GroupT So ladies... Yes? No? Which?
@ephemeralwaltz @oOArankaOo @Dulcinella
I have a $10 gift card and a 30% off coupon that ends tonight. Swinging by after my violin lesson. I would like a book (non-fiction) by a diverse author, a graphic novel, or a lit magazine. I think. Any suggestions Litsy?
Does anyone ever get that brief, confused feeling in the time between you finishing a book, but before you choose the next one to read?
I feel lost when I‘m in the real world.....send help 😂
Hmmm... what to read next?
Do you ever flip through the TV guide and think "So many channels, and nothing I want to watch"?
That's how I feel about my bookshelves right now. So many good books that just aren't grabbing my attention.
Tonight's dilemma, what should be my #FirstBook? I'm not home, so options are limited. Left column is paperback, right is Kindle, middle is audio that we will probably listen to on the way home.
My husband and I are going on our first kids free adventure in September! We are going to Maine, and this little book store will be where all my vacation money will be going lol.
Now with that said, please tell me your favorite book so I can make a list of books I need to buy or bring on my trip!