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A Dog's Life
A Dog's Life | Peter Mayle
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The author chronicles the exploits of Boy, his clever canine companion, from the dog's perspective, from his humble beginnings to joining the Mayle household to his adventures throughout France
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A Dog's Life | Peter Mayle
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Today‘s adventures in teleworking:

Monday morning is not starting off too stellar.

Co-worker no. 1 refuses to do any work until he‘s been adequately compensated. Meanwhile, co-worker no. 2 lurks suspiciously in the background. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

squirrelbrain I love love love your posts about your co-workers! They make me smile every time! 🐶 🐱❤️ 5y
Grace_Reads The cat in the background looks jealous 5y
wanderinglynn @squirrelbrain I‘m so happy to hear that you like these posts. ❤️ My fur babies make me laugh & we certainly need to laugh right now. This is why I post them. 5y
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wanderinglynn @LLAMA_LOLA_GRACIE he probably is because he‘s on a diet! 😂 5y
Grace_Reads 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 5y
Meaw_catlady 🥰🥰🥰 love this! 5y
ElizaMarie I feel like Coworker #2 is grumpy its Monday! One of those “I am not awake awake until noonish and even then don't talk to me“

Love this pic!
Slajaunie 😂😂 I love it! 5y
jb72 So cute! 5y
PurpleTulipGirl You have adorable co-workers! 5y
AlaMich I think it may be time for some compliance training for your co-workers. I know a great website...😆 5y
wanderinglynn @ElizaMarie I feel the same way. Mondays should not start until noonish. 😂 5y
wanderinglynn @AlaMich thanks! 😂 they do need some telework etiquette training for sure! 5y
CBee I‘m sure you mentioned it somewhere, but what are your fur babies‘ names? 5y
AmyG Too freaking cute. 5y
ljuliel Your posts are the kind we need more of in here. Very cute to use your pets for your coworkers . 🐕 🐈 5y
wanderinglynn @CBee Dexter (🐶) & Theodore J. “Teddy” Fitzcatrick (🐱) 5y
wanderinglynn @AmyG thank you ☺️ 5y
wanderinglynn @ljuliel thanks! ☺️ I have to do something to keep myself entertained. So I make up stories about my pets‘ lives. 😉 5y
CBee @wanderinglynn I love it!!! 5y
Butterfinger I enjoy your posts so much. 5y
JoScho Adorable! 5y
eri.reads Lol, my co-worker and your co-worker no. 1 must be conspiring! 🐶🐾🤣 5y
wanderinglynn @eri.reads 😂 I suspected he‘d been doing some under-the-table deals 😉 5y
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A Dog's Life | Peter Mayle
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I have not been that active on Litsy the last few days. My dog Scout (left) was in a terrible accident Saturday 2 am. He is currently still in the hospital, but is finally recovering. On the right is a puppy that was dumped on our doorstep Saturday night. Needless to say stress has been high and overwhelming, but I‘m grateful that my Scout has survived and will be coming home. Thank you all for understanding. I apologize for missing the readathon.

BookwormAHN I‘m glad your dog is getting better, hugs 💕 5y
hermyknee Sending loving thoughts your way ♥️♥️♥️ I am happy to hear that Scout will be okay! Also, I can‘t believe someone dumped a puppy at your door. Do you have an ASPCA in your area? 5y
BeansPage OMG sweetie I didn't know. I'm so very very sorry. But so very very glad that Scout will make it through this. Sending you all lots of love ❤️❤️❤️🤗❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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TheSpineView So glad Scott is on the mend! We love our fur babies! The nerve of people dumping a pet like it is garbage! Grrrrr... It makes me mad!!! I worked as the CFO for 4 years at the local humane society and it is heart breaking the number of homeless pets. 5y
jb72 @hermyknee No we live in a rural area in a county with no money. Dumped pets if collected by animal control do not fare well in this area. Plus many places outside the county charge to take in strays. 5y
jb72 @BookwormAHN @TheReadingMermaid @hermyknee Thanks for the love ❤️ it is greatly appreciated. 5y
jb72 @TheSpineView Homeless pets are such a heartbreaking issue. I can‘t believe people dump animals anywhere. But with shelters being full I‘m not sure of options. We are taking care of the puppy for now. If Scout likes him we will keep him. If not we will find him a good home. 5y
hermyknee @jb72 ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
TheSpineView @jb72 That is so sweet of youa That pup is one lucky guy! 😍 5y
Redwritinghood How terrible! Glad to hear he‘s on the mend. 💕💕 5y
Dolly Oh dear, sincere best healing wishes to you and Scout and the pup. 🐶 5y
jb72 @Dolly Thank you 😊 5y
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A Dog's Life | Peter Mayle
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Winners of most bookish dogs!

A Dog's Life | Peter Mayle
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Happy New Year to all! 2018 is the year of the dog, so Rin of House ShihTzu, Tokyo cadet branch, is very excited!

batsy Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🐶 7y
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A Dog's Life | Peter Mayle
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This dog is so spoiled! He's laid up on my husband's side of the bed on his pillow. I don't think my hubby will care. Tubbs is his coon hunting dog and his baby. #dogsoflitsy

Laura317 Sweet face! What‘s the story in his name? It‘s different. 7y
Tamra This is just like our Lab! 😂 7y
GoldenGirl @Laura317 He was the fattest puppy ever! My husband chose the name (even tho I preferred Gordo). He's slimmed up a lot since his puppy days. 7y
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A Dog's Life | Peter Mayle
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I have had my sweet Daisy for about a year and a half. During that time, I have fought a desperate battle to keep her off of my furniture. Today I decided to just give up and give her a couch. I got her pillows and a very, fuzzy blanket. She LOVES blankets. I must be getting soft in my old age 😂

Karkar I tried to keep the girls off my couch and out of my bed....i went out of town for work came back a week later and my husband had thrown it all out the window. 😂😂🐾🐾 7y
Bostonmomx2 I couldn't keep my dogs off the furniture or the bed for anything lol 7y
Melkyl @Karkar Yes! My husband has been undermining my efforts the entire time. Thank goodness he did not act like that with our actual children! 7y
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Melkyl @Bostonmomx2 My last dog was so well-behaved. She never got on the furniture. Daisy is so good, but she just loves to be on furniture and beds. I obviously have given up. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan My mom's dog had her own chair. She'd glare at people who sat in it. Sometimes it's just easier to let them have their way. 7y
EvieBee Awww! 7y
Scurvygirl My greyhound never got on the furniture, River on the other hand... let's just say she sleeps under the covers with me.😹 7y
Bostonmomx2 @Scurvygirl mine do the same! I wouldn't have it any other way 😊😊❤️🐶 7y
LauraBrook Life is too short, and pets give us so much! 7y
JazzFeathers And these furry kids are born knowing exactly how to manipulate us 😆 7y
AceOnRoam Daisy 1, Melanie 0 7y
readinginthedark Awwww 😍 7y
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A Dog's Life | Peter Mayle
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Dog story time

GypsyKat Sweeties! 💗💗💗 7y
LeahBergen Aww!! Don't read them Cujo, no matter how much they beg. They aren't old enough yet. 😉 7y
KarenUK Love them! 🐶🐶💕 7y
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mrp27 😍😍 7y
Simona 😍😍😍😍 7y
Tanzy13 🐶🐶 7y
Wife Adorable!🌹 7y
ReadingEnvy 😍 7y
SusanInTiburon Reading out loud is good for dogs and other human beings. 7y
rachellayown @GypsyKat @LeahBergen @KarenUK @mrp27 @Simona @Tanzy13 @Wife @ReadingEnvy @SusanInTiburon Thank you. We were dog sitting and my son got the adorable idea to read to them. It was too sweet not to capture and share! 7y
rachellayown And @LeahBergen 😂😂😂 7y
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