I did a speed read of this as it felt like I‘d read it before or possibly watched something. So it was predictable for me. Read it through to end to see how it was resolved . Clever.
I did a speed read of this as it felt like I‘d read it before or possibly watched something. So it was predictable for me. Read it through to end to see how it was resolved . Clever.
“Meghan doesn‘t know Agatha, but Agatha knows Meghan. And the one thing Agatha looks forward to each day is catching a glimpse of her, the effortlessly chic customer at the grocery store where she works stocking shelves.. Yet if Agatha could look beyond the gloss and trappings of Meghan‘s ‘perfect life,‘ she‘d see the flaws and doubts. Meghan has her secrets too, especially one that she dare not ever tell.”
“‘Two terrific female characters, both with secrets. Add Michael Robotham‘s clean prose and whipcrack pacing. The result? A book you won‘t be able to put down, although you may occasionally want to hide your eyes.‘” Stephen King
This was extremely good! Michael Robotham knows how to write psychological thrillers! Sure there are plenty of unexpected twists and turns, but what makes this one fantastic is the depth of the story. He takes the reader to such unexpected levels. He makes you feel for every character, regardless of their poor decisions. The ending is a bit of a mind bender and allows for a bit of reader interpretation. #MountTBR
I read this book really quickly, for me. Kind of eery because the main character is totally a sociopath, but I could totally relate to her and her story so.. an interesting read. The ending was predictable, but overall an entertaining story
Way too much focus on motherhood, it seemed like the only value these women had was to have and raise kids
Early comparisons with Girl on the Train or Eleanor Oliphant are soon forgotten as the novel picks up pace in a series of oh-my-god twists. None of the characters are particularly admirable, and yet even the worst of them never totally forfeits our sympathy. The last few chapters are a rollercoaster. Great read.
I'm sure many of us can identify ;)
This was an odd one for me. A great story, good writing, fast paced, but I didn‘t really care about any characters, to make me care what happened. A decent read. Just a bit off for me.
Recommended by a friend. What was the last great recommendation you had?
The snow is deep and still coming down!
I have a work event I have to go to, but when I get back, I‘m starting my next book! #24B4Monday #24in48
Excellent! This book is filled with a lot of surprises.
Thank you Ali for your lovely gifts 😁 I love my katet mug so much 💕. Have a lovely Christmas 🎄 will catch up in the New Year x
Prepare yourself. I have never read Stephen King. I spotted his review of this novel and thought this would get me a bit closer to the act of actually picking up a Stephen King book. I wasn‘t prepared for the psychological ride that this thriller took me on. I‘m certain Gollum from LotR is buried in one of these characters. So disturbing, and hard to put down.
This book was just OK for me. I have to learn to stop reading books that are compared to The Woman on the Train, because it won't be as good. It took me a long time to read this book and I was really just looking for a fast thriller that I couldn't put down. What I got was slow and very put-downable.
Complete craziness...
So a couple of days ago, I noticed my coworker reading the tagged book and became excited because I had read it to and enjoyed it. Today she asked me for more book recommendations and I felt like a kid in the candy store getting to share my favorite treats with her. My list that I gave her was then copied for some of my other coworkers who wanted to read too. Hopefully they enjoy them as much as I did and want more recommendations! 😀📚😀📚
I listened to this going to work. Many surprises, very unpredictable. I would recommend this!!!
This was good! Psychological thriller with lots of crazy.
“I screamed to wake the sleeping and rattle the air and lift birds from the trees...Mr Bowler may have robbed me of my childhood, but my mother and stepfather stole my future” page 155
A thriller about two pregnant women and a kidnapping, the rave reviews of this book led to high expectations for me. Overall I enjoyed it, but the twist I kept hoping for never came. I knew the ending before page 35ish and I was right. There were some moments that felt clumsy to me, like the author watched a Lifetime movie about motherhood for research. I'm making it sound worse than it was; it was very readable and quick. A solid not bad.
Just finished this book yesterday. It was a very quick read along with being suspenseful and entertaining. I can see this as a book which could one day be a film on the big screen. #michaelrobotham
1.) Post a picture from this past weekend ⬆️ spent the entire weekend with my beautiful little brainiac daughter at University of Miami 🙌 (This is her⬆️)
2.) No, I do not like reality TV 😱
3.) American Queen by Sierra Simone ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.) Bookmarks or totes? Totes💞
5.) Most recent book purchase: The Secrets She Keeps (see above)
A story of heartbreak, a tale of hope. This book is a delicious journey into despair, with stops at love and disappointment along the way. I felt waves of emotion as I read this book, anger and empathy fought for dominance but ultimately I was left with a burning urge to keep reading.
I love it❣️
My son‘s girlfriend let me borrow this and I am thoroughly enjoying it. He is reading more now too so she is definitely a good influence on him 😁
I have been busy celebrating my son‘s 19th Birthday. Pizza and cards night, very low key. And now my reward is some reading time 📖
Agatha and Meghan are both pregnant but they both have secrets that will effect both of their lives in a major way. I really enjoyed this book and I didn't want to put it down. I did figure out one of the early twist but it didn't take anything away from the book.
It maybe the first day of Spring, but here where I live in Maryland we are getting our first big snow storm of the year! ❄️📚❄️📚❄️
This had a few problems - namely that Michael Robotham doesn't really get women.
He vastly overestimates how much someone like Meg would know or care about her husband's work as a sportscaster, for instance.
Meg also refers to a former rival at one point as 'the Italian job', which again, really?
As an audiobook, repeated internal dialogue like 'she knows...she knows' can only be read with so many inflections.
But on the whole it was fun.
First Audio Book, I‘ve always heard my own voice as a narrator. This is new.
Loving this story of 2 women who both have skeletons in their closets.
🏡🦄🍫💚🐲🍬❤🍭💛🍪💙 #TisTheSeason #NIHGingerbreadHouseContest
This story involves 2 pregnant women & the lengths they'll go to protect their offspring, therefore figured I'd pair my review with this enchanting Carasel #GingerbreadHouse, a symbol of child wonderment & fun❣
First Robotham book that I haven't loved. 😔
It started very slow & dragged on for me. Plus I found the plotline pretty predictable unfortunately.
Overall just average.
It was okay. Reminded me of a lifetime movie. Drama galore.
Trying to read as many books as I can this Christmas break. I‘m excited about this one!
📖🍚🥄#LazySunday #CurrentRead #PsychologicalThriller
My new read & a warm bowl of cream of wheat on this chilly Sunday afternoon.
Robotham is an 'auto-read' author for me- i.e I'll read anything he writes.
Most of his books are usually part of his 'Joseph O'Loughlin' series but this one is a stand alone.
I think this one took me awhile, but I had just read one with a similar storyline.. but it was worth it. I enjoy his writing style, could have used a little more shockers though. 🤪 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is good, but I‘m hoping it gets better now.. as it‘s taking me too long to get through 😤🤔
Well, I finished my second graphic novel at 3am this morning when I couldn‘t sleep.. so now I‘m going to try to get back into the tagged book.. I‘m struggling with it, hence my sticking 2 graphic novels and being in the process of another book in the middle of it. But I‘ll try it again now before I start to be productive! 😉
This should be a good #currentread ! I will get the rest of that library sticker off before I‘m done too, since someone obviously used the wrong kind 🤬🤯🤫
These lovelies were waiting for my at work yesterday.. I should have some more to share today when I get there! 😆 📚 📚📚📚