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Precious: Based On The Novel Push | Sapphire
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Sapphire‘s story is heartbreaking and also injected with a healthy amount of humour. A young girl whose life was filled with monsters (emotional & physical abuse, rape…) Yet somehow her spirit could not to be crushed. She always fought for her life. If you‘re looking for an example of resilience then you should read this book. But be prepared for lots of cries. There were days when I could not get past only a couple of pages.

Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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I remember when the movie version of this came out. I didn‘t see it, but wow, what a powerful book!

Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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For #pridemonth2020, I'm highlighting 30 openly LGBTQ+ authors. Sapphire is an American writer and poet, and recipient of a Fellow Award. She is openly bisexual, and has used adverse experiences in her own life to inform her writing. #lgbtqvoices #blackvoices #lgbtqauthors #blackauthors #pocauthors #bisexual #poetry

SW-T This was a great book and that movie...😳 Damn. 4y
Kenyazero @SW-T I haven't read it yet, but it's on my list! 4y
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Wow... just wow. Raw and powerful and heartbreaking. I can‘t believe I am just reading this now.

#booked2019 #booktomovie

@BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft

Cinfhen I should probably read this book, too!! But im trying to stay away from sadness for a while 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage What @Cinfhen said ⬆️. Good pick for this prompt! 👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Such an intensively raw and woeful story, this was by no means an easy read. The language was fowl and the explicit descriptions of abuse vulgar, yet I found Preciouses determination inspiring.

This one may be fiction but sadly there are too many real stories like this one

Tries to Give a sense of future and what lies ahead
Can‘t help root for her when she realizes there is more to life than what she knows
Defiance hope and humanity

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Small book, big story.

« Don‘t know when, don‘t know how, maybe hold it back a long long time, but one day it‘s gonna rain. »

Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Sometimes #tiny books make huge impressions...

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

CouronneDhiver Yes! That was a really good one 5y
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Just finished reading, watching and discussing this for movie/book club. I liked both better than I thought I would. The book is short also so you don't have to read the horrible abusiveness for 300+ pgs.

Samplergal Loved it. 6y
CouronneDhiver Soooo good 6y
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I'm listening to this on audio as well as one other. Unusual because I don't do well with audio books. But this also has a great narrator: Bahni Turpin.

#forcoloredgirlsBookClub #currentlyreading

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego This book is intense, but worthwhile. 6y
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There but for the grace of god is something I regularly say after reading about horrific lives like Sapphire‘s. Think you have it bad? I suggest you read this.

LibrarianRyan What do you think of the title change? Wasn't the original title PUsh. Which do you think fits better. 6y
LapReader I like Precious because after all she has been through she still is. 6y
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Wow. just wow. The life she lived is so sad. The book is very detailed and graphic. I like the way the author writes the book as if it's Precious writing it. You can see her writing improving throughout the story. How far she has come. It is just so good.

Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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This book was a very quick read. It took me a few pages to get used to the narrator‘s voice though, much like how A Color Purple was done. I love how we are seeing the world through Precious‘ eyes and into her head while she is putting up walls and barriers to people who don‘t understand her and she doesn‘t trust. It‘s incredibly sad and realistic which gives it a heavier impact as it illustrates the kind of problems so many people face everyday.

Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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#blackhistorymonth I read this book last year for my book club, but it still leaves an impression to this day. Horrific and sad, yet it leaves you with a glimmer of hope. Didn't see the movie, don't think I could.

britt_brooke I tried to watch the movie after reading this, and though the acting was superb, I couldn‘t handle the story a second time. It‘s just so brutal. I stopped less than halfway through. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau I read this, 20 years(😱) ago; I still think about it. Amazing read 6y
CouronneDhiver This was an outstanding read! Loved it! 6y
Lesliereads I read aloud from this book to 10th graders many years ago. You could hear a pin drop in the classroom. 6y
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Pop sugar reading challenge #36 Push-A book set in the decade you were born overdrive

Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Never saw the film, but an incredible novel. The task of trying to write as a previously illiterate high school girl who has just learned to read and write is something I think only a poet with a gift for language like Sapphire could pull off. She captures the MC, Precious, with an adept blend of warmth and realism. Her past traumas are horrifying (rape TW), but she's a complete inspiration in persevering to read, write, and raise her baby right.

britt_brooke This book is really good, but such a tough read. I tried to watch the movie, but didn‘t finish it because I just couldn‘t handle the story again. 😭 So emotional. Of what I did see, it was very well done. 7y
Billypar @britt_brooke It's very raw because it's written like someone vividly remembering the traumas- there isn't a lot of distance between her experiences and the reader. I'm sure the film is just as tough- I want to see it but I know it will be harrowing in spots. 7y
Cathythoughts This sounds really good. So many books coming up on the posts now I‘ve never heard of. The TBR 2018 will be beyond the beyonds 😱 7y
Billypar @Cathythoughts There are so many that I think 'next year, that one for sure'. That happens to some books multiple years though 🤔 7y
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Ol' Cornrows say bring self, pencil, and notebook. I got self, pencil, and notebook. Can I get a witness! I'm outta here!

(For just a moment this passage made me smile so big! - Precious is off to (alternative) school)

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#youngAmericans #septembowie a few of my YA collection and an odd #pairing a photo of this morning's forest fire hazed sun and my book collection #fallintobooks

Zelma The sun is quite eerie. I know this is normal but all of these weather events and disasters are unsettling. 7y
Dragon Thanks @Zelma unsettling is the perfect description. The light and the strange sky colour have been bothering everyone 🐉 7y
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This book was absolutely heart-breaking. I don't know that I could watch the movie. 💔

CouronneDhiver I loved this book 😊 I haven't seen the movie yet but everyone at work says it was excellent (sad but inspiring) 7y
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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I really liked this book. I think it is definitely worth the read, be warned it is very graphic. This book deals with a lot of issues with regards to race, poverty, incest, teenage pregnancy to name a few. It is the book behind the film Precious.

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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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My late night read 🤓📖🌙

AllenTStClair Loved this book! 7y
Sarah_Readerton I just started it today but I'm loving it! 7y
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Não é um livro fácil de avaliar e comentar. Este livro conta-nos uma história muito delicada... Mas a Precious é, sem dúvida, uma menina guerreira!! Apesar de toda a merda por que passou, apesar de estar sozinha no mundo, onde até a própria mãe a maltratava e ajudava a que fosse constantemente violada, ela conseguiu ir buscar, bem lá no fundo do seu ser, a sua força interior e enfrentar tudo e todos e dar a volta por cima! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Aquele tipo de livro que te mata por dentro! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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E eu que já não me lembrava que tinha este livro por terminar??

cristiana_de_sousa Tens mesmo que o terminar porque é fantástico xD 7y
soberanadanoite @cristiana_de_sousa já passei do meio. Lê-se bem! Na altura fui a Portugal e trouxe-o comigo, e li-o um bocado porque não tinha levado nenhum livro comigo. Depois cheguei cá e continuei os que deixei parados e esqueci-me desse ? 7y
Anokas É muito bom. Muito pesado, mas eu gostei bastante. Ainda não consegui ver o livro. 7y
soberanadanoite @Anokas por acaso acho que se lê bem :) é pequeno e escrita simples. Espero ver o filme :) 7y
Anokas @soberanadanoite pesado no sentido da história ser sobre o que era. 7y
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Beach read for Key West. Might not have been the best choice but when you stumble upon a used book store on vacation and you find a book you've been looking for you buy it and read it right then.

Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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When you can no longer find any cover but the movie tie in version. Especially annoying when they change the title for the movie, and the cover now reads (for example) "Precious: based on the novel Push by Sapphire." And I just want to scream "No! No! That IS the novel Push by Sapphire! It is based on nothing but the author's own mind!!!"

Rant complete. Thank you for this mini book therapy.

#marchintoreading @RealLifeReading

TobeyTheScavengerMonk I lost my mind over this when I saw it: "I am holding the novel. It is based on itself. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!?!?" 7y
TheKidUpstairs @TobeyTheScavengerMonk I'm glad I'm not alone. The first time I saw the cover, I was alone in a bookstore and WTF-ed out loud. Got some dirty looks for swearing in Chapters, but I just wanted someone to say "I know, right?!" 7y
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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My ambitious #TBR for the #24in48 #readathon. I'm starting with Push, which I've been meaning to read for ages!

Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Before the movie Precious, before the book even pubbed, I read an ARC.
This book was a game-changer for me.
I had no clue a book could be this.
Then I got to meet Sapphire + get my ARC signed ❤️
20 years ago! Oh,my time flies when you are reading good books 📚✨📚✨📚✨


LeahBergen Awesome! ❤ 7y
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Soooooo good omg. It's spelled in the perspective of how Precious writes and she's dyslexic and doesn't really know how to read and write at first but you see progression with her spelling throughout the book. Sad I finished 😭 loved it !!

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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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I enjoyed the book and the movie for this one!

Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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RanaElizabeth Push!!! 8y
britt_brooke @RanaElizabeth Brutal, but very good book! 8y
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DeeLew Push is amazing! 8y
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Heartbreaking to think a child (even fictional) would have to live a life like "Precious".

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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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Going back an forth between these two to start out 24in48. Two and a half hours in and about half way through both!

Melkyl Interesting book 8y
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire
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I remember thinking this was really beautiful. A touching story about an unforgettable girl and the importance to be able to read and write. Did you read it? Also, #funfridayphoto day by @Liberty In Swedish the book is called Precious, which I think is appropriate with my little cutie ❤️

mllemay Super adorable!! 8y
SusanInTiburon She IS precious! I love doggies who do the frog-legs thing. 8y
MyBookLife @mllemay Thank you :) @Susanintiburon Me too! She is so cute ❤️ 8y
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Jess_Read_This She's gorgeous! 8y
MyBookLife @Jess_Read_This Thank you! She really is 😘🐶 8y
Merethebookgal What a beautiful pup! 8y
MyBookLife @Merethebookgal Thank you. She is so loving and happy and so darn cute 💕💕💕 8y
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Push: A Novel | Sapphire

This was a rough one, but good.

The_Real_Nani So sad. My high school kids in the Bronx liked to read this one. 8y
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